Friday, April 20, 2018

Blind Item #8 - The Dancing Boy

For the twenty years (this past January) since the overdose, I've suffered from nightly insomnia (which is a shame since coming up I was a talented sleeper). Lately I've been waking up around 4 or 5am, wanting to tell things. Here is one, a thing of things. You see: I share something in common with the subject, at least, of a recent very popular blind. No, I don't mean that we grew up in the same place, although we did. This person revealed this thing, and really I should say other thing, about a half-decade ago, I think. The reason you don't want to is what happened next. The sibling, who in kid times I once counted as a friend, reacted that way. Even more sadly, that most important of older women did too. And then what happened next, which won't, I hope, be happening now.

In a grim coincidence, I grew up on the same block as a woman - then nearing old age - whose fictional likeness was already one of the more famous grand-daughter characters (of course, and sadly, that's not all she was). I like to refer to the writer of this one - one of the best of all time - who deserved the award for it.

And much as in this other person's case, the two additional types of conduct toward me were also present, and persistent. In one case, when I was eight, the door was flung open on a Sunday morning - refer to the original blind for my state of dress - and I was thrown across the room and against the wall because I wasn't ready to go. Where as one happened in secret, and this one in private, the third one happened basically in public. Lots of people, including friends, will have stories. And I won't hesitate to mention that mine was to me as much I imagine as this other person's, also a booster - someone who believed in you and what you could do. That's the part that makes it all so messed up.

By "what happened next" I mean I hope I won't be forced to do/say what happened next.

For the connection to the grand-daughter refer to experience of the mother.


  1. Can't wait for the "Sick of the dancing boy blinds" comments.

  2. Is this a Himmmm blind? Has Enty spoken of personally?

  3. I think at this point not many are interested enough to search out the original blind

  4. Looks like Chris Farley is the OD

  5. I'm not sick of them, but they're becoming increasingly hard to make any sense of. Some sentences here don't even make grammatical sense, let alone convey any information.

    1. Exactly this. And this guy is a lawyer? Puulllease.

    2. Agree, wtf?! Why would Enty post this without editing or requiring an edit? These have become completely incoherent and sound like the rambling of someone having a bad drug trip. No thanks.

  6. Did I just have a stroke or is this a big confusing mess of words?

    1. @Dena

      I am confused too & I am hoping there is a summary further down in the comments.

  7. Cali, agreed. I had to read it a few times.

  8. Also either sort out your writing so that people can actually understand what ur saying in these long blinds or put them all together in a kind twitter post/make it one blind item, in order and not some puzzle that nobody's gonna bother with

    1. Most of the blinds these days have either become too long or completely incoherent, some are both. Not sure what’s going on. I go to agc read the main guess for the blind and if it seems like someone I’d be interested in reading a blind about I’ll read, otherwise I pass.

  9. What on earth did I just read?

  10. Dead lost on this. Does it not sound like it was the writer who o.d.'ed? That he's had insomnia ever since?

  11. You didn't have a stroke Dena, it's a complete mess.

  12. It's how I imagine Corey Feldman writing a blind.

    1. @Brayson

      not enough capslock.

  13. This blind makes zero sense and is borderline incomprehensible.

  14. You guys are smarter than you give yourselves credit for, be patient and figure it out.
    There are no prizes on CDAN.

  15. Here are all of the Dancing Boy blinds, in reverse chronological order:

    1. Oh thanks for this.. was just thinking I need to brush up on the DB blinds and come back to this one


      @justsayin' for some reason, this dancing boy update doesn't show up in your search results

      This one discusses Michael Stipe of REM being one of the abusers.

      Fuck him for being a pedo, but I do feel joy...the walls of jericho (hollywood) are falling

      "Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine"

  16. If he's supposedly pitching/making a movie, I hope to hell he has a script editor, because... WHAT?

  17. I got really lost with the wording of the first couple paragraphs. I know you don't want to expose people/situations until you do but the way this is written makes it even hard to try to understand what's happening....I hope you are ok though

  18. Ok, I forgot...the Dancing Boy himself is the author of the blind.

  19. It's really at the point where the writer is trying to be cryptic about being obscure, which is a shame because if the story was more straightforward, sounds like it would be pretty captivating.

