Monday, March 19, 2018

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list mostly movie actor, as part of his rider, required the hotel bar where he was staying to be open 24/7 for his convenience. So, after last call, it was all his for the night and he had it to himself and a few dozen of his friends and people he met during the day. Apparently, he drank through the most expensive stuff first costing the movie production to the tune of $20K just the first night.


  1. Affleck to be different?

  2. A few dozen friends and randoms can drink a bar down.

    1. Imagine how many bar snacks they plowed through.... macadamia nuts anyone?

    2. haha now you’re talking my language.

  3. I agree with Montana. I think it is Affleck as well, he is filming a movie currently ..

  4. It’s sad that there are so many to choose from. Especially since there’s no guarantee that any of them can carry a film these days. And they wonder why the financials of filmmaking are so out of whack.

  5. Producers should learn to just say no--to so many things...

    1. They have accountants who'll figure out how to take it out of the back end. Let the star think he's getting away with something, keep him happy.

  6. Affleck was in Hawaii last week filming something. Might be him.

  7. If it was Penn or Affleck, wouldn't Enty have included "Oscar winner/nominee"? Or is that included with perm A list? I'm still learning Enty-speak

  8. Is Affleck really permanent A list at this point? He's got so much time left to un-Batman himself and be semi-forgotten.

  9. That's right, I didn't even factor in the bar snacks lol

  10. Affleck got a phoenix tattoo. Dummy.

  11. Depp is a big drinker and partier I hear.

  12. @Ann


    At this time, few actors can carry a movie like in days of yore. The studios are well aware and wouldn't put up with this from even the A List crowd anymore. So this must be some sort of exceptional occurrence. Who would be worth it now? I can't think of a one. If Affleck is pulling this shit, he's going to be out on his ass for major productions in future. He's already losing his luster for a variety of reasons.

    @T. W.

    Is that tat real? Or is it for a role? It looks awfully vivid to be a real tat.

    1. @plot

      It's real & its terrible

  13. Clearly, this blind is William Shatner.

  14. Sounds like a decent thing to do, hardly worth a blind. I would do the same for friends or co workers if I had the cash, clout or expense account.

  15. Must have taken a ton of makeup to get him acceptable looking for filming the next day. Unless he’s going method for a character...

  16. That tattoo though?
    A phoenix the size of the city of Phoenix is f+cking terrible.
    Affleck is just gross.

  17. This is a kindness blind enty.

  18. These people are running around writing 5- and 6-digit hush-money checks these days. If $20K keeps a star and his friends happy burning off steam with adults-only in a semi-controlled environment, they probably consider it money well spent.

  19. Are there no 20-somethings anymore who like to party?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. A certain accountant for a certain film production company was fired because they finally complained about keeping 3 sets of books, then they sued the company for wrongful dismissal -the film production company must have been too cheap to pay them off - which I think launched an investigation into the film tax incentive program of one state- and most likely an IRS audit, I am not sure what happened in the end. The company is still in business.

    Many hotels have private bars for their celebrity clients to enjoy during and after hours and and even private floors to keep away from persistent fans and paparazzi. Definitely popular with the touring band set. I did not find this unusual

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      You’re right about the private rooms. I’ve been invited up a few times by my Vice Presidents. The personal chef is fucking awesome

  22. I thought Affleck would also be tagged as “sometime director” - or is that too obvious?



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