Thursday, April 19, 2018

Your Turn

I saw the question on Twitter and thought to myself no video game has ever influenced my life, but that is just me. What about you? Has a video game influenced your life? Defined you?


  1. The archaeologist found a used tampon, but could not identify what period it was from.

  2. I think I lost a month to Skyrim, it's kind of blurry.

  3. Not even Tetris? Snake? Candy Crush?

  4. Always liked the civilization series, but it sure doesnt define me.

  5. Video games I have enjoyed playing - yes, there are a few. Video games that define my life or have influenced it? No. Not at all.

  6. NHL 99 on the N64. My crew that I was hanging out with at the time would engage in hours-long battles. Very, very good times.

  7. No, and I feel inherently and deeply sorry for anyone where it has.

  8. I don't know if it defined me, but, Lode Runner on the AppleIIe definitely enhanced my younger self's, enjoyment of bullying of older, less competent boys, such as my brother (beating them; anything boys can do, I'll do better). For some reason, I was AMAZING at that game, and nothing would rile my brother up more, and then take up more of his time and effort, then when he would sit there, trying to beat my score/level.

    I will state; karma kicked me in the a** for my younger, bullying ways. Trust that. I paid dearly.

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I couldn’t tell you the first thing about NFL offenses or defenses until I played Madden online. Now I’m screaming at the TV “too many men in the box, spread out!”

  10. The Metal Gear Solid series. Got MGS1 in a box set for my 14th birthday (My Mum was always good at surprises like that), and I was hooked on the whole conspiracy/don't trust anyone thing. Then MGS2 came along and basically predicted the coming century with memes and the idea that the net would spread too much information so that any truth would be lost amongst the sea of it.

    Let's not talk about MGS V, though.

  11. Everything is an influence for life, especially in childhood. No need to quote games...

  12. The Sims influenced me to stay the fuck away from real humans.

  13. Video games in general were an inspiration to get into computers and programming, but a particular game changing my life? No, don't think so. Unless you count randomly quoting Duke Nukem, but those are all homages to movies anyway.

  14. Holla if you played Heroes of Might and Magic 3 best town and why

    1. EVE is certainly the strangest money laundering/sociology experiment I've ever participated in.

  15. I played a game called Covet for a few years and while it didn't really define me, I got really involved in the player community.

  16. Yes. Grand Theft Auto influenced me greatly. I now steal cars, hire hookers, shoot them in the head after screwing them and take their money, blow shit up, engage in hours long gun battles...

    1. I do too but I went to Yale

    2. I did all that before gta came out.

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      GTA is the best. Go to the military base. Steal the jet. Blow everything up!

  17. Replies
    1. I didn't know anyone else on earth played 11th Hour! I loved that game!

  18. As a mother to millenials my life was definitely defined by every new video game console that came out, specifically having to buy one of each every Christmas of the 90's.

    Though my daughter did get me addicted to the Professor Layton puzzles/stories. Whenever I hear French accordion music I get nostalgic.

  19. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Leisure suit Larry. Got me through middle school.

  20. Neopets. Still enjoy it. Rule 1: never grow up.

  21. I hit Uncharted hard in the three month gap I had between jobs. I already had a job lined up before I left my prior job, so it was abso-fucking-lutely one of the greatest times of my life.

  22. PacMan has had no influence over me whatsoever.

  23. Most games! I'm an addicted gamer, from final fantasy to resident evil, Skyrim to dragon quest... I have enjoyed lots of worlds, become many people... It's like the best version of an interactive book!

  24. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I never allowed them in the house.
    Very bad for children, imo



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