  20. Replies

      This one doesn't show up in the search but is a related D-Boy blind

  21. This.. anyone hear feel like deciding? I’m a bit lost in translation

  22. Why not write what happened in a clear and concise manner and just leave out the names of the parties involved? This is gibberish.

    1. @vikingsong

      "Why not write what happened in a clear and concise manner and just leave out the names of the parties involved? This is gibberish."

      Because it's dangerous. These people have been abused since their formative years. They are justifiably paranoid, and in some cases emotionally/mentally damaged.

      So using "code" and obfuscation, they can tell their truth without as much risk to their lives/livelihood

      Or they could write it plainly and be sued, character assassinated, blacklisted, or murdered.

      Is that what you want @VikingSong?

      Or maybe use your big boy brain to decipher the "gibberish" and quit bitching. Or move on to something easier for your simple mind.

    2. @Schneider:

      You know, you could try not to be an asshole. There’s no reason to come down on Viking here, much less in a personal manner.

      If you want to be a force for good, don’t be a bully.

    3. @han niam

      "You know, you could try not to be an asshole. There’s no reason to come down on Viking here, much less in a personal manner."

      ...10 hours earlier (*spongebob French narrator)

      "@Unknown He’s said he’s [geeljire] autistic before. Can confirm that makes for less than optimal social interaction.

      That said, he sounds like he needs a nap today, too. I’m backing Viking on this one."

      So.....take your own advice @Han before you lecture others.

  23. Ok, who's the subject of a recent, very popular blind, who revealed a secret (unrelated to the recent popular blind) about 5 years ago? And who has a sibling who was Dancing Boy's childhood friend, who reacted strongly to the secret being revealed?

  24. Hey fuck all the unfamiliar faces shitting up comments with non guesses.
    The author has an overdose 20 years ago last January. He has insomnia (it's not fun!)
    This is what silencing victims looks like

    1. @Geel

      It’s not that long ago you WERE the unfamiliar face shitting up the comments with non guesses.

      Now you’re just a familiar face doing the same thing. Seriously, get off the high horse.

  25. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Are the words in this blind written in the correct order? I have no idea what is being said.

  26. Is Tommy Wiseau op? i didn't understand a word

  27. I think they're sort of explaining the reasoning behind not telling about these awful things that happened in the past.

    People turn their backs on you. You go through a lot of shit. Turn to drugs. Eventually OD. People you thought would be there for you aren't.

    Person went through similar abuse and conduct as a woman who was nearing old age when he was a boy - and who had a fictional version of herself become very famous as a granddaughter-type (no idea who it's referring to).

    Abusive parents who pressured them to succeed, then I assume 'rented' them out for fame in the future.

  28. Heidibowl: An accident? Or a message?

  29. Subject of recent blind = Amanda Bynes
    (They grew up in same city.)
    A few years ago Amanda revealed she was molested by her father. How this particular thing relates to our DB, I'll have to read again, but that's what I got.

    1. And upon revealing this information, her family family turned against her. Google Amanda Bynes siblings. Someone can find the link...

  30. Shirley Temple for famous granddaughter, nearing old age when he was a kid.

  31. I'm not good at these, but for some reason this statement: "For the connection to the grand-daughter refer to experience of the mother." along with inferred Scientology makes me think of Lisa Marie Presley. She is the grand-daughter of Elvis and her mother was quite young when she married Elvis.

  32. Charlie? is that you?

  33. It is Charlie. Dig this:

  34. Charlie's overdose was in May 1998-not January. May be Chris Farley? Od'ed in January 20 years ago.

  35. Bismillah is Charlie Sheen going to set things right as was hinted at here with the truth of what happened?
    That would really mean something. And lead places.

  36. Charlie Sheen overdosed in 1998 and revealed his AIDs about 5 years ago.

  37. Huh? You can really tell he has insomnia, he needs a nap.

  38. BTW, I reached out to Dancing Boy on Facebook and he confirmed his identity.

    1. Meaning he is not Charlie Sheen, so people can stop barking up that tree.

  39. I wish these would be sent to Himmmm first to rewrite and become more comprehensible.

  40. Geeljira, I've been reading this website for years. I don't often comment because anything I would have said or name I would have suggested has usually already been posted by another poster. You don't get to decide who can post on here or what they post.

