Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Blind Item #10

Interesting. This former A list celebrity/syndicated actress turned celebrity/reality star/part-time escort says she has been interviewed by four different governments about her involvement with this foreign born A list infamous celebrity and why she always visited the same restaurant before visiting him and the same clothing store after visiting with him.


  1. Pammy and Julian?

  2. And since he can't go out, maybe he wants take out from the restaurant and a new set of clothes for the store, huh Entern? And since he's a fugitive\most wanted crimnal of course foreign govts want to know why, what and how she does when she is with him.

  3. Wondering if he's sneaking out dressed as a ... woman? She's getting items in HIS size???

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I would be surprise if she does not have microphnes up her backside..

  5. @ Laura microphones up the hoohah is just an average day for Pammy.

  6. Huma and Charley Sheen.

  7. Strange, you'd think they'd have bugged those places instead of tipping her off.

  8. Well, the poor guy craps his pants every time he hears a loud noise. Pamela brings him new undies.

    And it's not like you're gonna get very good food at the Ecuadorian Embassy. They eat goats or something. She needs some good solid food after that. Stat.

    Not suspicious at all!

  9. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Pamela boning Asange was such a great twist in the Wikileaks saga...maybe she likes the food and likes the clothing store?

  10. Assange is only wanted by the Brits for jumping bail. Otherwise, he's a free man, to walk the streets wherever he pleases.

    He keeps emoting that the evil CIA is gonna git him. I think the threat to his life is from another source entirely, a source that throws inconvenient people out of windows or poisons them with nerve agents.

    I hope Pammy is making a bundle for doing whatever she is doing.

    1. Agree.
      I LOL’d when they shut off his internet because he’s an asshole.
      The Russians are done with him and he cant keep his frickin mouth shut.
      He can stay in his cupboard forever.

  11. She'd best be careful.

    I bet his wiki leaks...

  12. If this is Pamela Anderson, why not mention she is foreign born, also?

  13. Damn it @plot I agree with you again

  14. If governments were out to get me and I was holed up in a foreign embassy I would never order from the same restaurant twice in a row.

  15. Pammy and her "misunderstood give him a chance" buddy Assange

  16. Anonymous4:08 PM

    This is about intelligence drops, not clothes or food.

  17. Weird. Is Pamela Anderson a spook?

  18. If you mean "Is Pamela Anderson a MK Ultra programmed Beta kitten for the spooks?", then yes.

  19. Anonymous5:10 PM

    @1962 +1. She's picking up intel with her food order, meeting Assange, and then delivering intel to the clothing store. Hell, maybe Julian buys Pammy a new outfit for her trouble!

  20. Assange IS CIA- a limited hangout. (Controlled.) It's all political theatre, or perhaps he got on someones bad side and maybe is being punished a bit.

    But I assure you of this- they kill people that actually do things like he supposedly has. Unless they deliberately choose not to.
    Many many ways for him to have a 'heart attack' or commit 'suicide'. Yet, he lives.
    And has Baywatch conjugal visits, to boot. (Seriously?)

    Make a list of the real changes that have come about from Wikileaks.... take your time, I'll wait.

  21. Anonymous9:16 PM

    @Southern Man , @Lila +1

  22. Pammy gets vegan burgers from Mildred's for assange

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @Fustian - stop slandering the Ecuadorian embassy cafeteria! They do not serve goat. Besides, the cuy is delicious!

  25. Given Pam's financial problems, I can see her working for a Government as the "honey pot".

  26. Y'all have to imagine other bad guys than the CIA.

    No way is the CIA the support for Assange. No FUCKING way. He has been Vlad's boy for 8 years now.

    The only way I can imagine Pammy being a CIA asset is if The Lying Sack of Shit Assange is feeling for ways out of his basement closet that are relatively safe...compared to the alternatives. His Internet is still cut off, right?

  27. @Plot- as many have said, you are a constant disinfo/defender of the worst. You do seem to either be very sympathetic to the nasties, or maybe in their employ somehow.

    Even giving you the benefit of the doubt, you have no understanding of double agents, limited hangouts and establishment disinfo campaigns.

  28. I don't?

    Okay then. My watching of Assange's activities for over a decade aren't important to you.

  29. Do you seriously think if snowden and assange etc were stealing the NSAs core info and openly publishing it unauthorized they would live more than a week?

    A journalist found and met with snowden in asia (right after he left) with no problems- but the entire intelligence apparatus of the USA 'couldn't locate him.' This is all public record stuff.

    They think people are pretty dumb- and you know what? They're right.

  30. "Do you seriously think if snowden and assange etc were stealing the NSAs core info "

    Assange stole nothing.

    "Openly publishing it unauthorized they would live more than a week?"

    Yes, it's happened before. People lived. I think you get your ideas about our covert agencies from "24". I know it gives you a delicious thrill to think you know the evils of our government but let me pass on an early lesson someone told me - ALWAYS resist your own dogma. If you don't, your dogma will take over your critical thinking.

    "but the entire intelligence apparatus of the USA 'couldn't locate him.'"

    That isn't true. The USA knew exactly where Snowden was asked Hong Kong for his extradition. They refused.

    "A journalist found and met with snowden in asia"

    You obviously know little about it. Snowdon contacted Greenwald and he told Greenwald and Poitras where he would be. Have you seen the documentary? They had nothing to "find".

    "This is all public record stuff"

    Yet you get so much wrong about that public record.

  31. Pammy's gonna wind up like Marilyn Monroe did if she keeps that up. Life isn't a Bond movie.



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