Monday, March 19, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Guess The Athlete

Let’s change the pace of our guess the athlete today. Our athlete today is relatively new to their sport. Although not considered a big money sport yet, it is a growing sport. Unlike some sports discussed, this is a world wide sport. Although rare, some members of this sport do attain household name status. Big name status.

Now, why would this be considered noteworthy, you ask?

This sport is arguably THE single dirtiest sport out there. Has been for a long time. The use of chemicals in this sport is years ahead of any other sport out there. Athletes from other sports often consult with trainers from this sport to gain a “competitive edge”. 

Our athlete today is still a year or so away from their peak. Yet this athlete recently started to jump into the upper echelon of their sport. This athlete made jaws drop at a competition recently due to the degree of which they dominated.

The only thing keeping this athlete from becoming the face of their sport is questionable issues and events that are ongoing in their personal life. Issues that make the officials of the athletic governing board nervous.

Once those issues are resolved, this athlete is on track for household name status in the manner much like others in this sport. And our athlete today knows that. You may not know this athlete now. But I am highly confident you will be seeing a lot of this athlete in the future. For better, or for worse.


  1. For worse. No doubt of that.

  2. Eh, we outpaced evolution, something has to fill the gap until...

  3. Khabib Nurmagomedov

  4. Chloe Kim was on multiple mainstream magazine covers & she is already a household name.

    Alexandra Trusova became the first female to land 2 quadruple jumps in competition. She fits part of the blind but I would not be surprised if this is someone else.

  5. Like the UFC approach Paul. I am going with Brian Ortega tho. Fought recently and has a steroid abuse issue that is rarely brought up. Cant really think of many that would fit it from the UFC.

  6. UFC has pretty tight testing with USADA, and fighters fail the tests at a good rate.

  7. The dirtiest sport is cycling.

  8. doubt it is UFC and kabib, he is very good indeed, but mostly injured or on ramadan leave^^ he is a hero in dagestan already and i doubt he gets much bigger in the us or europe cause he has very little personality tbh.

    1. "This is number one bullshit" that the Dagestan Eagle has no personality đŸ˜‰

    2. Ramadan leave is once a year. Let’s not push it. @andy81

  9. Wonder if it could be Jason St. Clair who broke a world record in powerlifting recently.

  10. Someone in eSports. Lots of money and may become part of 2024 Olympics.

  11. would say swimming might be the dirtiest, never seem to have high profile doping cases.

  12. Sounds like UFC to me...

  13. Christian Coleman?

    1. I think this is spot on. Just won the 60m indoor World Title and broke the 60m world record this year.
      Looking like he'll fill the Usain Bolt shaped hole in track, but not a household name yet.

  14. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Cycling and track are the dirtiest sports.

    Note the use of the term "on track" later in the blind. I think that's a clue.

  15. Definitely not swimming or cycling. Probs UFC.

  16. It's probally cycling. They had a world championship not long ago.

  17. "Yet this athlete recently started to jump into the upper echelon of their sport."

    Hints at those juicers in World Hopscotch or Professional Jump Rope.

  18. I don’t have the athlete, but I’m going to guess it’s a female due to the lack of pronoun in the blind, and I’m going to be different and guess the sport is Rugby.

    Them women are HUGE.

    1. @Marla Hooch

      Guess the Athlete blinds are always gender and species neutral. They tend to have a ton of details that may or may not be clues.

  19. @J Smith... The dirtiest sport is mud wrestling.

  20. I agree this is likely a female athlete, track seems to be the best at hiding PEDs. Not too many good guesses today.

  21. I think it's an animal... horse racing.

  22. Although horse racing might be a big money maker? Maybe the grey hounds?

  23. Some dirty americunt.

  24. UFC Sugar Sean O'Malley

  25. Fuck it....UFC - Cyborg

  26. Pretty sure neither horses or dogs have a questionable personal life...

  27. Cycling is a huge sport worldwide, and some people like Lance do make household name status. It is also super dirty.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Is polo in the Olympics?

