Thursday, April 19, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Reader Blind Item

In 2016, there was an incident which made international news - a big name celebrity fell afoul of a criminal group. While the story itself was reported, what didn't ultimately get revealed was that these criminals were working for a very dangerous organization. To be honest, the celebrity was just lucky that things didn't go more badly for them. The incident was interestingly timed to coincide with the expected release of information by a prominent media organization that ultimately never materialized when everyone expected it to.

Had this information gotten out, it would have caused significant shock globally and embarrassed authorities in the country. So instead of allowing the truth to get out, there was a cover up. Police intentionally allowed conflicting statements to be made, protocols were broken, fake camera footage was distributed to the media, reports where experts asked inconvenient questions were scrubbed from tabloids, witnesses were sent abroad and not allowed to return. A few outlets, hungry for a scoop, put out enough information that a few individuals began to ask questions. But with friendly news organizations running cover, the truth has remained hidden. Which in a way is unfortunate because this celebrity might have actually gotten a lot more public sympathy for what they went through.


  1. Sean Penn/ El Chapo?

  2. Kim Kardashian's Paris robbery

  3. Enty has sunk to printing Clinton conspiracy theories from readers. That's getting pretty desperate.

    1. "Enty has sunk to printing Clinton conspiracy theories from readers. That's getting pretty desperate."
      Eternal memorial to who let that jinn out of the bottle when it had nothing to do with the blind.

  4. It's written to look like a Clinton conspiracy, but I'm pretty sure Sallysal got this one right.

  5. 100% Kim Kardashian

  6. Sean Penn and El Chapo...

  7. WikiLeaks' 'October Surprise' fails; Assange promises more to come

  8. This sounds like it tries to link Wikileaks "October Surprise" and Kims Paris robbery. Even as a far-fetched lunatic conspiracy, I cannot make sense of it. The only connection that is certain is that they both happened on the planet Earth in 2016.

  9. "Which in a way is unfortunate because this celebrity might have actually gotten a lot more public sympathy for what they went through."

    Armed hostage situation. Inside men at hotel. You can fill in the blanks.

    1. What? Didn't entry publish a blind saying it was fake? Now they're implying it's not? Jesus.

  10. Poor KK was genuinely traumatized, y'all! For reals, she said she was afraid to travel with all of her Chanel bags and Louis Vuitton items. I pray every day that this National Treasure is able to get through her horrific ordeal without lasting damage so she can get back to healing and guiding the masses.

  11. Wasn't there a blind about Rob, Kylie or Kendall selling info that led to Paris robbery?

    1. Cuz they ran up a drug bill they couldn't pay.

  12. Nah fuck that
    Fifty-two pick up, no cops around
    Fifty-two thousand in cash, I don't want no savings bonds
    Have the money ready, I smell something fishy
    Your wife's in my custody
    One false move and you'll find her body in the sea
    That's the voice of the kid, that's the kidnapper
    I do my work and then I catch my ticket to TEL AVIV
    Meet me in the alley, make sure you bring the money
    This ain't the seventies I'm far from a jive turkey

  13. The connection implied by this BI is that Kim's Paris robbery was a diversion from Assange's promise of Big Information coming from Wikileaks...which of course never materialized because Assange is a lying sack of shit.

    I think. It's a pretty indecipherable BI on purpose.

    1. Wrong again plot.
      Will you ever learn humility or are you doomed to your eternal attempt to legislate against and around Allah al-Haq?
      Why is 6 afraid of 7?
      Because 7 8 9

  14. Ryan Lochte at the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.

    1. That's an interesting guess too, but it happened earlier than the Wikileaks thing.
      There is definitely more to his story than he says.

  15. Summary:

    Kim Kardashian robbery conspiracy coverup. Cover nose and mouth with one hand, insert thumb up ass with other, and blow your brains out your ears. The End.