    1. Why so defensive? Don't tell me, it's not important.

    2. +1000, Viking Song!

    3. Geeljire didn't call you out by name @VikingSong.... you assumed he was talking about you.

      Are you just a narcissist? Or did geeljire prick @ your guilty conscience?

    4. @schneider:

      Gee called out unfamiliar names. @Viking is aware s/he is an unfamiliar name.

      This, the response.

    5. Actually Viking had Geeljires name in the comment so.....

  41. Geeljire, I get that not everyone's good at making sense in writing, especially people who have had a lot of insensible stuff happen to them. But if he's trying to tell us something, that's a problem. Maybe someone who does get it can rewrite in the usual mildly incomprehensible blind style?

    1. I think when you don't want the commenters outing your identity before the abusers you engage in obscurantism.
      But I believe CDAN commenters are more than capable of working through the Sunday crossword puzzles as a team.

  42. Look at the previous blind comments where his name was figured out.

  43. So why are commenters so focused on who is being abused rather than who is doing the abusing. Most comments don't see this much activity. This one must have something revealing in it.

  44. One bit of what we have so far:

    The author grew up in the same place as Charlie Sheen (the subject of a recent popular blind, who od'ed in '98 and revealed his AIDs a "half decade" ago). He was friends with Sheen's sibling. The sibling and Sheen's mother (that most important of older women) reacted very badly to the news of the AIDs. The author hopes that this reaction won't happen to him for revealing this information about himself.

    Agree? Disagree?

    1. Charlie Sheen is not from Thousand Oaks, Amanda Bynes is though.

  45. I feel like I'm back in the 60s - head games!

  46. After reading three sentences, my eyes went on strike citing past practices.

  47. Ken Hempel appears to be the name most people agreed on for the identity of the Dancing Boy, and that would make him the author of this blind.

    According to this blind he endured 3 kinds of abuse: physical (being thrown across the room -- in private), sexual (in secret), and maybe verbal? (in public)? With "lots of people, including friends, will have stories to tell" about it. All happened at the hands of someone who, like Sheen's abuse, by a booster, someone who "believed in you and what you could do. That's the part that makes it all so messed up". Sounds like a parent. Which could make Martin Sheen or Charlie's mother his abuser.

    1. I thought there are more than one dancing boys?

    2. There are 3 dancing boys I believe:

      There's the "naughty" dancing boy from the sitcom

      The skateboarding dancing boy in the REM video

      And this blind references the original dancing boy

  48. I'm not against Dancing Boy at all, but I will agree that this was particularly difficult to read, and not only because of the subject matter.

    Only commenting because the rapid piling up of comments (60 in an hour!) definitely suggests there's some serious info being shared here that's rattled somebody's cage.

  49. Good lord my last comment is missing as many words as the blind. Apologies!!! Also apologies to Ken or whoever is the actual author of the blind. We go off on things like grammar because we're frustrated and want to figure out the answer. I hope that the craziness here doesn't make you regret writing. We're behind you 100%. 1000%.

  50. Longest Donald Trump tweet so far.

  51. Occam's razor: the simpler explanation is usually the correct one.

    This blind is piling up comments because it's a challenge, we have previous info about this victim, his story is fascinating, and we want to get to the bottom of it.

    No grand societal conspiracy going on, just a bunch of nerds / amatuer detectives trying to solve a blind. For heaven's sake.

    1. +1 Just Sayin

      We comment more on difficult to figure out, whether from obscure clues or writing we can’t parse.

      Can vouch that insomnia will really kill your ability to make sense on the page.

  52. I’ve had insomnia for 40 years, which is a shame because theretofore I was such a talented sleeper.

  53. Why so defensive? Geeljira, you were swearing at people who you deemed to be "unfamiliar faces." What response was you expecting?

    1. I don't know, for you to act like an adult about it instead of whatever this virtue signaling faux-indignation is.
      Kids were getting raped and are getting raped and abusers are being exposed and you're worried about my harsh language?
      Shut the fuck up.

    2. @Viking
      I think the point is that yoh stood read the posted links to this contributors previous blinds, to follow the storyline, before jumping in.

