Monday, December 26, 2011

Justin Bieber Buys Childhood Friend A Car

I don't know how Justin Bieber's friend Ryan Butler has 650,000 followers on Twitter, but he Tweeted them all a picture yesterday showing off the car Justin bought him for Christmas. The pair grew up in Ontario together and Ryan was even in Justin's video One Time, but that still does not explain how they guy has so many followers. Anyway, judging by the Mustang Justin bought, Ryan had a pretty good Christmas.


Rita said...

He obviously has that many followers hoping to get scoops on the Biebs.

Popularity by proxy!

MISCH said...

Nice present...

Ms Cool said...

Great present. That was pretty nice of him.

On another note, can someone explain to me why Let it Be is used as an anthem? I remember it being used during Feed the World in the 80's and then after 9/11. Isn't it kind of like saying "let them starve" or "let them die" or even don't worry about it?

MadLyb said...

Oh man. There he goes again, making me like him. :(

CharRicho said...

That's pretty cool. I would totally buy all my best friends cars too if I ever got that rich.

Pookie said...

i think it's sweet...but i ain't gonna lie...i'm leary of all these childhood besties who love the fame-by-association. the celeb usually has no clue of underlying resentment or that it even exists. #seenitfirsthand

timebob said...

Justin, see Nelly post above.

just sayin'


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