  16. I immediately thought Kim K for the weird police investigation etc but I don’t really understand how that links to the rest of it.
    Are you suggesting this gang were paid by/Work for the French Gov to rob Kim hoping that that news would eclipse anything Assange put out? Or am I completely off?

    1. DGSE will kill pregnant women to achieve objectives.
      How far off is anything?
      Hey remember Charlie Hebdo?
      If you think it's bad here wait til you see Europe.

    2. Every other comment had not loaded when I put this.

  17. Because the the blind says "a big name celebrity fell afoul of a criminal group", I think this is talking Sean Penn and not KK. She just got "ripped off".

    This phrase is also interesting: "what didn't ultimately get revealed was that these criminals were working for a very dangerous organization".

    We already know that El Chapo and his compatriots were big time drug kingpins. So who is the "very dangerous organization" they were working with we didn't know about?

    If I had to guess, it would likely be some terrorist group or other.

    Which would be very bad news if true.

  18. Kim K, ran afoul of Paris criminal group who worked for/had deep connections with ISIS. Thought this was pretty well known? They scrubbed a lot but it took a few days.

    1. And if ISIS is the Mossad who had to pay protection to one of their Euro fronts/affiliates because Europe is not America and you always pay your tithe?

  19. Plot you nincompoop, can you name even one thing that WikiLeaks or Julian Assange has ever published that wasn't true?

    1. Wikileaks has been proven to have published altered documents actually. If you had paid any attention you would have learned that the Russians sent them real and fake emails from the DNC hack. They did the same thing to Macron and others. They altered documents added the words “Classified” to some documents and altering others. WikiLeaks published fake and real emails when they did the dumps. They are a Russian propaganda arm. Don’t forget that and fool yourself.


  21. Is PMK now invading CDAN with "reader" blinds?

    1. Sorry, I can't find who PMK is. P M Kardashian? No hits on that.

    2. Pimp Mama Kartrashian

  22. Must be that Kanye was a secret mule for Assange's info on Hillary because Kanye wants to be great again. He hid the contents among Kim's luggage and agreed to the theft by Russian operatives so he could recoup the insurance money. Win win!!

    But then, when Pammy saw a fur coat among the takings, she immediately burned it, unwittingly destroying all the microfiche (cuz I'm old school). that Kanye had stitched into it.

    So, no October Surprise! It's so obvious now.

  23. Do you think anyone who works at the NSA may be "A Reader" of CDAN?
    Broad term isn't it?

    1. Geeljire, I have been wondering how many people who work at NSA are *writers* of CDaN.

  24. First this phrase "The incident was interestingly timed to coincide with the expected release of information by a prominent media organization that ultimately never materialized when everyone expected it to."

    It doesn't seem to fit wikileaks since they are NOT a prominent media organization. And the media cannot really stop a wikileaks release since they release it to anybody and everybody.

    Some posters think the Israeli's are behind whatever this is, but again, no European prominent media outlets would have any interest at all in protecting Israeli interests.

    Again: "Which in a way is unfortunate because this celebrity might have actually gotten a lot more public sympathy for what they went through," doesn't sound at all like Kim K. What would she get public sympathy for? She was either stupid in having those valuables with her, or the robbery was some kind of a scam. Not sure I see how people would change their minds about her based on how dangerous the thugs were.

    Just don't see the KK robbery fits with the blind. Unless somebody can explain it a little better.

    1. "but again, no European prominent media outlets would have any interest at all in protecting Israeli interests."
      You shouldn't be so certain of that.

  25. Brayson87 always has THE best synopses! Love them!

    Also, it was implied the KK robbery was all set up by PMK (which I do buy), but would the Paris police really allow that to go down on their watch? I guess what I'm asking is how was PMK able to orchestrate the whole thing when there were actual police and CIA-type players involved? I get that she can get Kanye, Odom, and even Kaitlynn to play along for story lines, but interpol? Really?!

  26. Why sure! Your wish is my command -

    A trove of documents about Russia promised in 2008 that never materialized.

