Saturday, March 24, 2018

Blind Item #9

There is a movie filming in New Orleans right now that no one will see. I mean, I am saying that because it looks like crap although it is about a permanent A list rock band. Anyway, one of the actresses in it that no one has heard of probably until this blind was in a show last year about porn no one watched. Well, except for one sheikh. He loved it. He saw her filming in town and had an intermediary offer her $50K for one night of sex. Now, that is more money than she has earned in the past several years combined from acting, so of course she was interested. She says she went by the house on St. Charles and then something scared her about the house and she walked away. She said it had an evil vibe. She went home and Googled the house and she found the blind about the house and this is where it gets freaky. About ten minutes after her Google search, someone from the sheikh called and said he didn't think green would be a good color for her to wear. That was the color she was wearing right then. She turned off the phone for two days and used a burner phone for filming. When she turned back on her phone, she expected to see a bunch of missed calls or texts. Nope. Her phone had been scrubbed of all conversations with the sheikh and his people. It was like it never existed. She thought she was losing her mind but remembered she sent a copy of the message containing the address she was sent to a friend. That friend still had that one message. For now.


  1. The Deuce for the show about porn no one watched.

    1. Watched it for research purposes. It was awful.
      Tell her to get of the grid and I'm curious to know which sheikh.
      Could have some fun there, akhi, what you are doing is haram.

    2. Green is the color of jannah

    3. I research porn all the time.

  2. Did google sleuthing. The Dirt for the movie about Motley Crüe. Kabby Borders for actress. Tv show was Exposed.

  3. Much better guess than mine. No one on The Deuce seems to be shooting anything in N.O.

  4. LOL the director of The Dirt's headshot.

  5. Has The Deuce ever did anything bad? It looks like a go to answer on some blinds

  6. here is the blind on the house

  7. Looks like whatever kind of revolution was being waged in the shadows is over and the bad guys have come out back on top. This actress best be careful out there. :-(

  8. The Deuce hasn't done "anything bad", smz, other than continue to employ James Franco in spite of the allegations against him.

  9. This is why you should keep the camera lens on your laptop covered. Creepy as hell.

  10. Pretty sure there is relatively simple software to remove texts like this.

  11. Well done, @bonestructure!

  12. Glad she listened to her gut - she may have become the subject of a much more tragic future blind.

  13. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Kabby Borders, shooting The Dirt. Porn show is Exposed.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. It can't be too difficult to buy an app that deletes both sides of a IM convo.

  16. @aimless Spectator,unfortunately, real life is becoming too unbelievable as well.I'm sure some parts of this and every blind are changed. The problem with this is it was too easy to solve.

  17. Thanks, @Guesser, for the comment.

    Problem may be SOME kernal of fact involved in Enty stories, as liars usually include SOME grain of truth if they can, so there will often be at least slight "confirmation", as the phrase "confirmation bias" in research parlance uses it. That small grain of truth is usually the basis for immense fictional spin that isn't credible in an Enty blind.

    Consider the recent hype about the Glee star having "defensive wounds" on his hands, making it sound like a staged rather than real suicide. But I read the entire autopsy report because of Enty's hype over the death and clearly those were NOT defensive wounds and not even on his hands. They were cut marks up on the wrist, consistent with a sincere suicide attempt: "up the block, not across the street". He got a 30 day psych hold out of this.

    Now I've had some desparate calls from people with extreme anti-psychiatric bias because a relative has gone into a California Health and Safety Code section 5150 72-hour involuntary psychiatric detention. In almost every case, the psych ward will flush them out before the 72 hours are up, so it was pointless to hire me to go to court and spring them. They desparately need those beds so badly that you have to be in extremely high risk categories to even last the full 72 hours before being flushed out with some chat and a prescription for pills. To get a 30 day hold as a result of the initial hold you must be in very high peril of actually killing yourself. They just need those scarce beds too desparately for anything else to be the case in Los Angeles County. The guy was obviously seriously suicidal.

    Sad thing is, gay males have a very elevated suicide rate, but this fact is sloughed off to spin a stupid story that doesn't even get the nature of the wounds right. It's very callous to exploit tragedy this way.

    Also, it wasted my time, as I didn't have any motive to read one more autopsy report than I need to, and Enty's hype was the sole motive for my reading that one.

    1. Nope. He was murdered.
      Don't do this. Guy Fawkes was a Church op.

    2. Thanks, that clears some things up in my opinion!

    3. It’s called being a “j-cat”. Only certain people, who’ve been in certain places know that phrase.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Enty puts himself over as a credible source of information on Google, gotta love that shit Entern! Go to New Orleans walk down any street with century old houses they give you the creeps because of the background of Cajuns and everybody else who lives in the old City.

  19. Only -90 IQ or spoopy-shills believes Glee-pedo commit "unassisted" suicide. That guy had the goods on lots-and-lots. That he wasn't better protected means LE-FBI were in on it.

    Take your bullshit to another thread. Just Jarod. Or reddit maybe? Better traction.

  20. Nodes of evil in the US: San Francisco, Valley in LA, Four corners area southwest, Austin, New Orleans, the village, especially east side, NYC. Oh, and the Pentagon. Do you seriously think they built a pentagon for efficiency? If so, then why has no other building ever been designed that way?

    Sensitive people feel the bad vibes just rolling into a place like New Orleans.

    Yes, evil is generally housed in people. But there are places where is congregates/concentrates and coagulates.

    1. Add in Chicago, Vegas and all of New Jersey, and I think you got the top spots.

  21. Arab sheikhs pay millions to shit and piss on women, literally. This girl is lucky she didn't go through with it. The hatred these Arabs have for women knows no bounds.

