Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Blind Item #3

It doesn't even matter that this celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister isn't using drugs. Her actor boyfriend is and if he gets busted, her name will be in the headlines too which won't be good for her career.


Tricia13 said...

Paris Jackson?

Tricia13 said...


MyDogSmiles said...


MyDogSmiles said...

And Butthole eyes...

Mountainmama13 said...

Kaia gerber and that loser pete davidson

IndieRaga said...

Her father has enough money from the wine deal to bury the news....I suppose!

Pissoff said...

Butthole Eyes 😂😂

Count Jerkula said...

please, soon as she figured out coke numbs yer tummy, getting rid of hunger pains, she was probably as addicted to it as she is to his dick.

parissucksliterally said...

Kaia has been doing coke or Adderall long before she met Pete. Please. LOOK at her.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone do Pete unless they were doing drugs?

Roxanne said...

This guy is NOT attractive, yet he keeps getting beautiful women. How? He's Fug.

Anonymous said...

if pete davidson was going to get busted it would have happened by now he point blank talks about dropping shrooms in the paper mag interview I'm sure he's bought himself some people to look the other way

MeliticusBee said...

there is a big difference between "doing drugs" by taking adderall or snorting coke...and Pete Davidson's method of "doing drugs"

Unknown said...

Just to be different, Lily Rose Depp/Tim Chalamet? Even though, she's his apparent beard...However, I'm pretty certain that its Kaia and butthole eyes.

BlackBlack said...

Pete was busted in Syracuse last year while filming a movie, his friend took the fall and they never said exactly what type of drugs were found.

Really sneaky planting a blind item that is supposed to assert she isn't doing drugs. Sure thing, boo boo!

gertie said...

It might have been the drugs that sealed the seal with KBecs and PD. Maybe the dick was the initial draw to her but her old habbits, problems probably allowed him to use her to get more exposure and clients I bet.

Drewholtaus said...

Really powerful Potent dope. Kate beckinsale loved it

Fifi LaRue said...

He must be exceedingly charming and funny and chivalrous. There's no other explanation.

TheBPlot said...

The pain of losing your dad suddenly is somthing i dont know how you get over. Imagine the person you love most walling out the door and never seeing them again. Something to consider as you bash Pete.

Magnolia Melee said...

Kaia: Mom, I need coke.

Cindy: We are a PEPSI family! And don't you forget it, young lady!


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