Monday, March 19, 2018

Blind Item #2

As I told you months and months ago, this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was going to bomb with a big box office movie. Sure enough, it happened and now the studio doesn't want to make a sequel, at least with her. 


  1. Vikander. Tomb Raider

  2. Old Hollywood saying:


    You are only as good as your last film's Box Office receipts!

    (This applies to any film ever released.)


  3. @Temi - I think you got it. I totally forgot about this movie.

  4. It's Tomb Raider.

    Enty has had blinds about her for months.

  5. It may have bombed but Annihilation is pretty damn solid. Good film.

  6. Vikander has an Oscar and was born in Sweden. It is Tomb Raider.

    1. You’re probably right... but Portman is Israeli.

    2. She might've been born there but the only person who thinks of her as Isreali is Portman herself. She grew up in Long Island yet "feels more Isreali than American" lol than go serve in the military over there yeah I didn't think so.

    3. They re all Israeli until it’s time to serve in the military.

    4. She did serve in the military for two years.

  7. It flopped domestically but did pretty well internationally

  8. Tomb Raider didn't bomb and Vikander was the only thing about it that got good notices in all the reviews.

  9. +1 Pgh and Matt
    There have been various blinds about Vikander and Tomb Raider and it just opened. Why wait to have a blind about Annihilation? Also Tomb Raider is more like a female James Bond franchise, it's lot easier to swap out the lead than something like Annihilation.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. vikander, tomb raider?
    the movie is not good

  12. Ya, Vikander was pretty much the only decent thing about the movie. I think most reviews suggest the script and pacing was bad but she was a good Lara Croft.
    And it is certainly not Annihilation. It was always due to be a stand alone. The film and book are pretty different and the director said several times he doesnt thing there would be a sequel and that he doesnt want to be part of a franchise

  13. Enty is WRONG Tomb Raider just made $100 million overseas. Yes the movie has a $90 million dollar budget but it is making money.

  14. Enty is WRONG Tomb Raider just made $100 million overseas. Yes the movie has a $90 million dollar budget but it is making money.

  15. tomb raider

    It's a terrible lara croft

  16. Number 1 film globally. May or may not be enough to get it a sequel. It'll turn a profit, though.

  17. Let's be honest, it's easier to sell some things in China than in the US.

  18. @Brayson

    Especially when the scripts are dumbed down for wider distribution.

  19. Vikander, they can never make a decent movie from a game can they? BTW saw Annihilation this weekend and was blown away, smart sci-fi with wonderful visuals.

  20. I honestly did think of Enty when I saw how badly it did.

  21. Rebooting is retarded, straight up. I enjoyed Annihilation.

  22. The paps made sure to get pics this weekend of Jolie taking her kids to see the reboot of Tomb Raider.

  23. It did well overseas though over $100 million - No. 1 in China over the weekend. And bottomline most action films these days do better overseas. So the death knell is perhaps premature?

    Total box office $128.4 million on a $94 million budget ----hmm nah they would need 2.5 x 94 million to break even, the producers get the biggest cut on the first week in theatres. And doesn't look like Black Panther is going anywhere, in No. 1 spot this weekend.

    1. Producers don't take the biggest cut in the first weeks. It's the theatres and then the distributor.

  24. Jolie's Tomb Raider brought in $275 million in 2001, cost $115 million

  25. As usual, men get 100x to bomb, while women get one shot and set up to fail so the men in suits can say, see women can't carry franchises.

  26. It was fake deep and terrible. I did like the scene where she watched the Alien replicate.

    Overall it could have been great but the execution sucked and it was mostly boring nothing that kept me engaged because the meaning of the movie was spoon fed to the audience.

    Maybe the book was good but I don't wanna read it now.

  27. Whoever said they need 2.5 x budget to break even knows nothing about Hollywood. No big budget movies loses money period. All.budgets in this industry are highly exaherated. It's like the other clueless troll that thinks no laundering is done in Hollywood. How clueless can you be?

    Movies are primarily made to launder money and justify illegal investment. You can't be that naive. PR firms spend months trying to come up with lame excuses in the media to justify ridiculous budgets.

    That crisis you had in the Oscars with Life of Pi where the sfx company won the Oscars but bankrupt is just a clear manifestation of this fantasy economics.

    Don't be fools. Do you actually believe that any investor would risk millions without having a guarantee of return? Hahaha

    John August had a podcast a long time ago breaking it for clueless fools like you how movies make money, googled it, it's a good start.

    Then again you're usually the fools ignoring the sexuality of your celebrities even when they're caught with their real partners. Smh

  28. 'women get one shot and set up to fail' lol here we go again with the idea that everything is sexist. Did you think that, maybe, this is just a shitty movie?

  29. Raspy, you don't grow up "in Long Island." You grow up "on Long Island." Also, it is Israeli, not Isreali.

  30. Tomb Raider.
    To be honest, Vikander ain't much of an actress.
    She was really miscast in that Jason Bourne movie.

  31. Portman and the Area X books. (Annihilation being the first one.) If I hadn't read the books, I would have had no clue about what was happening in the movie. Also, they added a bunch of shit that wasn't in the books, i.e. the biologist cheating on her husband with a person of color, you know because it's 2018 and every movie and tv show (and commercial and print ad) must have interracial and gay relationships added, source material be damned.

  32. Camilla Luddington is the perfect LC for me. For the movie, Alicia did a decent job. But due to the poor writing, we didn't get to see her full potential. Tbh, I'd love to see a CGI movie of TR(like Final Fantasy Spirits Within) casting Camilla herself. No matter what, Camilla is the one & only LC.

  33. She's not being asked back because of her temperament.



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