Sunday, June 09, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 30, 2019

The alliterate actress keeps paying her PR people to feed Kneepads stories. I'm not sure why. Does she think the jury members in her trial are Kneepads readers?

Lori Loughlin


Zilla3 said...

She's probably trying to repair her appeal to the public so she can salvage her employability.

E said...

I hate to break it to her, but there are many many people who have never seen that puerile show she's on

J said...

Lock her up and throw away the key.

In a room with zero mirrors.

sandybrook said...

Anyone who winds up on that jury is supposed to know very little about her and her situation.

Do Tell said...

It continues to astound me how she's public enemy #1, yet the guy who orchestrated the entire thing and went after these parents with an open palm waiting to be greased, and CREATED all these opportunities for admissions bribes, is practically flying under the radar newswise.

Unknown said...

@DoTell she is the one drawing all the attention to her. She should lay low.

HushHush said...

This story needed a bad guy, and a famous one. She always played nice people, and probably is a nice lady. Twisted, but nice.

Unknown said...

Brian Singer was the first guy to get nailed by the Feds and the FBI. He sang like a bird to prevent jail time. You won't hear anything public from him.

Sook said...

Because that's what innocent people do, right? Pay PR people to create puff pieces to maintain appearances. Fuck that and fuck her. I hope they throw the book at this smug narcissist.

riffer73 said...

This is the way the Feds work. Cut a deal with the real scumbags, convict someone famous with a process crime, retire, write a book and become a CNN analyst.

paper wrangler said...

@Do Tell.. it's the smug we did nothing wrong/rich/ privileged attitude she and her escapee from Madame Tussauds husband have that is the reason she's getting shelled. FH fell on her sword and admitted guilt- no one is really talking about her. This isn't just a case of buying your kids' way into college, this is also a case of income tax evasion. I don't think the feds give a flying fart in space about who does or doesn't get accepted into a college.. if they were that strongly against quid pro quo acceptance it wouldn't be legal for schools to "legacy" admit kids whose parents donate a shit ton of $$ to the school. You can't give a shit ton to a fake charity, then write off the "charitable" deduction on your taxes and get away with it though, that is a RICO offense and you will get prosecuted. If you march into court with a smug look after signing autographs you will also get prosecuted in the court of public opinion.


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