Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Blind Item #12

Apparently that really rich/knows everyone/has recordings which is how he got away with the stuff that he did teen trafficker/pimp/island owner recently got served with a search warrant. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm sure there are worse people than Jeffrey Epstein, but the very fact that he got caught red-handed and was able to walk away with merely a slap on the wrist is an excruciating insult to abuse victims everywhere. I hope his day finally comes, and soon.

  3. You should see how much info the #Qanon community has on this horrid monster.

    Look into Ray Chandler (rachel)

    1. Is any of that believable, blasting tunnels and so called video frame footage.

    2. #greatawakening

  4. Geffen? Let's hope so...

  5. If it's Epstein, I think we can question whether he's "really rich".

    Almost totally unrelated, I think we can ask the same question about Donald Trump. I heard in some unreliable "conspiracy" interview recently that Trump is actually insolvent. The source as I say cannot be relied upon, but the question seems valid. People who have studied his financial filings say that they are intentionally incomprehensible and it's impossible to make out the size of his fortune or lack thereof.

    1. I’ve long thought that the only thing he fears is being unmasked as broke as a joke. He’s lived on loans & kited checks his whole life - didnt even reimburse Cohen for the Stormy $130K. That’s just assholery.
      The recent gigantic Kushner loan is interesting. He couldnt raise money from ANYWHERE for a solid year.
      There’s a reason all their financials are hidden beneath labyrinthine corporate puzzles - there’s no “there” there.

    2. You're really invested in that fantasy of yours, huh?

    3. Right on Kno!!! Always thought Mr Bankruptcy was full of shit.

    4. That's the reason he had to turn to Russia for solvency.

    5. If you want to know about a real Russian connection look ibto the Chabad community. Trump and Putin are very well connected and loyal to them. It's how the whole Kushner arranged marriage came about.

  6. No sh!t, guess they're finally after the other big fish no matter the collateral damage.

  7. Epstein

    St James Island

    Lolita Express

    Buried Tunnels


  8. @joshg g

    Very much so. These people are REALLY sick.

    It's a cult. Deep deep mutual blackmail keeps everyone in line.

    This is why NXIVM was exposed now... look at DOS... intentional blackmail.

    I can only imagine what went on at that island.

    I'm sure some of them believe the satanism crap, but most are playing along to stay in the club.

    Deal with the devil, you give up your soul for a life within the elite circles.

    It's what has Kanye all freaked out.

    1. Apperiantly You do Not know very much.. Do some research before u speak. ITS ALL TRUE. And in a short amount of time you will feel so foolish you refuse to believe the Truth. Ohh But You Will..!! 😁😁

  9. Search for house or the island? Is this about the civil suit?

  10. It's that Joe "girls gone wild" idiot

  11. It's long been assumed that Epstein was able to summon Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr so quickly to represent him in FLA is because he has compromising tapes on both of them. It also explains why Dersh, against all his Harvard training, became such a propagandist afterwards with terrible legal opinions.


    I've read the same theory about Trump. It's actually been around for more than a decade. The theory also extends to how he survived the real estate crash of 2008 - he had Russian help through Deutsche Bank where they paid enormous prices for his condos and mansions in exchange for...we're not quite sure...maybe money laundering and Trump received a pittance for his services, comparatively.

    No one understands his financials. But Trump has acted a a desperate man for a long time, financially speaking. The only thing he actually owns, at this point, is the license to his name which is also owned by the banks who have continually bailed him out. So again, Trump gets a pittance for licensing his name while the banks take the lion's share.

    One theory about the confrontation at his Panama building is that it was the center of Trump's money laundering activities. That is why his staff there refused to vacate and spent days locking everyone out of the offices while they shredded documents.

    One reason that Trump hangs on to the presidency so fervently, even though he hates it, the White House, being constrained by the laws and government rules, is because he is actually safe there from underworld entities that he is up to his ass in debt to. If this is so, then Donny should be a mild and peaceful president, not ruffle any feathers or risk his position. That would be the smart thing, wouldn't it? Or is he a troll for a foreign power to weaken the USA?

    Time will tell.

    1. Exactly that. A Theory. Also a joke.

    2. Well, time is already here.
      So :

    3. There is only one country that hugely benefits from global warming, and that is Russia.

  12. Well @Doug, we absolutely LOVE "totally unrelated" around here. Thanks for the disclaimer. I was able to safely navigate away before I wasted 10 seconds of my day.

