Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dina Lohan Is On Tape Saying Lindsay Needs An Intervention

Have anything to do Monday night? Well, if you are not too busy recovering from your Halloween sugar induced coma or if you have finished looking for your missing tooth from a bad bobbing for apples incident, then you might want to watch Entertainment Tonight. That is the show that pays the most money so attracts world class guests like Michael Lohan. On Monday's program Michael is going to play some messages from his voice mail. The messages are from Dina Lohan and supposedly she also agrees that Lindsay needs an intervention.

"But I have proof that Dina has told me Lindsay is on death's doorstep, that she doesn't have much time left. There have been frantic calls. And I'm going to prove that Dina is the liar, not me. As the mother of my kids, I won't slam Dina personally, but she has expressed to me that Lindsay is in dire, dire need of an intervention. And Lindsay needs to see that her mother is either lying to me or lying to her."

I think the interesting thing is first that Michael has slammed Dina whenever he gets the chance so there is a lie right there. However, this is interesting. I think Dina is enabling Lindsay. Why? Money. It is all about the money. How does Dina make any? Lindsay and her kids. Is Ali making any? Umm, no. Therefore Dina has to be nice to Lindsay and let her do what she wants. She is forgetting she is a parent first which is why Ali is going to turn out even worse.

Michael also says that Dina blames Samantha Ronson for everything but tells Lindsay she loves Sam. When you put exploiting your kid ahead of their own best interests and possible death, there is not a place in hell hot enough for you.


canadachick said...

awww you should've used the mesh shirt picture !! Dina is a horrible person and mother @@

Sporky said...

Oh, to be able to go back in time and sterilize Dina...

Anonymous said...

The entire family belong on Jerry Springer rather than Entertainment Tonight.

Kelli said...

"Dina Lohan is a lying slutbag. She is a lying liar and she lies. But she's the mother of my children and I refuse to talk negatively about her." This guy is a piece of work. He cares nothing about his daughter and if he were half as dedicated to her growing up as he claims to be now she'd be in a much better place.

Jeannies Bottle said...

Michael Lohan has to go on Entertainment Tonight to get a message through to his daughter, to prove her mother is a liar. Too bad him and Dina don't put this much effort into saving their kid. What a bunch.

ardleighstreet said...

They both put themselves above Lilo.
They both deserve to rot on a spit in hell with Satan stabbing them with a spork and asking endlessly "Are you done yet?"

captivagrl said...

This girl never had a chance.

Pookie said...

wow. just wow.

RocketQueen said...

I think Dina is afraid of alienating Lindsay and is prepared to let Michael look like the bad guy in this. Obviously Lindsay is keeping her father at arm's length - Dina can't risk that happening to her paycheque!

blog hopper said...

I propose a site ban for anything Lohan!

Sinjin said...

Lol Ardleigh :-)

Lisa (not original) said...

As parents, they need to love their children more than they hate each other. My heart breaks for all their kids.

The Raw Kiwi said...

I wonder if Daddy Spears is available to take over?

__-__=__ said...

I think we'll see the Ronson's do the intervention way before her own family. Just sad.

Dead Angel said...

What Michael Lohan doesn't seem to realize is that Dina is the only parent Lindsay feels she has because all Michael does for a living is sell stories about his daughter as a source of income, you say Dina lives off Lindsay but Lindsay isn't working - Michael lives off her and gets weekly paydays.

After Monday, Lindsay will feel she has no one who loves her and cares about her, she has neither parent to count on, I expect that if Michael really did this he signed his own child's death warrant for a few coins.

She used to be pretty, she was a talented kid actress who didn't make the transition but can't he see that he's doing something no other actor's parent has done to them, that this isn't the way to help his child by humiliating her and making it so that no one will hire her EVER. She's trying to be entrepreneurial to make it as an adult and do it under a microscope whatever substance abuse problems she has or doesn't have, he's her biggest problem by far.

Anonymous said...

I hope she does a Drew Barrymore.


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