    3. Geekjire: You have a personality disorder.

    4. @Unknown He’s said he’s autistic before. Can confirm that makes for less than optimal social interaction.

      That said, he sounds like he needs a nap today, too. I’m backing Viking on this one.

  54. Dancing Boy needs to get his meds regulated and then take a few hours to wake-up. Have a cup of Coffee, eat a nice breakfast, read the morning paper and then sit down, crack your knuckles, stretch you arm up behind your back. Take a nice deep breath in and then out and then start to write out your blind in a manner the rest of us can fucking understand without pulling out a whiteboard and some colored pens!

    1. @Someone

      A+ self care recommends. But change “then start to write” for “then proofread and edit your 5:00am brain dump into a more readable form.”

      That’s what I do when the insomnia brings semi-incomprehensible inspiration.

      I’d love to see a tool to disable all post and send buttons during hours we should be asleep. I could use that.

  55. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I don't think DB's booster is a parent -- it is his old agent, whom he already admitted tried to molest him. If he's indicating he's sharing something with Charlie Sheen, it could be that Sheen's agent molested him...AND THAT SHEEN'S AGENT AS A YOUNGER ACTOR COULD VERY WELL BE DANCING BOYS AGENT. Dancing Boy may just very well be revealing the agent from his very first blind!!!

    1. @Melvin

      That’s quite good! I also recall that DB had a sibling who was a big Christian mouthpiece. Could be that sibling who would turn her back on his reveal?

  56. And as far as this guy's writing / syntax goes, can we cut him some slack? Enty's fair game for our abuse (sorry Enty!) but someone revealing his darkest pain and trying to out an abuser should maybe deserve some manners, at least.

  57. Im just here to say that the use of "coming up" rather than "growing up" may be a geographic clue.

  58. Seriously people. Some of you acting like retarded is your strongest attribute.
    Read. Use complex thinking. Maybe even reference.
    But you don't need to bash someone who's clearly been in a terrible amount of distress and most likely reads these comments

    1. @rosie

      Yes. Just bash your fellow posters, unaware of what distress they may or may not be going through. That makes you one of the good guys. /s

      Or, you could go about your business.*

      *As I usually would, but being in a fair amount of traumatic distress at the moment myself, I am decidedly cranky.

  59. How so, Farmgirl? "Coming up's" a colloquialism for what geographic area?

  60. I am not sure if it is southern?
    I am a northeast girl and we do not say that here.

  61. You guys got an o.d. out of this? Well- good for you . I thought it was written in code

    1. He's mentioned in a previous blind that his experiences (Hollywood and otherwise) led to drug addiction. I don't recall him mentioning an OD, but it sounds right.

  62. That's rich, Geeljira. You're the one swearing at people and behaving like a child. Not me. Don't tell me to shut up. This is not your blog. You don't get to decide who posts on here or what they post. Grow up.

  63. My simplified take:

    Since my od in 1998 I've suffered from insomnia, a shame since I used to sleep a lot or really well. Lately I've been waking up around 4 or 5 am wanting to get stuff of my chest. Here's one of the biggest.

    Charlie Sheen (subject of a recent popular blind who revealed he had AIDS about 5 years ago) and I share something in common. It's not that we grew up in the same place, tho we did. And it's not AIDS. Though I worry that the reaction to my disclosing the thing Charlie and I have in common will get a bad a reaction from those close to me as Charlie got from his mother and sibling (with whom I was childhood friends.)

    In a grim coincidence I grew up on the same block as (*maybe?*) Shirley Temple. I say "grim coincidence" because Shirley endured sexual abuse in show biz as a child. (*No idea who "the writer of this one" is, or what that means.*)

    As with Shirley and Charlie, I endured sexual abuse in the business as well as physical and (emotional? verbal?). In one case when I was 8 the door was flung open when I was naked and I was thrown across the room for not being ready to go. This sort of abuse happened in private, the sexual abuse was in secret, but the emotional and verbal happened in public where lots of people witnessed it (and possibly have stories of the same).

    My abuser was, like Charlie's, a close person, a booster, who believed int me, which really messes with one's head. (*I agree this is likely an agent, maybe the same one as Charlie had.*)

    Confused about what the author is afraid to say about "what happened next". The first pp reads like family rejection, the last makes it sound much more dire. And I'm confused about the mother granddaughter connection.

