Friday, March 23, 2018

Four For Friday - The Jacuzzi

There were all kinds of areas for couples to get together in this club, but there was one certain Jacuzzi that was the sole domain of this permanent A list actor/singer/entertainer. He would go to Studio 54 for a few hours and find some women to hook up with and to score some coke. If they wanted some of that coke, they would have to leave the club with him and go to a sex club. They would then be taken to his special Jacuzzi. He wouldn't allow them to talk to other men. They all had to stay in the Jacuzzi with him. He would make the women get naked and have sex with each other while he watched. If he didn't think they were trying, or just out for his coke, he would kick them out of the tub, naked and have them escorted by security out of the area. He wouldn't let them retrieve their clothes. More than one of those women was raped or sexually assaulted on her way out of the sex club. He didn't care.

He would keep the women with him for hours and hours as he became more and more drunk and more and more demanding. He loved humiliating them and night after night he would do the same thing with a different group of women. This went on for almost a year straight. Whenever someone says that he was a great guy, I remember how bad he treated all these women and how many had to take a cab in the middle of a NYC winter wearing nothing but a robe because they didn't like the way they had been treated.


  1. Replies
    1. I don’t think so? Frank Sinatra’s worst “vices”, I think were his being buddy-buddies with mobsters.

      And I think I actually have a guess for this one: Plato’s Retreat. 🗽👩🏻🚕🍂💛

      It was a swinger’s club opened in the late ‘70s and shut down in the mid-80’s (by the New York mayor, IIRC) at the height of the AIDS epidemic.

      Only heterosexual/monosexual men and hetero/bi women were allowed in the club (and gay men were banned) to maintain a particular gender ratio (to ensure that there were more women than men in the club).

      I used to frequent the place back in 1981!

    2. On a more serious note: I had no idea women were assaulted/raped there, though. IDK why I just assumed everything that happened there would be consensual.

      That’s so disappointing, I used to think it was a cool place.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not sure if he went to 54 though.

  4. Plato's to scour for who was rumored to be a regular.

  5. I'm going to say Mick Jagger because he did go there and he did some acting in the 70s.


  7. I am thinking this person is no longer living based on "he WAS a great guy" as opposed to "he IS"

  8. Replies
    1. This right here, Sammy Davis, Jr.

  9. Sammy did go to Plato's. Just checked and he also fits.

  10. I was just going to state SD Jr.

    "From its nude Jacuzzi to the orgy-filled “mat room,” at Plato’s Retreat you could have sex next to Sammy Davis Jr., a porn star, or even a bus driver, writes Jon Hart, the director of American Swing."

    1. Having sex near Sammy Davis jr or near a bus driver sounds terrible.

    2. LMAO! What a visual!

    3. LoL@totalj. It does sound awful.. I remember watching a special on TV about Platos retreat in the 80's. Wonder if HIV wiped them out.

  11. Buck Henry? Van Peebles?

  12. That doesn't sound all that fun, tbh.

  13. SD Jr sounds like the one.

  14. "So wait, you're saying that going to a sex club with a celeb for group sex so you can score coke is not a good personal decision? I don't know, have you done your research on this, it seems like a good plan."
    Whore logic.

  15. I hope it is not Sammy Davis Jr I've always respected the man

  16. "If they were just there for his coke"
    Uhhh. Of course that's why they're there

  17. Elvis?
    (In his final days maybe...)?

  18. "This went on for almost a year straight"

    And then there's people like me who haven't been on a date in 2 years.

  19. @Justin, you just need to start offering coke.

  20. No on Elvis. He was a pill man. And in his "final days", he was a bloated mess.

  21. Club was Plato's. Goldie Hawn was also a frequent visitor among others.

  22. mick jagger is out. he would never be described as 'actor/singer/entertainer.' not him.

    sammy davis jr. is the best guess so far, IMO. he was a new yorker.

    1. Jagger wouldn’t be described as a great guy either.

  23. Gives new meaning to the song "Candy Man".

  24. Sounds like someone brutal like Sinatra or Sean Penn, but Penn is nowhere near an entertainer/singer and too young... Still think only Sinatra at that time had that pull. Elvis was pillpooping dead. Anyone else would have been found out with their reputation preceding them and women would have run.