    Saying the Manning videos were unedited and becoming incensed that anyone would suggest they were. Commenters proved they were edited. Assange says "Okay just a little bit" and claims to release the real videos...which were again proven to be edited. Assange scurries away to his hidey hole.

    A trove of documents about Bank of America, promised (in fact Wikileaks raised a ton of money using that impending release) that never materialized. Yeah, same old Assange. He claims they were stolen from him. What ingenious hacker savant keeps sensitive files in only one place?

    Connecting the death of Seth Rich to Hillary. Oh ho hum, who hasn't connected every political death to HRC at this point, but Assange made a huge point of doing so. He used the death of someone to draw attention to himself - gosh how unusual for this Piece of Shit.

    Wikileaks made a solemn promise never to publish the names of individual people or put their lives at risk. This was it's first and primary ethical position from the beginning. What does Assange do in 2016? Right, published the personal data of Turk resistance fighters, homosexuals from Saudi Arabia, individual social security numbers, credit card numbers, medical records including those of rape victims and sick children with their names attached. Wikileaks published a long list of Afghani citizens who were working with the our military. What was Assange's excuse? "They were compromised anyway" so I guess their torture and the torture of their families leading very probably to the death of them all, does not matter to the Lying Sack of Shit Assange.


    1. You know this too well and you also know this isn't what happened. Backfire!😁🤗

  27. Plot - literally nothing in even your best biased efforts there described the publishing of incorrect information. If they haven't published fake leaks, just admit that- don't obfuscate and pivot.

    Your political fundamentalism is very off-putting.

    1. Wrong they published fake info from the DNC leaks and Macron.

  28. " they haven't published fake leaks,"

    They published fake Manning videos.

    They lied about never publishing personal data.

    They lied about promises of BoA and Russian documents (as a fund raising operation.)

    There is nothing biased about recognizing those lies by Wikileaks.

    There is something enormously biased about ignoring them.

  29. So, Mr. Plot, I'm no fan of either wikileaks or Mr. Assange.


    Even assuming that everything you say is true, wikileaks is still no "prominent media organization" You haven't explained why wikileaks would sit on information that would "would have caused significant shock globally and embarrassed authorities in the country"?

    And the governments involved together with "friendly media" would band together with wikileaks to suppress this information?


    1. If memory serves, plot is not a Mr.

    2. Ugh. Your memory is totally right. I was so disappointed when I found out.

  30. "They published fake Manning videos."

    That's a lie .

    You make great points against the straw man that people should deify Assange/Wikileajs, nothing mire. Drop the faux-sanctimony about bias, it doesn't look good on you .

    What do you think the Blind is about?

  31. jesus, this site is unreadable anymore.

  32. "wikileaks is still no "prominent media organization""

    That is true. Enty is known to fudge his definitions a bit. The suggestion Wikileaks is involved here is a interesting possibility though probably wrong.

    "That's a lie "

    Dude, it's incredibly easy to go see the edits Wikileaks made in the Manning videos. Go hither and figure out who is lying here.

  33. If you don't engage plot's lunacy plot doesn't have an excuse to comment shit.

  34. I don't need to read any vast right-wing conspiracy sites anymore. I just wait for the usual suspects to start spewing squid ink and saying "Stop accusing the Clintons!" as soon as a story comes along, then I know there must be some there there. Saves loads of time.

    1. "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?"

  35. IF it was the Kardashian robbery, people would feel much worse for Kim if she was raped by a pack of arab terrorists, as would I.

    The French have a long history of being in bed with questionable Arabs - Oil For Food scandal, anyone? That was held up on the banking side by the French.

    If this is really Kim's robbery, well geez. Even I don't want to see a hooker get gang-raped regardless of how much time she spends in Dubai. Man I wish I knew the dirt on that family.

  36. And for the record, I would loosely consider wikileaks a media company, sure - but I have a hard time seeing how this is connected.