    Ideas? Corrections?

    1. Thank you just saying! Your officially our DB translator!

  64. "Coming up," is said a lot in the UK. It means when someone is rising through the ranks. It can be applied to anything -, music, acting, fame, sport, crime etc.

  65. What fallout was there from Charlie revealing that he has AIDs? The author is afraid of the same thing happening to him?

    Personal bankruptcy and the allegations of pedophilia don't count, those are unrelated to the AIDs.

  66. Haha, thanks, Nubian Princess! Just trying to keep it straight in my own head and thought I'd share.

    Amanda Bynes keeps coming up...did Ken Hempel grow up there, Sara, Making It Work? He doesn't have an imdb page. Her big breakdown was in 2013, so she could definitely fit.

    1. Yup. I can't remember when, but that was established a while back.

  67. I'm not the one swearing at people or throwing temper tantrums, Sara, nor do I need anyone's permission to post on here. So I'll "jump in" if I want to. I was not the only person, or the first person, to comment that the post isn't written very well. I have read the links.

  68. I’m gonna throw out Sean Austin and/or brother Mackenzie, children of child star Patty Duke.
    They were at least physically and emotionally abused, potentially sexually as well due to roles they took.
    Mackenzie has had some drug problems.
    Mom would have squashed that news as she was outspoken on child stars abuse, including life of Shirley temple.
    Sean was subject of blind “aw shucks”.

  69. Amanda Byne's mother and brother and sister did publicly blast her for accusing her father of sexual abuse. I don't find anything about Charlie Sheen's family being outraged about the AIDS so I'm changing the above to Amanda.

    She made the incest allegation after she'd already become seriously mentally ill and had been hospitalized, so neither of those should be the answer to "what happened next", tho.

  70. Maybe people just thought that's what she was doing. Maybe she meant her dad and Schneider both. Idk

  71. I have no idea what's going on here....

  72. Still confused as hell about the fictional-granddaughter-likeness / mother's experience / fictional-likeness / best-writer-of-all-time subplot.

    I can only make sense of it if it's Sean Astin instead of Amanda. Here's how:

    "Grand-daughter" refers only to the role the author's older childhood neighbor is famous for. That being Heidi, played by Shirley Temple, a child star who was sexually abused. As MeliticusBee pointed out, Patty Duke famously strongly identified with Shirley Temple.

    This is how we make "the connection to the grand-daughter refer to experience of the mother".

    But what happened to Sean Astin in 2013? Or rather what did he reveal? And what was the terrible reaction to it? He confirmed Corey Feldman's abuse, but that wasn't until 2017. Mackenzie was more a contemporary of Corey's.

  73. Is the author alleging that he was abused by Dan Schneider, like Amanda Bynes, and that Schneider did something to her as she was about to come out with her allegations that made her go insane? And that the author is afraid the same thing will happen to him? Did Dan Schneider go for boys as well as girls?

  74. Twitter down again. fyi for anyone following that story.

  75. Replies
    1. Voat has been down for 3 days.

      Regardless of how you feel about pizzagate. Voat hosted the last public forum incestigating, cross-referencing, and cataloging child abusers and pedophile networks

      The internet is always being scrubbed. "The cloud" evaporates

      Archive your shit on your own personal hard-drives

  76. This may be the single most poorly written blind on CDAN ever...and that is saying a lot.

  77. @just sayin' Sean Astin was the possible subject of a recent blind entitled "Awww Shucks Rapist".

    I'd lean more towards Mackenzie Astin for this one, if the other clues fit. I still can't make sense of the blind so I'm just tossing this tidbit into the mix.

  78. Thanks Just Sayin, I couldn't make heads or tales of this one.

  79. Since Dancing boy is known to people here, try reading the blind with the guesses so far. Maybe the final part will go into place. The Amanda guess seems likely,because of the Dan message. It isn't that poorly written,part is meant to be a riddle. And stop making fun of Dancing Boy,if you don't like,skip,that's all.

  80. @Gee

    "I don't know, for you to act like an adult about it instead of whatever this virtue signaling faux-indignation is."

    We do need a mirror, don't we.