  25. Agree with the SDJ guesses.

  26. Replies
    1. Nobody ever said he was a nice guy. He was a creep. He wasn't interested in sex, just the coke. My friend was his hookup during the blues brother years. When he wasn't filming, he was in Kenosha/lake Geneva, just over the Wisconsin border. Akroyd was awesome though, super nice, hilarious. He was out for laughs and fun, not coke. He was basically just trying to somewhat keep his friend alive. So sad.

    2. Same friend was also besties with one of the Charlie's angels, can't remember which one. She was a bunny at the ol Playboy club, later a famous dealer. Nicest lady in the world. My old boss was a bunny, and posed for the magazine, she also was a dealer(she wasn't nice though, awful actually). They used to tell me which celebs were cool, which ones weren't. Every bunny hated Lily Tomlin. She demanded they left the floor during her act. Didn't want any competition.

  27. Rick James, bitchez!! Cocaine is a helluva drug...

    1. Ding ding ding. I want to say Janice Dickenson (allegedly) for one of the girls

  28. I agree with the Sammy Davis Jr. guess. I remember a chapter on him in Linda Lovelaces' original book she wrote. It involves the PB Mansion and the infamous grotto. It is too disgusting to repeat, so take it for what it is. I have little respect for the man myself. Rick James as a great guess too though...

  29. I hate when they don't try.

  30. Seriously?! If this went on for well over a year, how did he keep getting women? Some of those women who "didn't try hard enough" should've let other women in the club know not to go with him after hours!

  31. Warren Beatty. I read once that he bragged that his hot tub had so much pubic hair in it, you could walk across it.

  32. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Jerry Lewis?

    I don't think it's Jagger; people don't consider him an actor

  33. First one to spring to mind was David Bowie. He had that sort of androgynous appearance and 'gender-fluid' image, and isn't Studio 54 a club where lots of LGBT folks go (or used to go back in the day)?

    The rating fits, and whilst I vaguely remember another rape/molestation blind that many people guessed was Bowie, I think his public image was that of an all around 'great guy'. Long marriage and everything (but I might just be too young to remember any scandals/controversy?).

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Plato's retreat commercial from 70s

  36. Sammy Davis Jnr when visiting Australia asked a friend of a friend up to his room for a drink. When she got up to his room, he told her to take off her clothes. When she said no he said, 'What did you think you were coming up here for' and threw her out of the room. Sounds like him.

  37. Nobody has ever said that Ryan O'Neal is a great guy.

  38. yea this seems like sammy davis jr and the naked jacuzzi of plato's retreat (what a doozy of a name, seriously?)

  39. First thought was Sinatra since he is an all around true entertainer. But I can't see him doing that. Not that he was an angel but I don't see him being that trashy in public. SD makes sense good guess and same pack of guys. He was a second degree member of the church of Satan and very close with anton levey. So was Jayne Mansfield.

  40. Belushi a fortiori- he was:
    1. nyorker
    2. visited studio54 habitually

    3. cokehead
    4. nice guy rep
    5. hot tub club receipts recorded in his bio 'wired'

    1. Now I'm torn. First guess was Belushi, then Sammy. It's one of the two.

  41. I don't think anyone would describe Belushi as an "actor/singer/entertainer," and as far as I know, he was not an asshole with women. And note that Sammy Davis Jr. was known as "Mr. Entertainment." He was also said to have had an incredibly extensive pornography collection.

  42. Definitely not Bowie - don't use his name in vain.

  43. David Bowie would not have needed to bribe anyone with cocaine for anything.

  44. Read an article about Plato's Retreat written by Buck Henry way-back-when. How about Dean Martin for something different?

  45. What are you people on? Frank put the rat in RAT PACK and he's a Hoboken born lad. He's a new Yorker! Ever read the blinds on him getting Monroe raped for his mob relations that wanted to hurt Kennedy? SD jnr is certainly a guess, but it equally and more likely fits Sinatra. He was the bigger star, had the smooth and benign pub rep and he was white- he would get away with WAAAY more than SD jnr



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