  30. Well a person who just started a sport and is only one year away from their prime doesn't have a long stint in that sport. I think it's an animal.

    Professional problems could be weak ankles, splints in the legs or whatever. The only phrase I can't reconcile with this being a horse, such as Magnum Moon, or some other animal, is the part where it says the athlete knows it. Unless this is a poetic license of personification, I can't reconcile that.


  31. Sasha “Scarlett” Hostyn

    I'm sticking with my guess. It's better than Hopscotch or Jump Rope! lol

  32. Cycling. Alvaro Hodeg.

  33. Case for Magnum Moon:

    Started out in January.... new to the sport.

    3 years old, which is one year away from the typical peak age of 4 in horse racing.

    Is undefeated as of yesterday.

    Horse racing had been quite dirty, both on the field and off. Some horses have been poisoned. They have used chemicals for many, many years.

    Performance enhancing drugs usually are used first on animals, so that could be where consulting for other sports comes into play.

    I honestly don't know what the problems are though, but it could be drugging or some health issue.

    1. Forgot to add that horse racing is an international sport which rarely produces big names, but they are big when they are known.

    2. And two clues could be started to jump into the upper echelon" and "on track for household name status". We'd also be better or worse seeing this athlete in the future depending on how the betting went.

    3. "Although not considered a big money sport yet, it is a growing sport."

      I am not convinced that horse racing fits this part of the description. However I do like your argument

  34. @RockSword I like your answer better. Switching guess to Magnum Moon.

  35. So what does Magnum Moon have going on in his/her personal life that us questionable? Is he bi? Bearding for the horse in the stall next door? Geez - read the entire blind. It's not an animal!!

  36. This has to be Crossfit

  37. First I'll say this. These are the best comments thus far.
    Second, I like the idea of an ethlete being hopped up on speed, provigil and honey buns.

    But my pick is Chloe Kim. She's obviously using some kind of CO2 expressed indica/sativa blend that both motivates her and chills her groove. I mean, n one is that happy and bubbly all the time.

    Hell, my amphetamines only last about six hours and then I'm a real bitch.

  38. Our athlete today is still a year or so away from their peak. Yet this athlete recently started to jump into the upper echelon of their sport. This athlete made jaws drop at a competition recently due to the degree of which they dominated.

    I agree with previous guesses that is must be horseracing.

  39. when i read that people from other sports consulted with trainers in this sport it made me think of something weight training related, like bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman or crossfit.

    amazing how so many believe any pro athlete's are natural and that somehow lack of muscle size denotes "natural" lol

  40. I want to give this blind and all the responses upvotes. Made my day.

  41. Case for Magnum Moon cont.:

    Let's change the pace... that's how the blind starts out. This is some sort of race, and as stated above, I believe it's a horse race.

    The blind's phrase, "jumped into the upper echelon", is probably referring to:
    "Graded stakes are the upper echelon in horse racing, the major leagues. They are further divided into Grade 3s (the lowest level), Grade 2s and Grade 1s (the highest level)." -

    The Kentucky Derby is Grade 1. Magnum Moon just won a grade 2 stake and is heading for the Kentucky Derby.

    The blind says, "This athlete made jaws drop at a competition recently due to the degree of which they dominated." Magnum Moon just beat the favorite at a race yesterday, thereby remaining undefeated.

    The blind says, "The only thing keeping this athlete from becoming the face of their sport is questionable issues and events that are ongoing in their personal life. Issues that make the officials of the athletic governing board nervous."

    First off, the blind doesn't say the athlete has personal issues. It says there are issues and events ongoing in their personal life. These could be issues and events with the jockey, the trainer, the owners or the horse.

    Now as for his personal issues, I cannot find any for Magnum Moon. When I search on Google for "Magnum Moon issues", I can find personal issues on other horses, such as starting late at the gate as in referenced to the favorite, Solomini, who came in second. And those are personal issues that would concern the governing board of the sport. But they aren't Magnum Moon's.

    I believe the issues and events surrounding him are issues surrounding his jockey, trainer, and possibly his owners.