  37. Plot thickens! PLOT is Hillary herself!

    Many thought that KK Paris robbery was Pink Panther's deal, but it was not.

    1. I'm gonna pretend you're Michael Madsen from now on

  38. @Doug,Pimp Mama Kris = PMK. Because she p imps her children. Plot has previously been IDed as female.

    1. @Guesser, thanks. Now that you mention it, I've seen that term used here. Wikipedia should add it to their PMK disambiguation page...

  39. Plot-TWISTED, with his customary misinformation and smears! SO intellectually dishonest.

    Probably the Kardashian robbery, though I'd prefer it to be Penn/El Chapo. "Celebrity" instead of "Actor."

    Doubt WIkileaks is part of this, though Kardashian has been used in the past as a distraction. Remember the "Break the Internet" shots of her very airbrushed behind on that magazine cover ruled social media for almost a week, right after the CIA torture report got released by Congress. There are other examples, but I don't feel like going back to my research to dig it up.

    I hold very little doubt the entire Kardashian Klan is some kind of intel pawn collection to distract, degrade and dumb-down Americans.

    COUNT the occult visual references in their 2013 holiday card!

    SEE the Masonic checkerboards in their 2012 holiday card!

    Etc., etc.

  40. @Sal Salington It's obviously not Clinton in a a direct sense and is likely Penn. So, thaaaaaaat's an interesting comment. What helped you come to your conclusion?

  41. If the Kards are part of the Church! Conspiracy! Deep State! the US public sure is making them popular all by ourselves.

    BTW DDonna, did you happen to notice that your buddy Alex Jones is now saying Sandy Hook is real? Cuz he's getting sued big time by the families? Dang, it's almost like he never really believed it was a government false flag conspiracy at all! Only fed it to his chumps...

    1. I feel like these people that think everything is a satanic ritual or that anything a celebrity does is supposed to be a distraction from our government has got to be off their meds. Wtf?! Where there always this many whack jobs or did the internet just make them more visible? Who actually believes this shit? There can’t be that many of them.

  42. I find it odd that you can't find the names of most of the suspects in the KK robbery. Maybe I'm wrong, I did a perfunctory search, but have only found Michael and Gary Madar, Florus H., "Omar le Vieux" (Old Omar), Marceau, (a "gypsy"), "Nez Râpé" (Broken Nose), and "Pierre", for example.

    Didier Dubreucq (known as "Blue Eyes") was involved in crimes with Saudi Prince Nayef Bin Fawaz al-Shaalan, who is linked to the Medellin Cartel. Is that the "very dangerous organization" they were working for? I was trying to find ties to Mossad or the mafia, but I guess it could be ISIS.

  43. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hilary Clinton's sudden departure, and appears to be 'thrown' into a black vehicle, on Sept 11 2016, during a
    busy 9 11 memorial service.
    An hour after the bizarre departure, a visibly fake Hilary is filmed deliberately by press, waving on the sidewalk outside her daughter's apartment.
    The haircut, posture, and face do not match Clinton. I believe the films are still online; view for yourself, if you missed it then.
    Something happened that day.

  44. @plot What is your problem, Lady/Guy? You seem to be forever on the attack.

  45. @mercyprosperity Links/Raw photos or it didn't happen. Don't f*ck a real thing up, please. Seriously. It is not useful.


      9/11 Memorial 2016

      Hillary Clinton is leaned against a pillar as her black SUV pulls to the curb.

      Secret service take her side by side and pull her into the car as staff swarm to block the camera's view.

      Nonetheless, her legs are clearly seen buckling, and she is thrown into the floor of the car (seats are removed)

      Metal pins or some kind of material are visible falling from her pant legs (likely some kind of brace)

      Her shoe also comes off, and an aid retrieves it.

      She is apparently taken to a private medical clinic in the same building as Chelsea Clinton's apartment. "She" then emerges 3 hours later to a staged "healthy" paparazzi meet and greet.

