Friday, June 14, 2019

Blind Item #7

This married permanent A list mostly movie actor who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee is thisclose to finally coming out.


  1. Show'em your claws Wolverine! :)

  2. Hugh Jackman. And in other news, water is wet.

  3. The blind says multiple Oscar nods - has he received more than the one for Les Mis?

  4. What would the parody porn for the Wolverine be called? He could have dildos that pop out instead of the claws.

  5. It's been done, Thot. Edward Penishands.

  6. Unless Jackman is getting a divorce, why would he come out?

  7. My moms gonna lose it lol. Been telling her for years and she refused to believe me. I was like “Mom-he was more convincing as Peter Allen than Peter Allen(she loves him) when she saw The Man from Oz

    1. I adore Peter Allen! I have an old VHS copy of his show with the Rockettes--its fabulous!

    2. Me too... saw him when I was young in concert. So talented. Listened to “Tenterfield Saddler” a zillion times!

  8. This will never happen. Unless he comes out as bi and says he's in a committed relationship with a woman and blah blah blah...
    But he won't come out as gay (as Enty claims he is)
    Actually, I take it back. He won't even come out as bi. The market outside the US is way too big for him

  9. Will Smith has multiple Oscar nominations, unlike Jackman. And there was a blind earlier this week about Jada coming out.

  10. @Tricia, Yeah there's going to be a lot of broken hearts out there.

  11. I could see it being Will over Hugh since Jada might come out and Willow already talked about her "polyamory."

  12. This isn’t Jackman- he’s only been nominated once & it was for Les Mis

  13. Will Smith tho.. he's washed up and nowhere to go but up with coming out

  14. Multiple winners/nominations that are still alive (excluding Gene Hackman, Nicholson, De Niro, Caine because probably not them and Spacey because, well duh): Waltz, Ali 2 wins/2 noms. Sean Penn (2/5) Tom Hanks (2/5), Dustin Hoffman (2/7) Denzel Washington (2/8) Daniel Day Lewis (3/6). I believe they are all married except Sean Penn, so he's out.

  15. No Rosie he's not done yet. Aladdin keeps him going. He probably should have done MIB International but we'll see.

  16. It's not Hugh Jackman because he has never won an Oscar.

  17. @Field - Will Smith has two nods - for "Ali" and "The Pursuit of Happyness".

  18. @moose, but he only won once. It says multiple winner/nomination so doesn't that mean multiple on both? Though I wondered if I was reading that wrong.

  19. @Rosie riveter - In what way is Will Smith washed up? He is in a huge box office hit with Aladdin and he's got seven movies on deck after that...

    1. Hope they're good. He needs something. Other than Aladdin. But, maybe it was decent?

  20. @Field - generally when Enty posts that, it means they can have any combination of wins or nods - so even if it was two nods without a win, that person would still qualify. I think he does it to expand the possible answers (and perhaps to avoid lawsuits by making it as open ended as possible).

  21. Travolta has two nominations.

    1. That’s an interesting guess... very well may be

  22. Yeah agreed @Londoner. Also, Jackman has said he is not in an interview and dislikes how the rumors hurt his wife so I do not see him doing a huge about change. In fact, he was just joking about the rumors a couple weeks back on stage.

    Will to my recollection has never denied or really commented on the rumors has he?? I think it is Will with the win and multiple nominations but was meant to be intentionally vague and goes hand in hand with what Jada and their daughter are talking about.

  23. Def no jackman. He is too young to ruin his career. This is an old guy like Ian Mckellen but he is already out

  24. With Travolta being in Scientology and Kirstie Alley when she was on Celebrity Big Brother going on and on about how Travolta is straight, I don't see it being him either.

  25. damage control if Bryan Singer victims start dropping names

  26. Will Smith,because of the Jada and the kids,setting the table for the outing. But I think he will say bisexual,or "fluid" or whatever is the best catchphrase.

