Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sounds Like A Blind Item Huh?

After ten years of alleged physical and mental abuse, as well as adultery, drug use and sexual addiction, Jennifer Murray finally had enough of Bill Murray and filed for divorce. In what sounds like a great book just waiting to be written, Jennifer accuses Bill in her divorce complaint of drug addiction, abandonment, physical abuse and adultery. Oh, and doing Caddyshack lines over and over and over.

Jennifer actually moved out of the marital home about two years ago, and it is in the new home she purchased where Bill Murray at least one occasion hit Jennifer in the face and told her she was lucky he didn't kill her or at least make her watch Quick Change and Mad Dog And Glory back to back. Wait, that actually would have probably killed her.

If a pre-marital agreement is ruled valid, Jennifer would be entitled to $7M. That should give her plenty of time to sit down and write that book. To see, the divorce documents or the pre-marital agreement, you can click here.

I'm just glad that Jennifer managed to break free from, what she makes sound like a nightmare of a relationship. Hopefully their four kids won't be affected too much from all of this. Bill Murray released a statement through his attorney that basically said he was sad the marriage was over. Presumably he was sad because now he won't have a woman around that he can beat the crap out of and will have to look for someone new on who to take out his aggression and prove he is a real man by beating a woman. F**k off Bill.


  1. So are we saying this is the BI about the pap who got the "money shot" so to speak of a major star beating up his wife?

    What a f-ing pig and a coward Bill actually is. I hope she takes him for all she can.


  2. couldn't agree more NIcole...yes, ent - which blind was it? seems so many that could fit...

  3. First thing I thought of when I read the story - this has got to be a blind item.

    Asshat. I've really enjoyed some of the characters he's played - it's too bad all that funny masked so much rage.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've been looking for that blind, but Blogger is always so damn slow for me - I end up with server errors.

    Is this the one we all thought was Sean Penn?

  6. He was so horrible on the Charlie's Angels set that Drew, Cam & Lucy weren't even on speaking terms with him.

  7. I thought this was the BI too but wasn't the blind about a pap who got pics of the couple in their home? The story says they've lived apart nearly two years.

    I'm sad because I loved Bill Murray. No more.

  8. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Bill Murray is not the blind you guys are thinking of, because that blind started earlier in the year when the couple were not married, then resumed later after they were. Bill and Jennifer were together over ten years. I think the wife beater is Tom Cruise, from various circumstantial pieces of evidence.

    You think you know somebody, eh?

  9. Maybe he was just getting rough with the "noogies" and she took it wrong? THANKS TODD! (Nasaly voice)

  10. sheet - that was about snorting out loud...

  11. 3/13/08

    I think, but am not sure that I wrote about this ass before. He is a wife beater. Then and now. Television A lister back in the day, now not so much. He has a name and a pedigree, but doesn't get much work. Well he and his current wife were out last week. Doesn't let her out of the house usually and she doesn't usually want to go. Last week though he made an exception. Probably should have stayed in. Although she did a valiant job with hair and makeup, it could not hide the fact that she had suffered a beating in the not too distant past.

  12. Television A lister? Was Bill Murray a big TV star, I know him mainly from movies. This blind doesn't mention movies at all.

  13. Saturday night live.

  14. Bill Murrary was on the original Saturday Night Live. Pedigree, I'm not sure about.

  15. Sorry- I was rushing to write. I know about SNL- I just didn't think of that only as making him A-List TV. If movies were also mentioned, then I'd think this was him. I think there was a couple more wife beater Blinds before this one. I have no time to look today though.
    Also- it sound slike they've been sepreated for 2 years, so I wasn't sure they'd be seen out together around March 2008.

    I just thought I remembered another Blind from further back, but I could be wrong!

  16. After 10 years and 4 kids, any pre-nup should be set aside. This woman should get all the money and assets.

  17. I always loved Bill Murray. You don't know how sad I am to read this.

    You really just never know. So much of a star's "persona" is manufactured. You don't know what does on underneath the veneer.