    1. @rosie riveter which you then wasted by replying/insulting someone not even talking to you about something you didn't even read. You obviously spent that 10 seconds wisely. Thank you for your insight... more specifically, your lack of.

    2. Insulting him? That wasn't an insult.

      Fuck off, solo activist.
      There, THAT was more of an insult.
      Im sick and tired of .. ."and in totally unrelated news..."
      And quite frankly don't give two fucks to Friday what you think.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      +1 Rosie

  13. God you lot are ridiculous going on about Trump, you realise if Epstein goes down its due to him?

    1. This. I cant wait to see the fallout. So many people I used to respect are about to take a huge fall. BOOM

    2. You tell them brother. 😁👍

    3. The truth will out your beloved commander-in-chief. Besties with the worst of them, both here and abroad. It's child's play. No one of importance will go down under the reign of dein fuhrer.

  14. I thought I saw that there was an out of control fire on Epsteins' Island, the house et al? Bit of a cawinkydink? Or just convenient?

  15. @Nnief, they'll never admit that in a thousand years. But if it happens and the guilty are finally held accountable, that's what's important. Some of us will know whom to credit.

  16. So long Epstein, and thanks for all the fish.

    His island destroyed, now off to Gitmo!

  17. " you realise if Epstein goes down its due to him? "

    No, since that isn't true, I don't realize it. Making advertising for escort services illegal doesn't do a damn thing to Epstein. Actually it's a huge boon to pimps like Epstein that now people can't offer their services outside the control of a Big Man.

    "They'll never admit that in a thousand years"

    Especially since it ain't so.

    @Kno Won Uno

    "The recent gigantic Kushner loan is interesting."

    Kushner made hundreds of millions by granting audiences to the White House for banks and lenders. It's still not going to be enough for his 666 Park Avenue building and the empty waterfront properties in New Jersey.

    Kushner is fuckt, lost his security clearance, is no longer allowed to travel with Donny, so he can no longer sell indulgences to people who want access.

    Kushner does, however, have a stellar legal team which Donny has so far been unable to hire. No one, NO ONE, wants to work for Donny since he has such an unstable relationship with the Truth or a consistent story. Same with the White House, NO ONE wants to sacrifice their careers by working for Trump.

  18. We're going to have to let time be the teller of which side of this story Trump is on. And I cannot wait.

    Spoiler alert: qanon's batting average is pretty damn poor. Though he was right about that Storm(y) a'comin'!

  19. The Fire on Epstein's island was probably to destroy dna.

  20. Could this not also be Joe Francis? But doesn't he live in Mexico?

  21. I used to agree with your theory Kno Won Uno about Trump's biggest fear being exposed as broke. Most of his apparent wealth is a sham as his golf courses and buildings are vehicles for the laundering of other people's money and and name-licensing.

    Now I believe it's his fear of the child rape being exposed, especially in light of the Cohen raid. There's proof of it in there, NDAs, taped conversations, etc.

  22. This is the case that brought me to cdan and I am starting to believe there is a God again as it looks like it may finally all be exposed. We can thank Michael Cohen for recording conversations and paying off all those women just before the election, the most important of which is the Katie Johnson rape case that was "dropped". And thank you Stormy and Michael Avenatti for being fighters.

  23. Working their way up the/food chain/ladder/list of creeps

  24. Really surprised people who get all their news off a Hollywood rumors forum aren't too logical - If the untouchable Epstein, owner of the paedophile Island, gets issued a Search Warrant then the President quite obviously has something to do with it. Or do you think he's unaware of one of the high playing traffickers getting brought down? And I suppose you think he has tapes on Trump, so why would he allow it, if he's also part of the club?

  25. Katie Johnson, the 13-year-old who was raped by Donald Trump in 1993 says Trump told her that she reminded him of his daughter. Ivanka was 12 at the time.

  26. But mainly, why in a Blind obviously about Epstein being in trouble are you trying to shift the discussion to Trump's finances? Pretty odd as this is one of the biggest topics on this site.

    1. @nnief +1 Trump will have his day (hopefully sooner rather than later), but a detailed discussion of his secrets on this thread smacks a little bit of “hey, this way people might forget what and who the blind was originally about).

