Friday, June 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 3, 2019

This foreign born former A+ list rapper is facing a class action lawsuit because of the money she scammed from nearly 100K people that hasn't been refunded. She doesn't have that kind of money to refund them, so she might as well go on tour.

Nicki Minaj/ticket bundles


sandybrook said...

But you said she can't draw on tour so what's a bitch to do?

Brayson87 said...

Maybe she'll go hide on Tupac's island instead.

Snatch and Ladders said...

Colab tour with Cardi B? Rap off! Vogue off! Fight!

Jon said...

What did she do with the money she scammed that she can't pay it back?

Notagoodscreenname said...
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cheesegrater15 said...

Maybe he's just a working actor who does his thing and isn't an asshole.

cheesegrater15 said...

Btw, I adore Rooker and I'd be gutted if he's a scumbag.

Notagoodscreenname said...
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Notagoodscreenname said...
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Brayson87 said...

Oh f*ck off lol, Michael Rooker is awesome, on screen and in person.

Notagoodscreenname said...

Who are you telling to fuck off? And how do you know?

E said...

Never mess with the guy from "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer"

Notagoodscreenname said...


Vita said...

Did you ever see Slither(2006) with Rooker, Elizabeth Banks and Nathan Fillion? Really fun and gross horror/sci-fi

This blind is real shame, bc Nikki and her fans used to be so mutually devoted. Id hate to think she's ripped them off.

yepthatsme said...

But how did she rip them off? By cancelling shows? Taking money for merchandise?

Notagoodscreenname said...

@Vita. Yes, I've seen about 20 of his movies.

Vita said...

Yep- 100K is alot of people! Unrefunded tickets? Not sure what bundles are...some kind of groupon-like package deals?

Unknown said...

Bundles are pre concert photos, VIP seating, early entry into concert hall, signing of posters, etc. A normal $100 ticket as a bundle would cost $150 or $200. Photo w celeb would be $500. It's for those crazed fans.

Jennacheryl said...

Her insurance company and ticket master reimburse the ticket buyers

HouellebecqGurl said...

My world and hip hop fans never collide, but I was reading the comments on Media takeout the other day and lots of commenters were dogging the hell outta NM for concert sketchiness, among other things. Really going in hot.
That doesn't bode well for her, IMO.


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