Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Blind Item #7

This permanent A list singer who no longer actually sings or really does much dancing at all on stage despite how she used to move, is in a new ad campaign. The problem is, even they didn't really know what to do with those new lips of hers that are all sorts of wonky.


  1. Britney for sure. She's no longer herself. She looks like a clown, so pathetic. Goes to show that it doesn't matter how much success, fame or money they attain, they're never happy with what they have, not even with their own faces.

  2. Yeah, she's got that Winona lobotomized thing going on. It's fucking painful to watch the original coked up whore Queen end up like this. The finest piece of ass in Christendom at one point in time. For youngsters reading these blinds go on YT and watch her sing Toxic or I'm a slave 4 U. Still fap to that, not ashamed to admit.

    1. Toxic was catchy as shit
      I was more of a Aaliyah guy myself
      Another victim

  3. Virginia. Britney is literally insane, I mean she's like schizo or uncontrolled bi-polar or something. Just to get her out of bed in the morning without hearing the demons she has to be dosed in massive amounts of anti psychotics. Truth be told the girl shouldn't be working, but bills to pay etc.

  4. What's the ad campaign?

    Also, doesn't Britney have some sort of Vegas gig? Actually, it looks like she's touring this summer. She's playing Radio City Music Hall in June.

  5. Maybe its Madonna and its vaginal lips. She's gotta be due for new ones by now.

  6. That Kenzo ad of Brit in the laceup boots is hilarious. Her legs are nowhere near that long. She has stumpy cheerleader legs.

  7. Brit Brit looked unrecognizable in the ad. I had to look twice.

  8. I was thinking Paula Abdul, just to be different..

  9. She's not a clown or pathetic. She's a woman with a mental illness and children and a family that seemingly has tried to save her life which is more than most of these parents do.

    Comments like those are why people with mental illness don't get helped.

    Since you like to shit on ill people, I wonder what your diagnosis is with your lack of empathy and judgmental self.

    1. @Jane 👍🏼

    2. Half the people in these blind items have some sort of mental illness but still get talked about. Britney fans always try to censor people from talking about her like she’s exempt. She’s a talentless drone who needs to retire and focus on herself and her kids.

  10. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Brit for Kenzo

  11. Broken by Disney and years of SRA. Tragic.

  12. If it's Brit and Kenzo the photoshop department did a great job because she looked really good in the ad pics I saw yesterday. And if a photoshopper can't fix faults, they should be fired.

    1. She's so photoshopped that she doesn't look like herself. She looks great though.

  13. @Vessimede Barstool, she SHOULD be working, it keeps her occupied! The last thing a mentally ill addict with a ton of money needs is lots of spare time. That's a deadly combination.

    1. She can do a plethora of activities that don’t involve the spotlight. She’s rich and has access to vast resources.

  14. @Jayne My diagnosis is that I'm not a brainless fan like you most likely are.

  15. @Jayne @Elissa


    The only thing keeping Brit relatively stable is work (and lots of meds.) She is defying the stereotype of the Sexy Girl crashing and burning from mental demons (like the blonde in every horror movie that has to be killed first in graphic detail), and I so love that.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. She's completely different in the kenzo campaign...

  18. Brit seems to love the spotlight, as was obvious during her breakdown. If she can use it to perform and pay the bills, more power to her.

    "She can do a plethora of activities that don’t involve the spotlight."

    Which she does. Google her charitable foundation.

  19. Was her pics photoshopped to death or did she have surgery?

  20. What about J-Lo for Guess Jeans?

  21. @aaaahh88L, it is a combo of both. Her nose is so thin now - she used to have a wide nose. She got one nose job when she got famous, but this one makes her look like Faith Hill.

    Forget her "wonky lips", her NOSE changed her face.

  22. When I saw those Kenzo ads on Lainey yesterday or Monday (can't remember) I honestly would have had NO idea it was Britney if it wasn't in the title of the post. Looked NOTHING like Brit, but I couldn't figure out if it was her nose or her mouth. Yeesh.

  23. Her old nose was so cute wth? Why? Celebs are starting to all look like creepy plastic dolls and i blame the kardasians, lol. But seriously she's a mom trying her best with a mental illness, can we find empathy here, somewhere? I think her las vegas residency made her bucket loads of money. So kudos to her dad for snatching her back from the brink of madness. Family love matters if you're headed towards the darkness. Saw a snippet of her with her sons at some kid movie premiere. Her son was obviously shy and not into all the flashing camera lights. You can see her whisper "Are you ok ?" And he shakes his head and she immediately ushers him to the side, protecting his feelings. I love a good comeback story especially when people manage a mental illness and thrive. Congrats to her on her new campaign.

  24. All the female celebs seem to want the button noses of anime characters these days. The most distracting for me is Elizabeth Olsen's. Can't watch her movies. All I can think about is WTF she did to her nose.

    +1 Halloweenie.

    Britney is a success story over mental illness and an overexposed life, as far as I'm concerned.