  27. Well, in a way you're right nnief. Epstein going down is largely because of Trump. However, not because Trump wants him to. You couldn't be farther off target.

  28. Trump, Epstein and Tom Barrack, the man who bought Michael Jackson's Neverland, were called the 3 Musketeers of New York city party life. You can't separate Epstein from Trump when it comes to the night life activities and businesses such as international models (aka human trafficking) they were involved in. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is well-known, documented history.

    1. Epstein was in tight w the Clinton's too. Don't fool yourself.

      I think most ppl from a certain tax bracket, and above, ALL mingle with each other. This happens in the tri state area, across to London, Milan, LA, etc. As well within small town places, like counties across the nation. The only ones, "divided," are us. The useless, dumb peons.

      This is not a conspiracy either.

  29. By your logic, nnief, Trump must have known about and approved the search and seizure of Michael Cohen's files. You need to read real news and not just reddit or infowars. Nothing that you're saying holds water.

  30. Trump's trip to Epstein's island via Lolita Express was in vestigated by the FBI. They found that he boarded the plane, played a round of golf, reboarded the plane and went home. Any type of relationship was of a social acwuaintance. The Clinton's visited the island via Lolita Express more than 28 times with Bill going 5 times without his SS detail. Glen Simpson, of the infamous Fusion GPS, is the one trying to push this story about Trump. Avanetti is a publicity whore and Rahm Emmanuel, Joe Biden and the DNC's bitch. Now that is neyond creepy.

    1. There is supposedly video evidence against both Clintons and a bunch of others. The rooms all had cameras for insurance purposes. It is sick that kids were involved. But if there weren't kids involved all of the videos and pix would be out by now.

    2. @Weekittylass Please reference your claim where Trump boarded the plane, played golf and went home.
      I'm assuming that the time he spent at each stop has been substantiated. That is, unless that's what Brietbart or Alex Jones has regurgitated.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Anonymous4:12 PM

    There are some eerie similarities with the Stormy allegations and the Katie Johnson allegations - conflicted attorneys, violent threats. Trump has been to the island and was in Epstein's black book. God only knows what they found in Cohen's records.

  33. Exactly, 1962rocketgoldstar. But we'll find out before long.

    And to my critics, I've been following this case for years before the campaign or election. My opinions have nothing to do with partisan propaganda and everything to do with reading real newspapers, magazines, court documents and books on the subject. Michael Avenatti, Glen Simpson, et al have zero to do with my knowledge base.

    And btw, Clinton and Trump were friends when this stuff was going on, and Trump was more Democrat than Republican, though he's changed party registration several times. What Clinton did is not mutually exclusive with anything Trump has done. Clinton abused a lot of young girls with Epstein, he's every bit as bad as Trump and hopefully will go down as well.

    It's an irrelevant line of argument to say that my comments come from being "fooled" by fake media. Be sure you can say the same about yourself, with complete confidence.

    1. Don't let anyone intimidate you, @just sayin'. You're spot on. It's not a partisan issue. None of it.
      It's all about confusion. Divide, and conquer.

  34. Anonymous4:26 PM

    It would also explain why Dershowitz is going completely bonkers over a perfectly legal raid. And then there's this:

  35. Pretty interesting timing that Dershowitz is suddenly trying to distance himself from Trump, with a whirlwind media tour post-Cohen bust, no?

    He was THE radical liberal, like "commie"-level liberal prior to Trump. To go from such a zealot to being Fox News's lap poodle was bizarre and sickening to watch, but transparent as hell to those who know what was behind it.

  36. huh what who run-on no-grammar having sentence

  37. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I don't think Mueller or Schneiderman will look too kindly on the child molesters. Dershowitz and many, many other wealthy, prominent people were in the black book.

  38. I wasn't previously familiar with the stories about this town being at the center of the Epstein story, but the article has a lot of well-established information and new that make it well worth the read:

  39. Jeffrey Epstein. He knows everyone through blackmail. His business is blackmail, which is the oldest and most lucrative mafia racket in existence. He has compromising info on literally all the world's most powerful people. I will be glad to see him and everyone he has dirt on go down in flames.

    My prayers for the victims.

  40. Which sentence, Manuél Bun? I'd love to read your revision.

  41. This is Epstein. He will be going down. So will a lot of other very powerful people who were in Epstein's circle, which includes Trump, Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, and even Stephen Hawking (RIP).

