Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Blind Item #2

No matter how often I write about them here or the rest of the world shares on social media, it seems this former tweener turned A- list singer/former reality judge just can't start treating her fans with anything but contempt. I just wrote about her two weeks ago treating a fan like crap and now she is treating dozens and dozens at a time like crap all while raking in huge amounts of money for it and then going on social media and telling her fans that if it is not good enough for them that she treats you like crap for your hard earned money that she will just stop meeting them all together. She won't though because she wants that money.


  1. Couldn't be anybody else but Demi Lobitcho. Can't wait for her to bitch about people not appreciating her genius and blah blah blah when her fans grow up and realize what an asshole she is.

  2. can't believe she's considered a- list

  3. @nonyabusiness, same. she's the first person that comes to mind, but I can't believe she's considered a-list. Maybe I'm just old

  4. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Maybe Demi just wants to lead a normal life.

    Miley Cyrus talked about it on a radio interview. She said she was terrified while playing Hannah Montana. Total strangers running at her in airports, screaming.

  5. Until her fans wake up and realize that she's a POS, whatcha gunna do? I can't stand her. Anyone that's "lucky" enough to become famous and be able to do your dream job and then have the nerve to treat the people who put you there like a piece of shit, fuck em. Ungrateful, whiny bish.

  6. There have been a lot of complaints on social media and a Reddit thread about Demi's behavior at Meet and Greets. She replied that if people don't like them she might as well not do them.

  7. Dont know a Demi song, couldnt name a Demi show...Is she that short, sqaure bisexual cutter who used to swing from the nuts of that douchey 70s guy? (I know...which one?);)

  8. If we're going to hype Demi being another broken Disney product then let's at least enjoy this:

  9. Poot lovato needs to chill if she wants to keep calling others bullies

  10. Anonymous8:57 AM

    It sounds like a femdom situation...Demi the dom and the fans the subjects

  11. She was on Dr. Phil yesterday with her handler. I still can't figure out why.

    1. @TW promoting CAST makes you think it may be similar to that church🤔

    2. @ginger falls thank you. Explains why I was confused. I was right about the man being her handler then.

      Dr. Phil-Bad is blatantly advertising programming facilities because he knows the general public thinks they are conspiracy theories. The public should ask themselves why the government admitted to project MK Ultra & other similar projects...

  12. I know someone who works for a small company. They sent Demi one of their products, hoping she would use it and that it would appear in her social media. She wrote back that she would for (IIRC) $200,000. They declined.

  13. If Demi wants to lead a normal life she has choices. Like quit the spotlight. Go to college. Travel incognito. Go to Africa and save some rhinos. Hopefully she saved her money or whoever is managing it is honest.

    And yes honey if you don't like Meet and Greets then don't have them but then don't complain when you got less money in your pocket. Or maybe go back to rehab and try some sober living for a year away from show biz.

  14. Who are these dimbulb fans?!? I'm baffled that these insufferable c*nts like Demi Ho-twatto have _ANY_ fans let alone those that are willing and able to shell out these supposed big bucks.

  15. Well Justin Bieber gets away with his bad behaviour so Demi must figure she can to cough cough - again I don't get him. He looks miserable all the time- even his appearances on talk shows. I actually felt sorry for him on one of the UK talk shows. You wanted this boy and you look absolutely miserable.

    Be careful what you wish for you might just get it.

  16. Billboard I think had a great chart that showed up just how much money each concert makes - I always liked to look at number of seats in venue vs number of tickets sold. Wonder if I can find that for Demi-kins. Nothing like a half empty venue to give you a bad mood.

  17. I heard something on the radio this morning about Demi Lovato saying that she had suicidal thoughts at the age of 7. I'm sure that she was one of those child stars chewed up and spit out and chewed up again by directors, producers and other handlers. She's obviously damaged and probably despises her fans because ultimately she despises herself.

  18. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Not to sound apathetic, but I can kinda understand her. People are the absolute worst. Holding up prince charming hand mirrors/cell phones snapping reflections of themselves CONSTANTLY! Walking around like they can treat the world however they please. No respect. Who would disagree that people today are completely unrecognizable? Complete lack of civility in the social world. Complete.

    And how many F***ing selfies do you F***ing need with the celebrity. One or two is never enough. It’s rude. The thinking that just because you are alive, everyone everywhere, the entire world, owes you something. It’s not like Ariana Grande who outright wants them all dead, or hates America. Demi just wants some privacy from the massing leeches. I mean, it’s not enough you performed for me, I want a blood sample too?

    Who here disagrees with me? How many selfies do you take in a day? Disgusting! Is it any wonder why Mark Zuckerberg called Facebook users Dumb F***s for using Facebook. The world indeed has a sickness. But we are light years from knowing just what that illness is.

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  21. Demi Levato annoys the heck out of me. I couldn't name one single song of hers, nor have I ever seen anything she's been in. But thanks to DM headlines I know everything about her private drama. Every single fucking day there's a new front page article about her eating disorder, her addictions, her suicidal thoughts.

    I've been through tough times myself; I'd never make light of mental illness. But she seems like a professional victim. Does she have anything going for her besides her 'struggles'? Is she good at what she does? She's not that pretty imo; she's a bully and completely devoid of charisma, so she better be talented.

    Okay, wait, I CAN name one of her songs...'Sorry not sorry'. Even the name of that song annoys the heck out of me.

  22. Demi Lovato is NOT A list she is only popular with the Teen and early 20s crowd. Thé is NOT as famous as Ariana Grande who is popular worldwide.



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