  42. I found a UFC fighter, the #1 newcomer "breakout star" of 2017, that seems to fit:

    Volkan Oezdemir- 28yrs old, Swiss/Turkish, Light Heavyweight, former kickboxer

    Unknown and unranked just over a year ago, he signed with UFC and agreed to be a last minute 'underdog'.... but won, then beat 2 more top ranked fighters with quick KO's. (However, recently lost a fight with the current #1. Volkan is now #3 in his class.)

    Personal issue:
    Felony battery charge which is proceeeding to trial in Florida court. (He clocked a guy unconscious at a bar). They took his passport.

  43. It is not a racehorse, it says it is not yet a big money sport,and horseracing is.

  44. Short track speed skating

  45. Horseracing isn't as big a money sport as the main American sports, which aren't really international. So it definitely fits. Betting wise, I'm not sure. Are horse racing bets more popular these days or football and boxing?

    I don't know anything about sports or betting. I just based my guess on the entire wording of the blind, which were obviously riddled with track and field references, and yet seemed to not be human since what athletes could becomes household names when they reach their peak one year into the sport? Yes, I do read Virginia.

    As for narrowing down the guess, I only know names of horses, but only a few which are legendary. I don't know any grey hound names.

    And then when I went to research horse racing news, yesterday's race with Magnum Moon came up. I have never heard of him before. And researching the Kentucky Derby tied in the echelon phrase quite nicely.

  46. @rocksword
    "what athletes could ecomes household names when they reach their peak one year into the sport? "

    I read it as the person was somehow new "to the scene", as in how an MLB players first year is a rookie year. They are baseballs' newcomers even though they have played a long time, since diapers, maybe even a few years on farm teams.

    It's rare to get invited to the big leagues as you age (it's 'up' or 'out'!, right?), but the MMA fighter I guessed above did just that. Unranked to championship contender in under a year.

    (btw, in another athlete blind I also guessed it could be a horse! Something about 'being the very best by far' in a mainstream sport and not a household name seemed so odd. I wish we would get reveals!)

    1. When you said you guessed a previous athlete blind as a horse, I knew I did also one other time. Long story short, I didn't find it, but I did find an athlete blind from March 12 that had such similar wording, I'm wondering if it is the same athlete. And that blind could fit a horse too until the very last phrase, where it says your children will want to be this athlete. So if these two blinds are one and the same, then it is a human who is relatively new to the sport, but will be at his or her peak in a year. Both blinds suggest track and field, although your UFC guess of Volcan could fit. But I wonder if there is a track and field or gymnast that is up and coming as the face of the sport. Will we be getting a new Wheaties spokesperson?

  47. I love your sense of humour. This makes me laugh every time I think about it.i actually can't stop laughing.

  48. Tiffany Abreu- Tranny Volleyball player. Hormones are illegal but he takes them to pretend to be a girl. Dilemma, but only for those lacking common sense.

  49. Figure skating (?) Nathan Chen-- quadruple jumps. That the blind says he "jumped into the upper echelon" made me think of that.

    1. @Tammy - Nathan Chen has been well known for at least 2 years, longer than that for us skating fans.

      Figure skaters who win make lots of money. Amateurs were allowed to tour professionally in the 1990s. Other countries cover all expenses for their skaters.

  50. This is definitely curling... :P

  51. Lol Chloe Kim is not even close to being a household name. Talented kid, but the majority of people really don't care about snowboarding. Someone from UFC.

    1. @orangesoda - I don't watch snowboarding but I know who Chloe Kim is. Her face has been on magazine covers for months & she gives frequent interviews. I guess some people still live in caves...

  52. GAWD snowboarding is boring to watch, and obnoxiously commented on.

    Can't imagine why Sean White is such a deal. Ugh, so he can do some skate boarding moves on snow, big whup.

  53. @Chase got it. Tiffany Abreu dominated a woman's volleyball game last week,and she was a known male player previously. Opposing players will not be happy.