  25. Um, sooner or later people will finally see the videos
    of Britney Spears singing with her real voice
    and realize that, she, like JLo, belongs in the MV Hall of Fame,
    because without autotune, she sounds absolutely terrible.

    So her entire career is a sham and her fame is borrowed.

    PROOF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY IS FAKE, Everybody is using
    autotune and lip-syncing

    Hear her "singing" (horribly) in concert:

    So it's sad that the paps drove her around the bend.
    But let's face it, she's been a fraud all along.

  26. Mad Hominem (love your nym!)

    Yes, everything is pretty much fake in the music industry now. It sucks but there you have it. Look into bluegrass or classical or small zydeco and country bands for anything real.

    BUT, Britney still deserves all the happiness she can currently muster. One thing you might not be aware of is that Britney, unlike BeYAWNce and others, did not ever ask for writing credits in her music. That's one of the reasons pop writers offered her their tunes first and she graciously let them profit exclusively from their efforts. That is mighty magnanimous, if you ask me, and very smart.

  27. For anyone wondering, Britney had the "turnbill" surgery on her upper lip, as did Khloe Kardashian quite awhile ago, and that's why she looks like the joker now.

    It is a surgery that turns the upper lip upward and tucks a piece of skin up behind the nose with the goal of giving one a larger expanse of upper lip exposed. Didn't work out so well for Britney (never should have touched it) and it is not reversible.

    And yes the new nose is too thin but the lips are the real problem.

  28. @Virginia you don't have to be a fan of someone to have empathy for them. She's obviously troubled and you're obviously heartless

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. @hunter

    Thanks for that insight into plastic surgery, it was very interesting to read. But very sad, as well :-(

    So it's not reversible... poor Britney. I've been wondering for a long time if she doesn't realize how awful her new lips look and why she doesn't just stop getting injections.

    Why didn't her dad keep her from doing that to herself? You'd think that with the conservatorship and everything, she couldn't go under the knife without his approval.

  31. @Hayley

    See, I'm the kind of person who has empathy for people who actually deserve it, not for these fake idols selling lies to the -dumb- masses.

  32. If you want to blame anyone, blame her parents. It's not Britney's fault. There's far worse people out there than her

  33. When people overly hate on celebs they've never met, it days nothing about the celeb, only about the commenter. You can learn alot about someone's lack of self esteem by how they attack others, warranted or not. It comes off as jealous, desperate, and creepy.

  34. @Hayley

    I blame society, I couldn't care less about Britney. It's society that consumes these fake idols that obviously take advantage of how ignorant the masses are. And I have trouble with all the plastic surgery because these "artists" have children and teenagers among their audiences and these kids feel miserable because there's no natural way to look like they do. I blame the industry, of course, because it doesn't seem to be possible to have a career in entertainment without changing your appearance to look like they all do, I find it so pathetic and sad... above all, sad.

  35. @Court b

    Go read a book, visit a museum or travel around to see if you find real idols, real heroes, and then come back and defend them, and maybe we'll have an interesting and intelligent discussion...

  36. WOw JUST WOW. Ppl really are mean arent they? Britney looks amazing, she has for the last several years. I see her daily pics on Instagram and she has nothing new with her lips.
    SHe is also BiPolar. to those that are making jokes about this disease. You may need to seek help. It does not make you psycho, as long as you are medicated, and most bi-polar ppl are normal, hard-working ppl. My husband happens to be one, he spent 10 years serving this country, seen things that keyboard warriors have no clue about.
    Britney has been medicated properly since her break. Which was not a "break" but a manic episode that is easily controlled. She is able to work, and take care of her boys. She appears to be very lonely with the restrictions on her, which is why she seems to post every day on Instagram.
    I am just shocked at ppl. I do not know why anymore, this world really makes me cry

  37. " fake idols"

    Aren't all idols fake, ultimately? They are human, therefore flawed from the get go.

    Maybe we shouldn't put anyone on a pedestal but still appreciate when they overcome adversity.

  38. @plot—

    We generally put these idols up on a pedestal because
    they're exceptional, and because they have a talent
    that the rest of us just don't have.

    Granted, I hope she's feeling better and focused in her life,
    but Britney Spears never had any talent to begin with.

    There's a big difference between flawed and fraud.

  39. I'd say Britney did have...something...that all the other pop singers after her do not have. No, I can't explain it. Maybe it was simply the crazy, I don't know.

    We have to wait for history to thin out the herd, so to speak, on who deserves the title of exceptional. The advent of recording is very new, actually, and for most of our history we could only admire people who left a permanent mark like sculpture or painting or written compositions. It won't be in our lifetimes that what is exceptional will be judged from this wall of noise our era has produced. We can guess, but we don't get the final judgement.

    Might as well enjoy what we can.

  40. Never has it been in any way proven that this little shit had a mental illness, thats all on fan forums, what HAS coem out is what a raging druggy she was and that was even why she lost her kids apart from being a shitty spoilt little ass.

  41. ^^^^Kevin federline? Justin Timberlake, is that you?



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