Saturday, January 04, 2020

Blind Item #5 - Reader Blind - Kindness

A tale of two deceased foreign born musicians and how one helped the other’s family in time of need.

Musician #1 is A+ in his home country where he had numerous hits,  a Broadway musical based on his life, and even his own short-lived TV show.  In the USA, he is primarily known for one monster hit that has been covered by other bands,  He also had a couple of other recognizable singles.  He is deeply influential musically on multiple genres not just the one he is primarily associated with.  The arc of his career was huge success then a mid-career lull then a comeback cut short by his untimely death.

Musician #2 is permanent A++.  He is one of the most influential and famous musicians of all time and his long career had many different phases and styles.  He admired Musician #1 who slightly predated him and worked with the same producer.  During Musician #1’s mid career lull, Musician #2 advised him to stop his out of control substance abuse which he did. They were friendly rivals and then just friends.

When Musician #1 died, he had a girlfriend he was planning to marry and a young son.  However, he was going through a divorce from his first wife and was still technically married to her. Aside from a trust set aside for his son when he reached maturity, the first wife got the whole of his estate.

The girlfriend and son were left destitute when Musician #2 stepped in and helped them financially which lasted for many years.  He paid for medical bills, for housing, and for education for the son. He wanted nothing in return. This was just an acknowledgment for his deep affection and respect for Musician #1.


  1. #1 Steve Marriott?
    #2 John Lennon?

  2. #1 Jacques Brel
    #2 David Bowie ?

  3. Brel did not have any sons, from what I could find. #2 leans toward Bowie.

  4. Was thinking Ian Curtis /Joy Division for #1. They influenced so many musicians like U2/Depeche Mode-big can’t match up a deceased musician.,or its someone I haven’t thought of

  5. #1 Marc Bolan?
    #2 David Bowie?

  6. Moms-Ian had a daughter

  7. Yes, Sandy, I was just about to post Bolan. GF being Gloria Jones.


    1. So blinds come from published articles.

    2. they do indeed, JL. very little on this site is "exclusive" information anymore

  9. It is Bolan/ Bowie,but his ex wife didn't get the bulk of his estate. A large portion of his money was hidden in some accounts as Bolan was trying to hide money from the high British taxes,as he was shortly before his death moving back to England as he was hosting a music show. It was so well hidden that decades later,the money was still missing. A lot of people thought his ex June,was behind it, as she was receiving money from the accounts,as she had also been his manager. Bowie was a guest on the final TV show Bolan hosted. They were actually on the outs for years until a few months earlier.

  10. Oh ,and +to @sandybrook. And checking the Google for dates,the estate was finally settled in 2011,with Bolan's son getting payment from it,and also some charities.

  11. Bowie certainly had a heart.
    I was in a small bookstore in Woodstock NY some time ago.
    The proprietress was struggling with the construction of a
    cardboard display for a new bestseller. I offered to help her,
    and she told me a great story as we worked on the display.

    A few months earlier she had been in a similar struggle.
    A "nice Englishman" was in the store at the time, browsing with his daughter.
    He offered his help, and did the thing in a jiffy with zero effort.

    As the "nice Englishman" and his little girl walked out the door, the
    proprietress's (proprietress' ?) adult daughter was walking in.
    She incredulously asked her mother about the gent, and wtf?!
    Of course, Mother was totally unaware of the Cardboard Crusader's real
    identity. Kind Bowie.

  12. Gloria Jones is the girlfriend (singer of the original version of “Tainted Love” in the mid 60’s). Tragically, she was the one driving the car when it crashed causing the death of Marc Bolan.

  13. Bolan died and Jones was in the hospital for a long time. By the time someone got to their London home to check on it, it had been completely ransacked and stripped by fans and fortune hunters, so she was left with literally nothing.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Who is Marc Bolan?

  16. @Minnie ... what a great story! Love Mr. Bowie!!

    @T.W. ... Bolan was frontman for T Rex, one of the first glam rockers. Know the song “Bang A Gong?” That’s his band with him singing.

  17. This is definitely David Bowie and Marc Bolan

    Definitely Bowie and Bolan.

  19. There’s a broadway musical about T. rex?

    1. Not Broadway, but 20th Century Boy is a popular musical in Britain.

  20. From what I've read over the years, Bowie really was an English gentleman. He never hid his Bi-sexuality, and he was lovely to Aboriginal Australians when he filmed a few music videos here in the 80'S.
    A lost gem.

  21. And it's Sandy for the win!
    Bang a gong!
    (that's the only T-Rex song I know!)

  22. But, have you watched his last video Dark Star? I have once. It is a creepy video full of symbolism and paganism. It left me feeling uneasy. Never again.

  23. Absolutely, Bolan and Bowie



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