  81. @rosie

    "Seriously people. Some of you acting like retarded is your strongest attribute."

    My lord you are such a treasure!

  82. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I love how some random 4channer who loves to post bullshit conspiracy theory nonsense and pretends to be a Muslim now, thinks he's an old timer here after sitting in chat like a toxic toad for a few weeks, and thinks he can tell people what to post.

    Go back to 4chan, G. You're boring.

    1. La ilaha illa'Allah wa Muhammad rasul'Allah.
      Speaking of lurking...
      What's 4Chan?

    2. @unknown


  83. I was going to see if i could find the "granddaughter" character but I cannot determine if the old woman's real life inspired this character or if she played a fictional role as an actress.
    And why 'grim'?
    When I think of 'grim' for someone who was alive and in old age, I think maybe her whole family was kidnapped and murdered or something.

    If she had a tough existence, that is tragic, and sad. But grim? That's a death word.

    I may try to read it again after some coffee.

    1. @Sher I’m pretty sure this isn’t helpful but your post brought Patty Hearst to mind.

    2. I recommend NOT looking up “granddaughter character classic movie” while at work. ALL porn! And I thought the things I read here are sick enough!! Now I’m thinking maybe it could be a literary granddaughter. But she’d be old age in the late 70’s then? I’m at a loss. And Shirley Temple Black actually had a very productive life after acting and isn’t just known as Heidi so I really don’t think it’s her.

    3. Lol @Makeup!

      And I'm sure the answer is obvious. We're just not seeing it yet....

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. I may have figured out the granddaughter paragraph. I think it is Shirley Temple, referencing the movie Heidi. He says "grim" because it's horrible to think of what happened to that little angel, and the author, and every other abuse victim.

    Here's what confused me most: the "writer of this one - one of the best of all time - who deserved the award for it." I think this is a non sequitur, free association. He was thinking about Heidi and decided to add the comment that he considers Walter Ferris, the man who wrote the screenplay, to be one of the best of all times. I can't find a mention of his winning an award for Heidi (which came out in 1937 -- the first Oscar wasn't until 1940.) If it's not Walter Ferris and Heidi, then ther may be another movie and we should look for -- and screenplays that won the Oscar -- as a clue to the movie and "granddaughter" actress.

    1. Shirley Temple and Henry Kissinger.

      Hollywood + Deep State


  86. Good catch, Schneiderisnext. I used the cdan search bar, which usually works for finding blinds as long as the search term is in the blind's title.

    End of the world for pedophiles, indeed, lol! The sooner the better.

  87. Talk about word salad, I need to start proofreading my comments.

  88. If you bother to try to work this one out, I will offer you some personal help myself- not for the blind, for you my sad friend.

  89. "You walk, you talk, you breathe, 'cause we need you to
    Work, produce, be used, when we want you to"

  90. "So is James Joyce one of the Himmmmmmmms?"

    I'm seeing David Foster Wallace.

  91. Ken Hempel has this on his Facebook.

    "writer/director, as Kendrick Schroder, of the forthcoming short filck, "the Dancing Boy""

  92. @green tea seriously? there is a commenter on here with that name.

  93. So is this referring to Amanda's brother then? "The sibling, who in kid times I once counted as a friend, reacted that way."

    1. Google sez that Amanda's brother is the same age as KH aka DB.
      Also, yes, I do believe that commenter is him. Based on some of his recent comments.

  94. @just sayin Does that mean Shirley Temple was his neighbor in Thousand Oaks?

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Han Niam, She popped into my mind too but then Hearst was young in the 80's.

    I dont think Shirley Temple applies because when he said "was already one of the more famous" it implies that the 'fictional character' was not made till this person was already much older. Temple wasnt 'already' famous in the 1980's, as if her fame grew from then. She was the most famous child star in the world, for more than 50 years!

    Then again, I am assuming here that the words that I do understand actually mean what they are supposed to mean.

  98. Wow, Green Tea, great find.

    Owlette, yes it would mean that, but I don't know if Shirley Temple grew up there. Amanda Bynes did. Anyone know if the Sheens or Astins were raised there too?