    Twitter: @JillEHughes

    1. @jillelainehughes Hawking?? First time I’ve heard that.

  42. The "Katie Johnson" story was investigated and discredited by The Guardian. As it turned out, "Norm Lubow, a former producer on the Jerry Springer show, coordinated the lawsuits accusing Donald Trump of raping a young girl in the late 1990s."

    But you can heed "just sayin'" and his 11 comments if you like. I mean, like he says, he's "been following this case for years before the campaign or election. My opinions have nothing to do with partisan propaganda and everything to do with reading real newspapers, magazines, court documents and books on the subject."

    And yet he somehow missed the Guardian stories (yes, there was more than one) showing the Katie Johnson claims were a con job from a con man. Sounds legit.

  43. Anonymous5:19 PM

    The Guardian tried to claim that she didn't exist. That was clearly not the case as she went on to do press conferences:

    Whether the allegations were true - well, no discovery every happened, and consequently no evidentiary record ever developed. Might be true and might be BS, but the Guardian story was clearly wrong on its core allegation.

  44. I am familiar with the guy, a con artist who inserts himself into famous criminal cases. I don't believe that the woman wearing a wig interviewed in the video he arranged is the actual Katie Johnson. He's notorious for setting up fake interviews wearing costumes, as he did in the Kurt Cobain case.

    Time will tell. I hope that there is no Katie Johnson and that no young girl was ever raped by Donald Trump. But there is far more evidence -- that convinces me -- that she exists and accepted a payout prior to the election.

    And I'm a she, not a he, thanks.

  45. god bless you rabid trump haters. your eternal butthurt brings me great joy.

  46. Interesting that Epstein was presented with a search warrant the same week that Trump's personal attorney was. And that the buildings on Little St. John burned the same week. I guess it's all purely coincidence. Could happen.

  47. The Daily Mail story does not mention Norm Lubow once. It basically gives a woman who claims to be "Katie Johnson" free reign to say whatever she wants, but makes no mention of the con men involved in promoting her case and trying to make money off of it.

    The "core allegation" of the Guardian story was not that "Katie Johnson" didn't exist, but that the people pushing he story were con artists.

    If Trump is a rapist, I hope he is exposed and disposed, along with all the pedophiles and rapists. But I, too, have been digging into this for years and trying to cull the truth from the lies. I see a lot of smoke that usually turns out to be smears, and no fire.

    People can read the stories here and decide for themselves. I just wanted to put the actors in the "Katie Johnson" lawsuit in perspective.

  48. I've seen no proof that there were fires on Epstein's "Orgy Island." That was a fake news claim last week. The alleged pictures were traced back to 2015, a fire that took place on an island off New York State, if I recall correctly.

    Epstein's Island did sustain damage during Hurricane Maria (I think it was that one). Blew the roof off his temple. There were pictures of that, though I suppose those could've been faked too.

    Someone on Reddit recently claimed "Epstein has two islands in the Virgin Islands. The second was bought through a Qatari shell company with the aid of a local lawyer."

  49. I have to say these are some of the more interesting comments I've seen here in weeks and months.

    It's refreshing to see so many intelligent people chiming in, it goes to show there are people watching, and more importantly, people know!

    However dubious Katie Johnson's claims are I do believe 1962rocketgoldstar is correct Mrs. Johnson was perhaps threatened away from any actual discovery in her case.

    One case that cannot disappear is a well documented case of Jeffrey Epstein's himself. Virginia Roberts, an early sexual abuse victim herself, was CULLED and GROOMED out of Trump's Mar-A-Lago by Epstein's mossad lesbian handler Ghislaine Maxwell, where she worked as a pool and spa TOWEL GIRL at the age of 15 (Florida Labor Law is 16 by the way). I can already hear some of you when you say that Epstein was kicked out of Trumps hotel for this very same behavior. Well I contend that Epstein and Trump had been doing it for a number of years before Epstein obviously created a situation that Trump could not contain (perhaps hitting on a members daughter that had real power).

    Trump's close affiliation with Elite model management and John Casablancas, the same person Trumps daughter Ivanka modeled for, rubbed close shoulders with UN ambassador to the Dominican Republic and ID models owner Paolo Zampolli, who, it was umored, ran a stable of high class prostitutes trained in extortion, and whereas also, subsequently, a conduit for middle European women like FLOTUS herself (along with many 'other' 'products').