  22. Wow. Tons and tons of comments thinking this blind is bullshit have been removed.

  23. Poor girl! The whole thing is so creepy.

  24. More random things have happened. I believe this blind is entirely possible.

  25. @Carrie Howes thanks for posting those links; i have a hard time finding older items here sometimes.

  26. This story is a bit of non-sequitur, I think. Why was she walking by the House in St Charles, and why is this relevant to the story? Just because she was in New Orleans? Or is it that the "Sheik" (whatever) wanted to meet there perhaps?
    As far as the them knowing about the dress and the messages, simply the phone was tapped, plenty of pesky private companies who can provide the tools to achieve that.

  27. Anonymous8:41 AM

    What kind of porn does no one watch? And why make a show about it?

  28. @Geeljire,

    Wasn't directing my comments to you it conscience or ego...wanna aim at the proper wasted ammo.

    Are you and Plot in cahoots? Good-vs-bad-guy-glow-in-the-dark-larp-team. Yikes.

  29. Kabby Borders is a leading lady and quickly rising star. Kabby is the lead of EXPOSED, a new 10-part series for BLACKPILLS, MANNY FILMS & VICE portraying "Jessika" a rising porn star, a gritty, demanding role in the vein of THE GIRLFRIEND EXPERIENCE. The series is directed by Barthelemy Grossmann and produced by Philippe Gompel.

    In feature film, Kabby most recently wrapped a role in GAME NIGHT opposite Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams. Kabby played the lead of TOXIC SHARK, a thriller in the vein of "The Shallows". She stars in the indy gem 80's coming-of-age comedy PITCHING TENTS opposite BooBoo Stewart, directed by Jacob Cooney. She is the lead and Muse of the art house dark thriller INTIMARE, the leads the SyFy feature DAM SHARKS, and the Heroine of SyFy horror THEY FOUND HELL; Kabby is the ultimate teen temptress "Maureen" in the coming-of-age feature COMING THROUGH THE RYE starring Chris Cooper; she is the perfect 1950's cheerleader in The Weinstein Company's THE FOUNDER directed by John Lee Hancock starring Michael Keaton; and in the indy feature LOOK AWAY starring Matthew Brodrick and Chloe Sevigny ("Carolyn"), Kabby plays the soulful, damaged "Young Carolyn".

    In addition to her work in feature films, Kabby's television credits include a Guest Star role on MTV's LOOSELY EXACTLY NICOLE, as well as SHOWTIME's RAY DONOVAN, David Winkler's pilot THE PICTURE set in 1970 Hollywood, a small role on NETFLIX's hit show ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK. She is the co-lead in COSMO GIRLS, a pilot for VH1 & Blumhouse Productions. Kabby is incredibly versatile, shooting several national commericals in the past year, including a major campaign directed by Jim Sheridan. Her performance on stage at The Complex Theater in Hollywood won rave reviews, starring as the bombshell vixen Eliza in
    BLANK, an original play by Bruce Reitman.

    Kabby is originally from Kentucky, has a flawless Southern accent (when she wants it) and speaks conversational French. She is a graduate of Elon University with a Bachelor of Arts in Theater. She has also worked in many commercials, most recently a national spot of Amazon Prime.

    Kabby's hard to find. Looks like she is trying to backtrack out of social media. There's an instagram account that I haven't looked into but it really looks like she's in the deep end of the pool already.

  30. It will be a huge bummer if the movie sucks so bad that it doesn't even get released. Honestly, after seeing how the band was cast, aside from MGK, the rest were pretty bad choices. They waited too long to make the movie and now the cast is all vapid millenials.

  31. @Aimless Spectator,while I know what you mean,but Enty has some kind of track record. This blind seems to have,been told to him by a woman who may have wanted to be tied I to the story. If it was all true I would surely not want my name guessed. As for Salling, while I agree getting someone committed is extremely difficult, I have family experience with that, sometimes it takes moving heaven and earth to save a life. But you mentioned gay males at higher risk, Salling had always had girlfriends, including one accusing him of rape,and the known children,in the porn he was found with,were female. I'm not saying he wasn't gay or bisexual, just hadn't heard it. In his case,there are legitimate questions ,especially since there were thoughts about him being killed off before he died,because of his light sentence and his links to well known people in the industry. Suicidal people are more easily suicided,so to speak.

  32. Carrie Howes said...
    Elms Mansion?? Available to rent for events:
    Complete with creepy goat/man satanic pagan bannisters. Can’t get the picture attached but the house is still owned by the Elms Family and L’il Wayne had his Super Bowl party there in 2013:
    Guests included Hayden Panetierre oddly enough 🧐


    The Mansion was built in 1869 for, “Yankee in Gray”, Watson Van Benthuysen II, C.S.A. Born in New York in the early 1830’s, Watson moved to New Orleans in the 1840’s. When the Civil War started, Watson became an officer in the Confederate Army.

    A relative of Jefferson Davis by marriage, Van Benthuysen was the Quartermaster of the Presidential convoy that fled Richmond in April 1865. After the war, he became a prominent New Orleans businessman (a wine and tobacco merchant) and the President of a Saint Charles streetcar company. Van Benthuysen died in his home in 1901.

    From 1931 until the start of WWII, the house served as the German Consulate. From the cellar, the Consul General, Baron Spiegel von und zu Peckelshelm, novelist and former WWI U-boat kapitan, informed the U-boats in the Gulf of Mexico of ship departures from the New Orleans docks.

    In 1952, John Elms Sr., owner of the largest coin operated amusement company in the South, purchased the home. Shortly after Mr. Elms’ death in 1968, the family started using the house for private functions and is today operated by the 3rd generation of the Elms family.

    Certainly a qualifier!

  33. Who is the permanent A list Rock Band?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. might make a better movie than the one filming.



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