Friday, March 23, 2018

Blind Item #4

This A list director is trying to throw his A list ex under the bus because he blames her drinking for their most recent movie together being a bomb. He thinks it was all her fault.


  1. Replies
    1. And “Mother”

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Yup. It’s on
      Seems a little vicious to throw your paramour under the bus like he’s doing

    3. He’s a bit of a doucher. Always been....
      Talk about walk of shame for her... more like a sprint!

  2. Aronofsky and jlaw?

  3. Arronofsky/ Jlaw

  4. Holy fast fingers you 3! Way to go!

  5. *Aronofsky

    I liked Mother!

  6. Good going on us ladies! ;)

  7. Whenever drunken/coked up whore with failed movie is a bl there can only be one answer. She's like a 7 who thinks she's a 10. It's not like you wouldn't want to stick your hand up her ass if she asked you to, it's more the humiliation of her thinking she's doing you a favor.

  8. She was actually excellent in the film, and looked radiant. The problem was the film itself, which was psycho misanthropic baby snuff sickness.

  9. Okay,I haven't even been able to get the keyboard up that quick.😠 But everyone say "I told you so", Arronofsky thinks he's a genius, and we are too stupid to realise it.

  10. Strange wording though "their most RECENT movie together"-they've only done one...

  11. There were more problems with his script than her acting. Blaming her is just a rationalization to avoid responsibility.

  12. He didn't get it was just business. JLaw wanted another Oscar and she thought he could give her one. So she was taking giant dumps on him and calling him daddy and he thought it was true love.

  13. Aronofosky makes boring, pretentious movies. Big budget student films. They look great but there is hardly any story. A movie of just subtext is dull.

  14. I am not a huge JLaw fan (although the hate here tends to make me like her more) but her acting was NOT the problem with that movie. So many problems before we land on acting.

  15. I didn't see the movie (not being a masochist), but the RLM review said it was heavy-handed biblical allegory on the "DO YOU GET IT? DO YOU?!" level. In a clip from the director's commentary, he comes off like a Brooklyn cabbie who thinks he's a complex auteur.

    They also said Lawrence has the same look on her face through the whole movie. Not sure whether that was bad acting or too much botox.

  16. Having seen the Star Wars prequels, I would never blame actors for boring acting without knowing more about the direction they got. Lucas managed to make even Samuel L. Jackson sleep-inducing.

  17. He's an overrated hack and needs to check himself. One good Movie like The Wrestler doeen't make you a great director. He should look at David Lean's body of work then mow the effin lawn to get a sense of reality.

    1. +1 @Spider Rico! It's why I own collector's Blu-rays of BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI and LAWRENCE OF ARABIA while owning zero Aronofsky titles. Not worthy of shelf space.

  18. Mike Stoklasa/Rich Evans

  19. There is no version of Mother! that could possibly have been a success.

  20. So he admits his clunky films need great actors and actresses to carry them.
    You leave the JLaw criticism to us DA, you don't get to stick it and scapegoat it.

  21. @ Vessimede Barstool

    LOL!!! At this point , I'm only coming to CDan for your posts!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. @Ernie McCracken you're a man of great taste, as well as being a slick bowler! Cheers.

  24. He gave us ass-to-ass with jennifer connelly, i can forgive a few poor movies.

  25. +1 DonnaMarie - Aronofsky and JLaw only have one movie together, no "most recent one". What other A list director recently made a movie with an A list actress who is his ex and could be accused of drinking too much?

  26. this guy is the definition of pretentious

  27. This is definitely JLaw/DA. Why are people trying to make it not them? V. irritating. Look, Enty's a drunk and doesn't always get things right, okay?

  28. @Cee Kay - You find it very irritating that people on the Internet have opinions that differ from yours? On celebrity gossip??? I'm no expert, but you may really need to get a life, girl. :D :D :D

  29. Aronofosky is a pretentious POS who makes movies with trite messaging - Dude! Drugs are BAAAAAD! Or Bitches who overexert themselves are CRAAAAAAZY!

    He's a C director and only that high because of The Wrestler.



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