  46. @Plot Sorry for the double comments addressing you, I guess - AJ is getting sued for $1 million dollars. If you're not Dr. Evil, that is not an awful lot of dollars. My liability insurance is far higher than that. And I'm not a public figure. (Hopefully. Yes, I use my name and that is only because I stand behind what I say.)

  47. Alex Jones is much an Intel front as the Kardashian Klan. Duh.

    He's there to make genuine critical thinkers and challengers to the establishment narrative look like fools and freaks. Maybe he does what he can, then does what he must to stay alive. No idea, and I don't care. He's not someone I read or follow.

    Anybody who doesn't know that (or pretends not to know that), I'm glad to have the opportunity to enlighten them.

  48. Genuinely thought this blind was about Ryan Lochte being forced to flee Brazil during the Olympics.

  49. There was that shocking assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey at that art gallery in 2016. That was a month or so after the Kardashian robbery.

  50. Fuck me... The theories here rival the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where Charlie was putting together the giant board where EVERYTHING was connected.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. "There was that shocking assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey at that art gallery in 2016. "

    In the annals of strange things happening in the world with no obvious cause, that was one of the weirdest. All of it was caught on video, too.

  53. @Sadie Slays It probably was. :)

  54. About that Russian Ambassador shooting in Turkey:

    > No blood on the floor after getting shot multiple times
    > The shooter does not check if the ambassador is dead, nor walk up and shoot him in the head
    > Ambassador could easily been wearing a bullet-proof vest; a trained assassin would make sure he finished the job before starting a song and dance routine for the cameras
    > Cameraman pans in while shots are fired, pans out when shooting has ended
    > Why didn't cameraman run for his life?
    > Killer yells 'Allahu Akbar' just to make sure we know it's an Muslim terrorist
    > Artwork on the wall is crooked

    Watch the video, if you can find it. Then ask yourself:
    > Do you see a bullet hit a man? I don't
    > Do you see smoke from a discharged pistol? I don't
    > Do you see the ambassador hit the ground? I don't
    > Does the gunman have....six fingers?

    The shooting video is well-edited, cutting between scenes and missing the most critical moments.

    1. Remember how Nick Berg was dead when the CIA cut the head off his body?
      Real decapitations have a lot of blood, trust me!


    This is Ryan Lochte and the "robbery" at the 2016 Olympics.

    The truth is much worse...and he was too dumb to realize how much danger he really was in...

  56. None of the guesses so far tie back to the police coverup:
    “Police intentionally allowed conflicting statements to be made, protocols were broken, fake camera footage was distributed to the media, reports where experts asked inconvenient questions were scrubbed from tabloids, witnesses were sent abroad and not allowed to return.”
    Doesn’t describe Clinton/DNC, KK, or Lochte.

  57. ENTY - can we have a daily post where you can stray off topic & talk about anything you want like on Dlisted, so people can spew whatever crap they want & not clog up the comment sections on EVERY OTHER POST??? Especially politics -fight all you want, but have a dedicated post to do it in? Please, ENTY?

    1. This is a low key attempt to stifle free speech with bureaucracy. Everyone is allowed to write here, even plot.

  58. The timeline fits the Kardashian robbery, though originally that was written off as an insurance scam. If it was her, what was she doing getting wrapped up in a criminal syndicate?

    @plot Assange most definitely is/was CIA. That being said, you are forgetting the part where the internet had a giant outage preventing the material from being released. The government now likes to blame this on a minecraft bot net. Suuuuure.....

    Assange's dead man switch was triggered after he visits with Pamela. There was a flight from London to North Carolina that day (Fort Bragg) after an "incident" at Heathrow. Then two others involved in wikileaks turn up dead in the coming weeks. His keys have still not been rectified. No one has seen the guy on the balcony since. Not convinced the guy is alive.