  27. At this point it might very well be both a professional and personal victory for Jackman. He isn't the beefcake lead he once was BUT has many years ahead if he re-invents and plays his cards right. Then he can do a good social deed for the LGBT community and himself WHILE "re-inventing" an image later in his career. I honestly think Jada coming out as BI is far more likely than Will ever doing it. Look at their career trajectories AND their images. Jada being gay or bi won't matter. Will will still take a hit in his mainstream appeal (and I say this with sadness and just how it is... not thinking in ANY way should it be this way!)

  28. Moose-- I agree on Will, and wins/noms being and/or.

    I think Jada is pushing the issue for the whole family. I guess she figures, if people are going to talk, give them more of the whole pic?

    On her Instagram or somewhere she has a video of her talking about Red Table and turns the camera unexpectedly to Will and he is legit pissed! He does a slow burn, but there is no mistaking his feelings. She turns the camera back to herself and cracks a joke, and was laughing on Kimmel or wherever she showed it, but...yikes! That read as a battle of wills on something very personal, and Im not sure how this is supposed to end.

  29. I wish he felt like he could, people love him and it wouldn't faze them.

  30. It doesn't say "foreign born", so this is not Hugh.

    I think this is Travolta.

  31. Will Smith will say he is Bi.

  32. At this point I would like to remind everyone that Enty said Hugh Jackman is "this close" to being outed as a predator! So "this close" in Entyverse means anywhere between never to 2078!

  33. LadyLeaves, I love your comment!

  34. I'm going with Will Smith for this one.

  35. No A-list actor over the age of 30 is ever going to come out. I could see Will Smith or one of the unmarried closet cases admitting to 'experimenting' with guys in their youth, but a full-blown coming out? Nah.

    This blind is obviously not about him, but I got a feeling that DiCaprio is sick of the closet. Rumour has it he had to be talked out of coming out in the 90s, and these days he doesn't even try to look happy with his 'girlfriends' anymore. But I don't see how an actor could come out after decades of bearding without being traited like a traitor by both Hollywood and the fans.

    And there's no way in hell John Travolta is coming out. Doesn't Scientology treat homosexuality as a sin?

  36. He is Leo from few days ago with closet case Scott Eastwood and Cami.

    I just wonder who is dicking Cami? Remember all the blinds about Leo loaning out his girls to Keven, Tobey and the rest of the crew. I really think blonde model types just are not interested in the job these days.

  37. Michael Douglas ftw, hahaha!

    Because wouldn't *all* our jaws drop open on that admission?

  38. No one is coming out- what's the point nowadays?- but this blind refers to Travolta.

  39. Out of all the Hollyweird closet cases I'd say Travolta is the least likely to come out.
    Him and Cruise, although I'm still not convinced that Cruise is really gay. He strikes me as either asexual or sexually messed up.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. If you've been denying the gay rumours for as many years and as vehemently as Hugh Jackman, there's no way for you to smoothly sneak out of the closet.

  42. Will Smith was accused of some violent acts toward a gay lover,years ago. Also,he was found to be in a list of clients for male escorts. I remember,at the time a rumor about him having an affair with Charlize. A cover story. Smith,Travolta,and Jackman have all been accused of being predators to a degree or another. Maybe someone else altogether,older,semi retired. Someone will get it.

  43. I remember the now deceased Alexis Arquette calling out Will Smith & saying his first marriage “ended when she walked in to him butt servicing his Sugar Daddy Benny Medina."

    I believe it.

  44. This is definitely NOT Will Smith Aladdin is a huge international hit making over $600 million and counting. The African American community is extremely homophobic. This blind is about a white actor. Look at Queen Latifah everyone knows she is lesbian BUT black people are very homophobic she will never come out.

  45. Whats changed that makes now the right time?

  46. Umm @ Orville. "Phobic" means you are scared of something, NOT, that you disagree with it. Are, You Christianphobic? Religionphobic? How about Islamphobic??

    Tolerance is not equal to acceptance. The sooner you realize it..the sooner you can understand why actors do not come "out."



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