    That sacrificial temple on Epstein's Little St James should seriously worry EVERYONE!

    1. Thank you for this. Most people don't know or don't want to know that Epstein's girls were 'hired' by Trump for Mar-A-Lago.

  50. I'm glad to see that you can say that if Trump's guilty you want to see him punished, DDonna. That's a step in the direction toward truth. And Truth is more important than any person, including Donald Trump.

    It doesn't, however, erase the comment in which you dismissed me as an idiot, and everything I've said as ill-informed -- that if I were truly knowledgeable I'd have read the Guardian story and accepted that the whole thing is made up. One article shouldn't convince anyone of anything -- not to mention that there were many articles around the same time, by publications that lean both right and left, questioning the legitimacy of her claims. Which I read at the time, btw. The presence of such a shady media manipulator and the dodgy New Jersey attorney working with him, who helped her to file her New York suit made Katie look like very suspect.

    Fortunately she switched to Lisa Bloom (who is certainly subject to criticism so let's not turn this into a Lisa Bloom bash-fest). Bloom did not want Katie to drop her case -- she wanted to to go to trial. Of course she did, a solid high-profile case is Lisa Bloom's bread and butter. If Katie were a fraud, Bloom would have withdrawn from the case with no explanation. The only thing that could have stopped the case was a great big check (and probably threats, as has been alleged).

  51. I'll give you that the fire story could be fake. I haven't seen anything about it in the legitimate press yet.

  52. Makes me wonder if this isn't connected to the 5.5 mil Epstein settlement last year. That is Cohen's MO and he likes to keep his involvement on the DL as much as he can.

  53. "If Katie were a fraud, Lisa Bloom would have withdrawn from the case with no explanation. "

    Because she has so much integrity? Lisa Bloom was initially Harvey Weinstein's attorney.

    Lisa Bloom was behind the attacks on Rose McGowan and lied about it.

    Lisa Bloom paid women to accuse Trump of assault.

    Lisa Bloom's mom is Gloria Allred. Such a, let's say.

    I never called anyone an idiot. I never said everything anyone claimed should be dismissed. What I pointed out is that someone who claimed to be so very well informed on this matter had, for some reason, repeatedly touted the rape claims of "Katie Johnson" without making mention that the people representing "Katie Johnson" were outed and disgraced.

    @AkhaldanSolo's comment sharing facts about the 15-year old towel girl Virginia Roberts are all correct, as well as his namedropping Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late British media mogul/Mossad sleeper Robert Maxwell. Ghislaine Maxwell's family history and connection to Epstein add yet another layer of intrigue, too deep to get into here.

  54. Amazingly, I even will concur with two of Plot-Twisted's statements from above:

    1/ Epstein's got blackmail footage of Dershowitz and Ken Starr. Together, for all I know.
    2/ The big secret Trump is trying to cover up is that he laundered money for Russian oligarchs in order to save his Atlantic City casinos.

  55. DDonna, we'd all have a lot more interesting conversations here if you didn't resort to name-calling. It's just bad manners to give Plot credit for the points you have come to see are true, but continue to insult her with a nickname. Calling names reeks of hatred. It's so Trumpian, boring, and trite.

    In my comment I said that Lisa Bloom is NOT above criticism, and let's not let this thread devolve into a Lisa Bloom bash-fest. I don't like her much after Weinstein either, but it's off topic. My point was that Katie's attorney at the end of the fight was highly motivated -- financially and career-wise -- to see the case go to trial. She was deeply disappointed that Katie withdrew the suit. This would not be a lawyer's reaction if they were representing a faker.

  56. Nah. I make it more interesting. You just don't like what I say.

    You've not played fair with full disclosure, and you're mealy-mouthing around the Lisa Bloom stuff because your don't want to discuss it. It undermines the accusations you make, like stating:

    "Katie Johnson, the 13-year-old who was raped by Donald Trump in 1993 says Trump told her that she reminded him of his daughter. Ivanka was 12 at the time."

    I don't see an "allegedly" there. I see a statement of fact. "Katie Johnson was a 13 year old raped by Donald Trump."

    Here's another: "Trump, Epstein and Tom Barrack, the man who bought Michael Jackson's Neverland, were called the 3 Musketeers of New York city party life."

    Just searched all over. Can't find a single reference for those men being identified as "The 3 Musketeers." Ever. Anywhere.

