Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cannes Day 9

Sharon Stone
Samantha Morton

Sean Combs

Rose McGowan

Petra NemcovaNatalie Portman

Michelle Yeoh

Mary J. Blige

Milla Jovovich


Joely Richardson

Juliette Lewis

Elsa Pataky

Dita von Teese

Joshua Jackson and Diane Kruger

Dennis Hopper and Victoria Duffy

Christian Slater and Tamara Mellon

Star Jones, Alan Cumming and Denise Rich


MrsRhododendronson said...

Did Madonna steal that dress from the set of The Golden Girls?

jax said...

wow aside from Madge* they all look gorgeous. yes from me no snark.

damn Josh Jackson knows how it's done. hot hot hot. AND a Vancity boy!

*and that hag Star.

RagDoll said...

Wow. Never thought I'd live to see the day when Juliette Lewis wore something nicer than Natalie Portman!!!

jax said...

Usher and Tomeka seperated already?? guess the DNA came back on that babay.

Moonmaid said...

Juliette Lewis looks the nicest I have ever seen her look. Wow!

mazemerizing said...

Although Natalie Portman looks lovely in her dresses, what, was there a sale at the House of Ruffles? Have her dresses in the last few days been by the same designer? Maybe that fierce guy from Project Runway.

Reese said...

Sharon Stone's dress fits her like a sausage casing. Even Spanx aren't going to help unless she goes up a size or three.

Love the comment about Madonna's dress being stolen from the Golden Girls wardrobe; perfect description!

califblondy said...

What is Sharon Stone doing there besides posing?

Poor Madonna. I thought she screwed the pooch with the Olson twin ensemble yesterday, but the red satin sheet dress isn't much better.

I think Tamara Mellon always looks good.

I love Natalie Portman's dress. It's gorgeous and it must have taken some juevas to wear it.

Kristen S. said...

Dita is Love love the color.

Alan Cumming looks surprisingly non-smarmy (I love him, BTW, but he is creepy looking)

Maja With a J said...

Love Rose McGowan's dress!

Kat said...

Nevermind Madonna's dress, what's with the hair? She looks disshevelled and messed up, like she threw the dress on when she got out of the shower and bolted to the limo.

I wish Star Jones would just go away. No matter how much weight she's lost, the cow eyes and chipmunk teeth offend me on a personal level.

Is Natalie Portman trying to hit some kind of quota? Everyday I'm seeing her and though she's pretty and all, I'm getting bored.

Rose McGowan looks like she fell down and was run over by one of those trucks that paint dividing lines on the highway.

All negativity aside, though, Petra looks great, as does Ms. Von Teese.

The rest are just 'eh'.

Unknown said...

Tamara Mellon's dress is the exact same one worn by Kate Hudson featured in the latest issue of In Style Magazine with Cameron Diaz on the cover...

weezy said...

I lovelovelove Mary J's dress. Natlie Portman's dress is fabulous in theory, but how does she sit down in it?

And what the freak is Star Jones doing there? Did she catch a free ride on someone's private jet?

califblondy said...

Everybody is super dressy in these pics because they're going to a benefit. Natalie's dress is Givenchy, btw. So, the point of my crap is, here are all these over the top gowns and then there's the material girl wearing a ladies who do lunch dress? She needs to fire her stylist, if she has one. She would have looked hot in something strapless (to show off those arms) with her hair up.

What's Star doing there? Looking for a new hubby?

surfer said...

Mary J. Blige's dress is gor-geous (a shame the tats ruin the overall look).

Petra looks absolutely breathtaking.

Glad to see Madonna covering up those man-arms.

Joely Richardson - wowza. Long and sleek.

I really think Dita could use a bit of bronzer; I'm tired of the Caspar look.

And Victoria Duffy really needs to eat. What does she weigh - 80 pounds?

ElsieFire said...

Ah, the Sharon Stone we know and love, tight animal print, reee-ow!

Rose McGowan, face Bust-ed...what the hell happened???

