Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Blind Item #8

You know who loves secret elevator videos? This online tabloid. You know who loves trashing this A- list mostly movie actress? This online tabloid. So, how come no story? Who owns the tabloid? Ultimately a company that also makes movies. Which company produced and distributed his last big movie? You guessed it. The actual production company is one owned by the conglomerate while the conglomerate took care of distribution. That Kneepaddy weekly is also ultimately owned by the same company. The result? No stories. Think this happens frequently with other stars? Yep. 


  1. Amber Heard ,James Franco and The DM?
    Or TMZ

  2. They looked like they had practice dodging the elevator cam even though she f*cked up at one point and revealed her face.

    1. do you have a link to the video?i really hate this girl!

  3. Also happens in news. National Enquirer = CIA. News same thing. Controlled . Read Dave McGowan's book about Laurel Canyon......most of our favorite singing groups in the 70s fathers who were military officers. They even have a secret movie studio there. My son said , after he read the book, everything I believed in .......gone. We are both dramatic.

    1. Dave McGowan was the truth. RIP Dave. Gone too soon.

  4. So amber and Franco got it on in a lift?was she married to drop at the time?shes is some riddled piece of work!

  5. Scamber Turd is already over. Not because of the Depp debacle, but because she is a shitty actress and screwed over too many people. Her reputation is associated with drugs and pathological lying

  6. Obviously TMZ for online tab. People is kneepads. This is dozens of stars. Cruise, Seacrest, Depp, Heard, Travolta all come to mind as do the whole Kartrashian fam

  7. All her guys are so cool.

  8. Enty, you're getting your facts wrong for the umpteenth time. Time Warner, Warner Media or whatever it is called these days, doesn't own People anymore. The magazine was sold two years ago, along with the rest of Time Inc., to another publisher. Meredith Publishing.

    Everybody else, it shows you how much care is involved for writing these blinds. I also remember that one time a few months ago Enty also claimed that the conglomerate owned a music label. Warner Music was actually sold eight years ago.

  9. Did someone order a wet blanket?


  11. @Angela

    The entire Time Inc. corporation was sold to Meredith, along with People magazine, one of their assets.

    Time does still own People. They're just owned in turn by Meredith.

  12. I hate all of these conflict of interest issues. Isnt there something similar to anti-trust laws to prevent these kinds of compromised conglomerates? I realize the world of tabloid gossip isnt usually of significance, but when it comes to some of the more serious news subjects, it is huge.

  13. Lol Brayson! Angela, The Scold of CDaN.

    1. Better be a scold than a brown-noser. By the way, how are you, Judy Hensler?

  14. Kneepads = People
    Kneepaddy weekly =/= People
    Note the use of descriptive adjective/modification to distinguish between the two.

  15. Okay doxxing someone is not on and illegal Angela. You need to remove that name or you will be in the shit.

  16. It’s a reference to Leave it Beaver, gnarfcat.

  17. Leave it TO Beaver.

  18. Not to mention, WB own the Harry Potter franchise (which Depp was in as far as the Fantastic Beasts movies) and DC Comics movies (of which Amber played Mera in Aquaman, brilliantly, I may add, she really looked like the character stepped right off the page).

  19. Also one of the big reasons this elevator footage is so relevant is because in the frames where AH has retrieved Franco and she is getting back on the elevator, you can clearly see her face and there are no bruises. This supports the testimony given by a lawyer who lived in the same building who said she had seen AH the morning after she claimed abuse. The lawyer testified during a deposition that she exchanged small-talk and pleasantries with AH and the lawyer remembers thinking how beautiful AH's skin was and AH was not wearing any makeup. The elevator footage really should've been a bigger story but I think some media outlets have a specific agenda and are not carrying it.

  20. Enty is correct TMZ is owned/controlled by Warner bros.

  21. Nobody wants to be the asshole who tries to deny a “victim” is really a victim of dv.. Esp in this climate where every single thing ppl do online is shamed, scrutinized, convicted in public opinion, mommy shamed or just plain bashed.

  22. OOPS My Bad Angela. I was wrong and apologize. lol

  23. @Molly - thanks for the book idea. Downloaded on Kindle, the reviews look great!

  24. Here's the link, @omfg

  25. @Molly - That "compound", I believe that's the same place that Jared Leto bought and who now lives there.



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