Saturday, June 15, 2019

Blind Item #3

Remember the mom I wrote about earlier this week who is trying to keep her daughter from reporting a rape at the hands of a YouTube celebrity simply because the mom wanted the daughter to be with the YouTube celebrity even though the daughter was way under age and the celebrity was in his 30's? The daughter is trying to escape to Europe this time instead of a nearby friend. 


Tricia13 said...

Logan brothers

Tricia13 said...

Logan Paul?

taurus1987 said...

call the police on the mom enty

Village Guru said...

If it is Logan Paul the mother's taste in men for her daughter has a very low bar. He's rather creepy looking.

tehbird said...


Mister Missus 4_20 said...

If Enty knows about it the police know about it.

Rosie riveter said...

Remember the time you did absolutely nothing with your position?

Guesser said...

She is way underage but can escape to Europe?

Tricia13 said...

Ha! Good point

Sunkist said...

Logan Paul and Jake Paul are 22 and 24

Guesser said...

@Sunkist,I was just going to say,I wasn't sure of their ages but knew they weren't over 30.

J said...

What did the police say?

We Stone Them said...

Very helpful of nihilistic Enty to not only exploit her trauma for his gossip site (if true), but to also expose her secret escape plan to the whole world. Open your eyes, sheeple.

Count Jerkula said...

Pimping daughters to youtube stars? LOL! And people still say things like "her parents must be proud" when chicks film gangbangs for Dogfart.

Vita said...

If shes got money and a passport, over 16 could get herself to Europe, imo, the question is why?

This sounds like a solid case for Emancipation.

hunter said...

Gangbangs for Dogfart

Substance D said...

What? And leave show biz?

gauloise said...

The FIne Bros are the only 30-something bros I can think of

...and their channel is all those "kids react" videos, so they are constantly around underage girls

and other youtubers dislike them for their business practices like trademarking the word "reaction video"

Vita said...

Gauloise-- Good job! Sounds like you figured out the suspects! Hope the girl is able to stay clear of them AND mom!

HouellebecqGurl said...

What's next? Pimping your daughter to TikTok "stars?"

I have no idea who this is if not a Paul bro. KSI? Casey Neistat? Lol

Jax129 said...

The Paul brothers aren't the only big youtubers & are not in their 30's.I don't think either one would do something like this either

Vita said...

Gauloise found Fine 30s.

Royakuss said...

Late to this party but I commented on the previous blind.

Named bad guy is Ray Diaz, 30+ associated with the Paul Bros. I missed it because I assumed the Paul Bros only work with teens/20 something's.


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