  54. I loved snowboarding. My favorite...then skating. I do also like curling but didn't watch.

  55. Definitely could be horseracing. There are a lot of drugs given to the horses to perform faster, hide injuries, etc. They aren’t treated well, which is why I refuse to watch racing. Here are a number of articles about how corrupt it is:

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Also, if you haven’t seen Icarus, you’ll be blown away by all the doping the Russians did in the Olympics.

    1. That is in competition doping. Why would they need that? To beat everyone who's doping out of competition, which is 100%. You can't reach the Olympics clean. It's impossible these days.

      As for the blind, God these athlete blinds are hard and no reveals so far. I have no guesses.

  58. Being a huge horse racing fan and one who knows all the ins and outs I really wanted to make this blind fit to the nags. This is racing to a T presently...

    'This sport is arguably THE single dirtiest sport out there. Has been for a long time. The use of chemicals in this sport is years ahead of any other sport out there. Athletes from other sports often consult with trainers from this sport to gain a “competitive edge”. '

    And if by chance this is horse related I suggest look at the horse Justified trained by Bob Baffert.

    but how would we know what a horse thinks? Especially this...

    "Once those issues are resolved, this athlete is on track for household name status in the manner much like others in this sport. And our athlete today knows that."

    The horse knows this???

    Surely this is Curling related?

  59. Edit - Justify is the correct horse name

  60. @RockSword
    It was a blind from Feb 19

    After my horse guess, I guessed Usain's move to soccer. Enty later said no one had guessed correctly. Whoever it is, it's a different sport than today's.

    Edited down version:
    "Big money sport. Big money athlete. This athlete is currently the best at their sport, has been for sometime and it isn’t particularly close. This athlete is active and just getting better.
    < >
    This athlete strived for big things at a young age with moderate success. Enter pro-hormones. These are the supplements that can turn an athlete into the type of athlete that makes the people with the stopwatches and notebooks drool at the potential.
    < >
    The problem is, as great as this athlete is in their respective sport, they aren’t yet a household name. And the pressure is on to change that..."

  61. One added reason I think this one is MMA is that both of the int'l organizations that run the sport (UFC & Bellator) are owned by entertainment companies based in Los Angeles (William Morris-IMG & Viacom).

    WME-IMG, who own UFC, were one of the companies interested in acquiring The Weinstein Co. (They also bought Ms. Universe from Trump after his "Mexican" speech in 2015.)

    So, info on these particular athletes could be very close, if not directly inside, enty's circle of sources.

    WME-IMG also owns pro bullriding. Any "guess the athlete" fit a bullrider?

  62. Agree with cycling as very dirty. All those asthmatics just happening to go into the same sport...

  63. Shocked nobody has gotten this yet! It's amateur wrestling and Kyle Snyder. He has DOMINATED at the college level, which is a growing sport, so he isn't a household name yet. He could become a household name either through UFC or WWE.

  64. didn't chris froome test dirty at the tour of spain and the tour de france doesn't want him to race anymore until it is resolved...

  65. "You can't reach the Olympics clean. It's impossible these days."

    That simply is not true.

  66. @Adam
    Would a college age wrestler would be considered a year from 'peak' performance in a pro sport that he hasn't started competing in yet?

  67. Tennis - Naomi Osaka

    Unseeded 20 year old, wins entire tournament at Indian Wells

    Naomi Osaka defeats Serena Williams in Miami Open

  68. It's not Naomi, Chloe, or anybody in eSports. Tennis has plenty of people who become household names, like Arthur Ashe, The Williams Sisters, Andre Agassi, Roger Federer, etc. And even though most pro snowboarders aren't household names, snowboarding has been a big-money sport for around 20yrs. eSports is growing, but it's nowhere near the dirtiest, doesn't have anyone who's been a household name, and doesn't have "trainers" in the conventional sense for other athletes to consult. And that's assuming they would even want to consult.

    I'm guessing cycling. Joe Rogan had a guy on JRE who made a documentary about how dirty it is and it's had one or 2 household names.



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