Judi said...

Mary J and Joely, YEEOWZA!! Spec-tacular!
Love Diane's dress, too. Natalie's dress looks like my dining room ceiling lamp. You know the one. She's too tiny for it.
Sharon and Samantha need stylists... or to fire the ones they have. Awful.
Petra always looks gorgeous. Madonna in her tea frock. Ugh.
Everyone else looks okay.

Anonymous said...

When did Madonna morph into Nancy Reagan?

Snautrag said...

Gawd am I the only one sick of that Petra chick? She seems like a professional starf***ker.

kellygirl said...

Madonna's hair is atrocious!!!

Joely and Rose look near death.

I thought Samantha Morton gave birth in Jan.
Is she preggers again?

Petra needs to rein it in a tad

Unknown said...

I like Portman's dress. It's a tad out there (literally), but it also looks clean. Which I guess would be true for white, heh.

I haven't been thrilled with Dita's choices this week, not sure why. Maybe it's just too much clothing. :)

My god, someone give Victoria Duffy something to eat!

jax said...

my god i think i love Diddy.
i just read he bitched out Naomi Campbell making her cry and she left his yacht in tears last night.
about damn time.

WineGirl X said...

Wow... I am LOVING Elsa Pataky's dress.

And Reese, I was thinking the same thing about Sharon! I do like the dress, but she does look crammed into it.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooooh thank you for Samantha Morton. She's my absolute favourite actress :)

Jax, if that's true re: Diddy then...well, I can't say I love him, but I now have a teeny tiny soft spot for him LOL

Natalie Portman should only wear something like that to that costume gala thing they just had recently. Otherwise it's too "LOOK AT ME! PLEEEEEEASE LOOK AT ME!"

Wow, Milla Jovovich looks great! I know it was a little while ago that she had her baby, but not so long ago that I'd expect her to look like THAT already!!! Then again she IS a model, no doubt well trained in the cigs-and-purging routine...LOL

OMG Dita...someone here once said they don't think she's human. I have to agree. It's impossible. LOL

I have no idea who Tamara Mellon is, but her face takes up all of her head...MELLON...HAHAHA...

Yeah I have the maturity level of a 12 year old, I know it...


Anonymous said...

yay samantha morton! I was just thinking about her.

and wtf is rose mcgowan wearing!? yuck.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Yeoh and Rose McGowan, those dresses are amazing!!

Um Natalie looks great but she's not wearing that dress, that dress is wearing her. Fashion no no.

MnGddess said...

When I grow up I wanna be Michelle Yeoh. She is just too cool.

OK - Madonna is dressed like a frump. I think she got that dress on sale at J.C. Penneys'.

If Joely Richardson put on 20 pounds she STILL would be too thin.

Natalie Portman looks like her dress was designed by Kleenex.. but she's still adorable.

God Bless Petra Nemcova for having such a good attitude after what she went through.

Is it me or does Sharon Stone look like she takes her entire face off (like a mask) when she gets home at night? Or is she just taking a weird photo? The face doesn't match the bod. I don't know. I think I've mixed too many cold meds.

MnGddess said...

Jax - if it is true that Diddy bitch slapped Naomi he is my new hero.
And Bren - THAT'S what I was thinking of! That's a Nancy Reagan dress fo sho'.

Tableau Vivant said...

Nat Portman is really trying to step up her game. Mj looks great along with Dita.

Unknown said...

Is Sean Combs hand ever far from his penis?

canadachick said...

does anyone else think Petra is sporting some pregnancy boobs ?

piratechick said...

Every time I see Sharon Stone, my brains says "Lohan in 20 years".

Happydog said...

Mary J. Blige and Tamara Mellon have beautiful dresses, but they both need to give them a tug and pull them up a few inches.

Unknown said...

Question...does the color "Coral" EVER look good on anyone?

bionic bunny! said...

love love LOVE rose mcgowan;s dress. is she swirling or is it it a petticoat type thing?


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