    Right, Nick Rivers, the "Aw Shucks Rapist" is why I tried to factor in the Astins. My problem them is the issue of "what happened?" after something was revealed to the media 5 years ago. Both Bynes and Sheen had huge publicity in 2013.

    Okay Ken...can you help us where we're lost? Please ignore the insults. Clearly we care about you and your story and support you in disclosing it. Whoever hurt you should pay. The fallout you're worried about -- is it family reaction? I hope not. That would be deeply unfair to someone whose spent a lifetime in pain. Whatever you decide to do, stay strong, do it in your own time, and have faith. I think you'll be the recipient of more love and support than you can imagine right now.

  99. Sara, I was reading the blind as having been in Enty's hand rather than the Dancing Boys, so never mind but thanks!

  100. I think the person he refers to is Corey Feldman releasing that book "Coreography" in 2013.

    Corey gets no respect because he trashed his parents and Haim while not naming the 'still alive and unknown' sexual abusers. If that's what DB wants to do, for whatever legal reasons he has, then the same backlash will happen to him.

  101. If his name is dancing boy, then possibly this person was a child actor who had a role of a dancing boy at some point?

    Sounds like a character title for a bit part, tbh.

    Ex. In the credits it would read

    dancing boy 1 -

    dancing boy 2 -

    ....and so on.

    What type of shows used to have lots of dancing kids? Mickey Mouse Club? Kids, Incorporated?

    Or if it's a movie, maybe a musical?

    1. There is quite the backstory. @just-saying posted a link to all the blinds. I think it was in the comments of the second blind that his identity was cracked. Kudos to @krab for that one. You'll have to scroll way down in the comments to get the details, but his name has been posted a few times since.
      Basically- he's just a regular guy who had a very small-time acting career (yes, there was dancing involved in one role, sort of), no imdb page or anything, so don't rack your brains trying to work out who he is.
      He's got quite a riveting story if you take the time to read it. 🙂

  102. This is a really difficult blind to decode. Dancing Boy, can you give us another hint, please?

    Amanda Bynes was the first person I thought of, like some of you, because of the popular post basically admitting she (we assume it is her) was abused. Also, Kudos to the sleuth who figured out her brother would be around the same age as Dancing Boy.

    @Shar, I, too think the "granddaughter," part could mean the fictionalized version of a real person. As another poster thought, Patty Hearst came to my mind too, but you're right, she was too young.

    Are there any other famous granddaughters who were fictionalized in a movie? Are there any other famous granddaughter characters in film aside from Shirley Temple? The main reason I don't think the Shirley Temple guess works is that Shirley Temple Black lived in Northern California when she was older, not near LA. DB has said he grew up in the LA area. Unless he moved from Nor Cal to So Cal in his early years, Shirley Temple doesn't fit.

    I'm completely stumped on the "grand-daughter refer to the mother" last part of the blind.

    1. Again, could have been fictionalized in a book. And totally not Shirley Temple Black.

  103. This was an incredibly incoherent blind.

  104. yes it is. It's incoherence is almost like it's avoiding telling the real facts or story in order to sell the script or film. It could almost be a part of a PR move to advance a project, drumming up curiosity hoping other gossip sites pick up the BI, pass it on, make some buzz, while the writing remains deliberately atrocious and obscure.

  105. In the second DB blind (chronology, not 2nd boy), didn't he say he was in San Francisco as a teenager?

    1. I think that was after he finished school.

  106. I really think Enty should post the link to previous Dancing Boy posts, onto each new DB post. Would help to get people caught up.
    Or maybe a pinned post in the comments. Anyway.

  107. Anonymous8:03 AM

    [This person revealed this thing, and really I should say other thing, about a half-decade ago, I think. The reason you don't want to is what happened next."]

    Huh??? Is a ten year old writing this?

  108. The granddaughter character must be some version of
    little Red Riding Hood.
    The wolf is a sexual predator taking the innocence of Red, and she is sometimes complicit or swayed or even the instigator. In several versions she either is the wolf or becomes one.

    Grim = Grimm

  109. My GED not strong enough for me to comprehend this shit.

  110. The Sheen boys grew up in Malibu."Stories I Only Tell My Friends" by Rob Lowe & documents some childhood memories of Charlie,Emilio,Chris Penn,Chad Lowe,,Zboys.



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