    Add yet another to the long list of the Clinton body count. Assange, Seth Rich, Antonin Scalia.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Plot, you are the most ill-informed, ignorant cunt on the planet. Please just fuck off you pathetic piece of shit...

  61. @Aimless Spectator

    I'm so sorry you deleted your comment. It was a very plausible theory and I had some questions.

    FYI, the Kards are now closing down all their Dash stores. IDK about the online business.

  62. "Fake camera footage" = there was the strange phone footage released of Kim casually sitting on the couch, on her phone. Her assistant was on another couch on her phone, not comforting her and no one was interacting but the detectives.

    I try to keep in mind that Kanye was touring when this happened. He was losing money, ranting and on the verge of officially losing the plot.... so he might have something to do with it.

  63. "I hold very little doubt the entire Kardashian Klan is some kind of intel pawn collection to distract, degrade and dumb-down Americans. "

    @DDonna I don't think Americans need intel pawns to dumb themselves down. They do a great job themselves, independent of any guidance.
    Exhibit A: Honey Boo Boo
    Exhibit B: Oh, I dunno, how about the Duggars. Or even the Kardashian clan themselves? Could that bunch be any more vapid and clueless?

  64. Exhibit C : the Real Housewives franchise.

    Exhibit D : Big Bank Theory

    Exhibit E : I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant


  65. @Ernie, you may just be the new Brayson. A high bar, but well done.

  66. "Geeljire said...
    This is a low key attempt to stifle free speech with bureaucracy. Everyone is allowed to write here, even plot."

    I'm assuming you're replying to me since you're the 1st comment after mine, and a good hour or so after mine. A) I'm not the government, so I'm not interfering with ANYONE'S free speech, & B) I actually lean more towards Plot's views than others here, so I'm not trying to stifle anything she says. I'm asking for a dedicated fight post, like a Dlisted open post, where we can toss the raw meat into the crowd & people can yell about all the political shit they want.

    And if you WEREN'T responding to me, well, NEVER MIND, THEN. LOL.

  67. +1 Terry Teratoma. I think an open speech chat every day would be a great idea. Even tho those who feel the need to criticize others probably still will do so, no matter what the subject.

  68. Just to help you out a bit...

    ANYONE you see on the cover of a mainstream magazine, or featured heavily on mainstream tv/cable is NO THREAT to the establishment. Think for a minute.... why would they give free publicity to someone who was actually an enemy or a viable threat to the massive wealth and power they are controlling?

    I know this is not a logic forum (lol) but please, people try to use a spot of common sense.

    It's called political theater for a reason.

  69. I saw a YouTube video a while back.
    The guy was supposed to be a friend of the Kardashians. I think he was a pimp too, not sure.

    Anyway, he said PMK had been pimping the girls to the Arabs from a young age.

    He also stated they were using sex magic. Occult Judaism/Lucifarianism.

    He didn't think Kim would sacrifice her first born, which is often a requirement.

    Eg. Justin Trudeaus older brother "fatal accident".

    CIA Coopers older brother falling from a window.

    The oldest Geldof girl ODing.

  70. "Occult Judaism/Lucifarianism"

    Here we go...

    " Justin Trudeaus older brother "fatal accident".

    Damn! Sneaky, dastardly Jews control avalanches!

    "The oldest Geldof girl ODing."

    And make women, who have used heroin for a decade+, OD!

  71. Can't find the video I referred to.

    But this one......

    Sodomy rituals in Hollywood.
    How actors and actresses get reamed to progress up the ladder.

  72. Well, they deconstructed marriage. Which imploded the family. Now they are deconstructing gender. And freedom of speech.

    Next stops: pedophilia and bestiality will be mainstreamed. Go ahead and mock.
    Check back in five years.

    They will not stop until western civilization and culture, what's left of it, is entirely disassembled.

  73. Well, I hate to tell you this, southern man ...but I will 🤓
    "the family" had already successfully imploded due to the heterosexual & nuclear crowd.



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