    As for Epstein having video on everybody, including Dershowitz and Starr, I've know it for years, as should anybody who's been digging this for as long as I have.

    Same with the money laundering in Atlantic City. I didn't need Plot-TWISTED to point it out to me. I merely repeated and concurred so people who might be dismissing this information because it came via the untrustworthy and partisan Plot-TWISTED, well, they should not throw the baby out with the bathwater in this particular instance.

    I'm impressed by your disinfo. Mixing truth with stridently declared allegations, it's better than most. But not good enough. Just sayin'.

    1. If you hasbara the internet for 20 years, your victims have 20 years to learn and adapt to your tactics.
      I know a it was a goy who wrote the "Art of War" but CDAN readers should seriously revisit this book.

  57. I normally say allegedly, but no longer do in the case of Donald Trump. He lies constantly, slanders his accusers, and commits crimes with impunity (so far). If he can lie about his accusers, I decided it's fair game to accuse him of things without equivocation or niceties.

    Ok DDonna, you win. No one can touch your knowledge of the case so we should all just shut up. I will now, anyway, finally. I can't believe I got so sucked into the negativity on this site today, I usually tune it out or just leave, so I apologize to everyone else for being so long-winded.

  58. @just sayin'

    "thank you Stormy and Michael Avenatti for being fighters."

    It's amazing what they have accomplished so far and how every step of the way Cohen and Trump have fallen into Avenetti's traps. Both he and Stormy as so driven at this point, and so prepared. How did they put this together so quickly? They are both handling themselves so well. It's really something to see.


    "If the untouchable Epstein, owner of the paedophile Island, gets issued a Search Warrant then the President quite obviously has something to do with it."

    Are you from the USA? That is not how things work here. Our judiciary is entirely independent of who is in office. Trump CAN NOT have anything to do with it, by law.


    "Trump's trip to Epstein's island via Lolita Express was in vestigated by the FBI."

    No it wasn't. Or rather, we don't know that. The FBI files on the Epstein investigation are still sealed.

    Also, victims of Epstein reported that they were shuttled to Mar a Lago. So maybe Trump didn't have to go to Epstein Island.


    We need to not get our hopes up too much about the Cohen raids. First, all the evidence has to pass through The Taint Team which judges whether Cohen's files are privileged or not. Judge Kimba Wood gave then until early May to accomplish this, which is a hella short amount of time for the work. Partly she did this because Cohen's (therefore Trump's) lawyers want to see all the files and determine what is privileged for themselves (which will of course be everything in their estimation.) Judge Wood said Cohen's lawyers could look over copies of the files and then join the AG team in a mitigation hearing to decide on what is privileged and what isn't. That is going to be a very slow process.

    See, The Taint Team doesn't care if they see evidence of a crime. They are in charge of judging if Cohen participated in a crime, or participated in the planning of a crime, which is outside the realm of privilege. Some of Cohen's files, dealing with the crimes of his 3 clients (Trump, Hannity and Broidy) are going to be completely barred from any trial or public viewing. It's only the crimes of Cohen himself that will receive a public airing.

    The only thing that might twist this scenario is if Cohen cooperates. Given that his father-in-law is a Russian mobster, and Cohen has known Russian criminals his whole life, it's quite unlikely that he will flip.

    Just had to say all that so people don't start screaming "Corruption!" when this raid doesn't produce the results everyone desires.

  59. "Calling names reeks of hatred. It's so Trumpian, boring, and trite."

    "Its so Trumpian"

    Correcting somebody.... for using insulting Nicknames... while using the President's name as an insult...

    We allllllll need to take a step back and realize we all have implicit biases, we are all snarky sometimes.

    But the argument DDONNA & @justsayin are having is really important and revealing. We all want truth, we all want justice, and we all occasionally put our faith in broken figures.

    @justsayin I really don't think DDONNA called you an idiot, I'm not saying she isn't being insulting/dismissive, but that doesn't negate anything she's presented.

    And I agree with both of ya'll. Trump seems neck-deep in this filth. I don't know if he's a pedo, but I can't believe he was unaware of what his associates did.

    In any case. Let's just try to separate our egos from this and support the pursuit of truth. Debates and negativity are par for the course, but I think we all have the same goals, just different biases.