    The talking point for this is, to my knowledge, not one of us chose Bill Murray as the answer to any of the blinds involving spousal abuse. If we did, I don't remember it. Of course, I could be wrong.

  18. Kill Bill.

    we need to sick Uma on his ass.

  19. what a fucking dick.

    bad fish, what makes you think tc beats katie? although, that would explain the control he seems to have over her...

  20. So THAT'S what that horrible feeling of foreboding and impending awfulness was about.

  21. El wtf is going on with your site? Kirsten its not blogger..its CDAN.
    everyone elses sites load fine.

  22. This is vomit inducing. All these years, I thought he was just a loveable pothead. This is so sick.

  23. im sad about this...i liked him for staying low profile but i guess that has changed :(

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. a.) There was a BI sometime back about a wife beating, A-Lister. Some people thought it was Tom Hanks.

    b.) I could have sworn that Ent had also previously said "prove he is a real man" in a wife beater BI.

    On a similar note, I never liked Bill Murray. Not after he was reported to have made sure that no woman writer ever wrote his material on SNL. This may have changed after Tina Fey, but Google all the combinations of "Bill Murray was/is a jerk/asshole" to see other people's opinions.

  26. It says she moved out of the marital home 2 years ago, how can she accuse him of abandonment?

    $7 million for basically 8 years of marriage sounds good to me.

  27. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Yep, I've recorded this one in my book of solved BIs I'm keeping. Although the people that used to hang around here accusing ENT of being a total liar seemed to thin out after the Jamie Lynn Spears reveal.

  28. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Oh yeah, and I wish Ms. Murray all the best on getting douche-ectomy as soon as possible.

  29. Wasn't there a blind about an actor who would leave the country and get some tail overseas? That could probably apply to Dick, I mean Bill. My mom loves Bill Murray because of his appearances on the celeb golf tours. Ugh!! Pig!!!

  30. I have never liked Bill Murray. I never really found any of his characters remotely funny--the line from What About Bob-- I'm sailing being the one exception. Wasn't there a blind about someone taking out his loss at an award show on his wife? Or is that just me thinking he would really do something that low?

  31. I think that the BIs are so vague and now there are so many of them, that when something happens, you can guarantee that there is a BI for it.

    Wife beater - yup
    Coke whore - yup
    Gay - yup

    Every scenario has been covered. So everytime something happens, there is a BI. This in no way validates anything.

  32. Wow .. very sad. I am just very glad there are no accusations about the children being abused.

    I can't judge .. I don't think we can ever know what we are capable of until something brings us to a very dark edge. I never thought I would ever be in a relationship were my partner and I actually fiercely want each other dead .. then our relationship went to shit. Luckily .. we moved on - and I went to counseling - before anyone got out of hand. In other circumstances .. god only knows what could have happened.

    I guess I am just glad that she is out of that situation and if he is an abusive addict he is being portrayed as- this dose of reality and way bad PR gets him the help he needs. Coming from an Irish family where Dad was Bi-Polar Alcoholic and Mom was a Passive Aggressive Depressive .. one can get some really screwy ideas about what a good relationship consists of .. counseling helped me figure that out. Maybe Mr. Murray will be as blessed.

  33. Do you think this is the blind from Tuesday about the actor/director that loves pot more than his kids?

  34. No idea which blind this is the answer to but I agree w/ Enty. Bill can F off.

  35. guilty until proven innocent?

  36. pedigree being the wes anderson (honorary coppola) connection?

  37. Wow. Good try at being funny. You tossed out some hackneyed crap and simultaneously trivialized domestic abuse in the process--as though we don't get that enough from the mainstream media as well.

    Please stop minimizing misogyny. Everyone does. Not you too!

  38. Pics or it didn't happen? I believe the pot part, and I believe that he is absent a lot of the time. But the beating his wife stuff is quite a serious thing to say. I don't know if I believe it or not.



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