    Love you both, also Asolo, Rosie, KnoWon, Brayson, and even Plot ;)

    Keep it up CDAN. The truth always comes out

  60. +1 Schneiderisnext. There's zero point in our arguing with each other. I'm in a really bad mood today but that's not a good excuse for being petty.

    1. @justsayin Deep breaths, friend. Take a breather, but remember we need you here!

  61. @justsayin' <3

    I feel ya, sending you some good vibes. This stuff can easily put you in a bad mood.

    And it's easier sometimes to take it out on fellow commenters when we feel these big players are escaping justice

    But on the flipside. This place is so inspiring. We aren't alone in the universe. And though we argue, I feel so much camaraderie and shared intention with you all.

    Love and Light!

  62. I miss the days where if you hated god all you had to do was be an atheist and wear a fedora

  63. Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.

    SURVIVING SPIES, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy's camp. #

    This is the ordinary class of spies, properly so called, forming a regular part of the army. Tu Mu says: "Your surviving spy must be a man of keen intellect, though in outward appearance a fool; of shabby exterior, but with a will of iron. He must be active, robust, endowed with physical strength and courage; thoroughly accustomed to all sorts of dirty work, able to endure hunger and cold, and to put up with shame and ignominy." Ho Shih tells the following story of Ta`hsi Wu of the Sui dynasty: "When he was governor of Eastern Ch`in, Shen-wu of Ch`i made a hostile movement upon Sha-yuan. The Emperor T`ai Tsu [? Kao Tsu] sent Ta-hsi Wu to spy upon the enemy. He was accompanied by two other men. All three were on horseback and wore the enemy's uniform. When it was dark, they dismounted a few hundred feet away from the enemy's camp and stealthily crept up to listen, until they succeeded in catching the passwords used in the army. Then they got on their horses again and boldly passed through the camp under the guise of night-watchmen; and more than once, happening to come across a soldier who was committing some breach of discipline, they actually stopped to give the culprit a sound cudgeling! Thus they managed to return with the fullest possible information about the enemy's dispositions, and received warm commendation from the Emperor, who in consequence of their report was able to inflict a severe defeat on his adversary."

  64. If Trump's facilities were being used to furnish children, guess who knows to whom the children were being furnished and where the children came from?

    Do you ever think the president was a front for a military coup against an international criminal elite that goes by names like International Red Cross and United Nations and European Union and NATO and CIA, and the Holy See, along with virtually every NGO in existence?

    In the bigger picture is it a coup, or really a counter-coup?

    There's going to be a day when you're going to feel very foolish for wasting so much time and energy on being partisan for years.

    1. So ask Allah for forgiveness and humility alhamdulilah

  65. There's the Clinton Foundation and Haiti and Wyclef Jean and Shaun King's charity scam and Linkin Park and John Podesta and David Geffen and Imran Awan and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Arnon Milchan and Seth Rich and Chester Bennington and the FBI, and let's not forget to mention the DCPD, NYPD, LAPD, and the courts.

    You call it a conspiracy but it's all true and it's all very criminal. Some would call it a swamp. Others a church.

  66. @Geeljire

    What they don't understand is that POTUS was thoroughly vetted and approached by Patriots to run for President.

    All this slander and innuendo by the guilty party is the dying gasps of a corrupted and evil cabal who know their time is coming to and end.

    POTUS has the support of many World Leaders and he also has the Military, the KEYSTONE!

    The opposition will be exposed, naked and facing a cruel, cold wind.

    It's too bad a lot of people believe the bullshit fed to them in the MSM, TV shows, Movies and Music.

    They really do live in a bubble but once it is popped maybe they can realize their true potential.

  67. Richard Branson

    Put out a statement claiming to not be aware of the NXIVM cult (who would hire out Necker Island for their "conferences"). Despite photos existing of him hugging the Bronfman sisters.

    I can totally see that island having secret cameras and bugs.

  68. All you pathetic Trump haters really are a sad lot of triggered, bitter losers. Cunt Hilary and Tranny Fucker Obama will soon be up on charges and you snowflakes will be besides yourselves.
    So enjoyable watching you gossipy bunch of uninformed, easily mislead bullshit artists being all so butt-hurt and pathetic.

  69. "POTUS has the support of many World Leaders and he also has the Military, the KEYSTONE"

    Like the murdering dictator of the Philippines? Like THAT? Trump can't even visit the country that is our longest historical ally, the ones who planned and executed the Syrian missle strike, because this foreign government wants no part of him.

    BTW, are you actually celebrating a possible military dictatorship?

    1. You really have no idea how much better it is than the Democrats attempting to rig the election and failing anyway.
      As a citizen I take issue with George Soros owning the voting machines.
      Argue the truth if you wish.

  70. @Epileptic Spudmonkey

    These people are STUPID!Q

    @plot, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is really making you look silly. Funny how you hate Trump but never mention what pieces of shit Oblome and Hildabeast turned out to be.

  71. Thank you, guys. Most days it's easy to be an adult and see through the b.s., so I HATE myself when I take the bait and sink to that level. Feeling better now.

  72. I still can’t believe how much Epstein has gotten away with.

  73. just pulled this cite from the legal docket in SDNY
    1:17-cv-00616-JGK Jane Doe 43 v Epstein et al.
    I can't post the 1-26-17 complaint in PDF form but here are hilights

    "At all times material to this cause of action Defendant Jeffrey Epstein
    was an adult male over 50 years old. Defendant Epstein is known as a billionaire who uses his extraordinary wealth to commit illegal sexual crimes in violation of federal and state statutes and to employ numerous others, including the named Defendants, to conspire and assist in committing those crimes and additional torts as well as to protect and conceal his crimes and torts from being discovered."

    "Defendants individually and together, within the special maritime and
    territorial jurisdiction of the United States, in interstate and foreign commerce and/or affecting interstate and foreign commerce, knowingly recruited, enticed, harbored, transported, provided, maintained, patronized, solicited, threatened, forced, and coerced Plaintiff to engage in commercial sex acts. Such actions by Defendants were undertaken with knowledge and/or reckless disregard of the fact that their threats of force, fraud, coercion, and combinations of such means would be used, and were in fact used, in order to cause Plaintiff to engage in commercial sex acts. In so doing, Defendants violated 18 U.S.C. §§1591 through 1594 and are subject to civil causes of action under 18 U.S.C. § 1595.

  74. There are going to be alot of miserable fuckers wiping tears away on cdan when it is unveiled that Trump is the sole reason behind all of these evil luciferian pedo sex trafficking fuckers which include that nasty evil bitch Hillary Clinton going to jail. She has raped kids and has killed children for adrenochrome. Yeah, i know you don't want to believe it and won't believe it because most of you are blind. Fucking blind. It is all coming the fuck out watch and see and you will still have these deputy dimwit fuckers on cdan railing against Trump because he doesn't sugar coat his words. I wouldn't care if Trump was the grand wizard of the KKK if he can clean all the corruption out of capitol hill and get this country back to being a prosperous nation again. It wouldn't be the first time a bigot and sexist was president and I promise you, it won't be the last. So please, get those kleenexes ready and get some pearls to clutch cuz that bitch hillary needs to be hung until death. That is what nasty evil pedo fuckers like her deserve.

  75. Why do some of you think that anyone here would cry if we found out that Trump is a crusader against pedophiles? That would be awesome. Ever hear of projection?

  76. @just sayin'

    That's the core of the Trump supporter at 4chan. They don't care about child abuse or human trafficking. They only want librul tears. That is their sole motivation.

  77. I don't want liberal tears, I want the God damn truth and justice! I want ALL evildoers to suffer the fate they deserve.

  78. @Geeljire- one or possibly a max of two posts per blind, if no one responds directly to your post. Okay?? Thx.

  79. Hallelujah!
    Good to see ODB Eppy, TinyWeinerPizza, Pedosta Pasta, Pimpmomma Mack, Vanguard and NXIVM are ALL going down!
    Get your popcorn ready folks - this is gonna be so, so good!

  80. @ltttt

    You just want to be entertained but national scandal. You don't care about victims at all.


    There we have it!

  81. plot, you are a pathetic little cunt - just fuck off

  82. Ah the love is overwhelming!

    So much you care for your common man, I see.

    Defending your right to be entertained by abused women and children, who is pathetic here?

  83. tick, tick, tick, tick .....

  84. What excuse are you going to invent for your beloved Q (this time) when his promised date of....Big Happenings!...passes, uh? What's he protecting you from? How do death cults excuse it when their End of Earth dates don't pan out? Maybe you could learn something from them.

    I'd love to know your excuse for deriving entertainment value out of the abuse of children.



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