Thursday, April 19, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Expert - A Reader Blind Item

This man was no joke. He'd killed many times, both in a foreign nation during a war and on the streets in his own country. He got into a business after his military years that allowed him to become very wealthy. An illegal business. With the help of a tactical genius the expert met after the war when fleeing his hometown, he and their powerful new business associates located near the equator managed to bring in incredible amounts of cocaine to power millions of Americans during their partying throughout the late seventies and into the go go eighties. There were several other enterprising people who'd quickly made fortunes in the USA through this competitive business, but the presence and know how of their genius gave the expert and his crew the advantage over all of the rest. Air, land, sea, their genius outsmarted the government every step of the way when it came to smuggling. And anyone they needed to bribe, usually local authorities, they had no trouble bribing with big bucks.

The expert met lots of people, some famous and some not so well known. Some he liked, some he couldn't stand. One he did not like was a movie star, among the hottest of the 1970s A listers. This still living actor assumed he was entitled to free blow wherever he went back then because of a role he played that established him as very cool among wannabe mob guys and real gangsters alike. This actor hoovered up a large amount of nose candy in record time when they met and demanded more immediately, not sharing it with any of the others there that day. The expert didn't enjoy his company during their meeting and basically told him off in no uncertain terms when asked for his number to later stay in touch.

A group he socialized with after he became very rich were a legendary bunch of pros in another field, this one a legal business, but one that also had short career spans for most. They were at the top of their game in the late 1970s, destroying their competition and setting new standards for toughness. Some of them came to his home one night around a very important point in their careers and were impatient for the party favors to get doled out. Because the expert liked them a lot, he didn't treat them like the mob icon actor. Due to the source of his wealth, he never had trouble providing high quality party favors for his guests. He partied with lots of people in this field. After that year's big success soon afterwards, he was there with them again, partying in a hotel this time and enjoying the post-victory glow. Life was sweet for the expert.

He had many women, but only one was truly the love of his life. They had a very volatile relationship. He cheated, she cheated. They fought. A lot. She wanted to get into acting. Already a stunning woman who made a career in modelling, she seemed like a natural for the big screen. And there was a trip out west to see if they could get her career off on the right foot. He met some people who worked in TV and movies, people easily impressed by guys from the other side of the tracks that seemed like they knew what they were talking about. He certainly had enough money to invest in productions if he wanted to. He saw how their so called experts advised them about how deals allegedly went down. Their scripted scenes often involved large amounts of product and money being openly exchanged in public places and in broad daylight by clueless fools who didn't resemble the dangerous, no nonsense men the expert dealt with all the time. He told the TV and movie people that their advisors were full of crap. Nobody for real dealt their product that way. It was TV BS.

The lady of the expert eventually got a small role in a film, this one starring an A list 1970s star. One barely alive and not well liked by CDAN writers and readers alike. I think you'll all know who he is. His career was starting to run out of gas by this point. A new generation of young stars who weren't so cocky were about to emerge and this aging man was still acting like he was the king of the world. The poster for the film was a rather silly idea, based upon a plot device that you might not get away with today. The lady of the expert was on this poster with the A lister, but you saw something one didn't normally see in mainstream ads. It was mostly about her body and the fading box office power of the star. That was the high point of her acting career. She had a couple of other screen appearances. One in a tossed together sequel, another much later on as herself in a truly great film.

The expert dealt with people who valued family above almost everything else. Even third cousins and in-laws were treated like royalty. And those often tenuous connections allowed another American who had a big mouth far more power than he should have ever possessed. This man married to a relative of the powerful people near the equator eventually got in very big trouble and then ratted out the expert, the genius, and basically everyone else he could when he got busted. He was the proverbial weak link in the chain that destroyed their whole empire. A guy who redefined WITSEC, way beyond Henry Hill in his overall impact. The expert and the rat are both dead now. The genius is alive, now back in trouble of a different kind, but out of that particular business which made him cool to many that revere Scarface nowadays. Someone should portray the expert in a biopic one day. And someone else should portray the genius as well. Someone who isn't a 21st century version of the widely despised former A list CDAN staple. He deserves better than that.

The expert:
The genius:
Cokehead star:
Pros in another field:
Lady of the expert:
CDAN despised star:



  2. The barely alive A list star we dislike is Ryan O Neal. Work off that to get the rest.

  3. Which season of Narcos was this?

  4. Jessica Lange, Paco Grande...Jack Nicholson or Dustin Hoffman...that's all I got

  5. Was the movie "So Fine" with Ryan O'Neal about him designing jeans with butt cheeks out after he tore his jeans by accident which created a phenomenon? There's a woman on the cover of the poster with her butt out with O'Neal.

    1. @MontanaMarriott

      I liked that movie. Thanks for bringing back good memories! God bless you for this.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Pro's Steelers team?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. cokehead star: Robert DeNiro (played Don Corleone in Godfather Part 2)

    Pros: Dallas Cowboys

    Despised star: Ryan O'Neal

    No clue on the rest

  10. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I'm only in two paragraphs and i already know the cokehead star who wasn't liked was Pacino. Scarface is the role that made him popular amongst gangster types.

  11. Toni Mooney was the girl on the So Fine poster she also starred in the sequel "Smokey and the bandit part 3" She was also the girlfriend of JON ROBERTS the author of the bio "American Desperado, My Life from Mafia soldier to Cocaine COwboy to Secret Government Asset."

  12. Pacino was my thought, as well.

  13. Based on Montana's guess a quick search comes up with some guy named Jon Roberts, aka the "Cocaine Cowboy". He wrote a bio, which is, if this is him, where this blind came from. His gf, Toni Mooney, was the buty on the "So Fine" poster. Great guess Montana!

  14. Good god Montana, you have the skills :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Here is a documentary on the cocaine cowboy if anyone is interested. I saw it a few years ago and it is a really interesting look at the rise of the miami drug trade

  17. Agree with Toni Mooney as the lady, Jon Roberts, Ryan O'Neal. Who is the rat?

  18. I'm just sad to think the writer is probably right that the PC brigades wouldn't let you make a poster like the one for Vacation anymore. It's a classic.

  19. so undefeated dolphins then as Pros?

  20. Expert = Jon Roberts
    Genius = Mickey Munday
    Rat = Max Mermelstein
    Actress = Toni Mooney
    Despised by CDAN = Ryan O'Neal
    Cokehead = Pacino?
    Pros in other field = Dolphins?

    1. Mickey Monday back in prison, stolen cars with forged paper, went back into the system in the last two months...sad liked is take in Cocaine Cowboys, really was a logistical genius, apparently he said he never had a pilots license

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  22. Replies
    1. Montana crushed this blind! Go gurrlll..

  23. Just for something different: Danilo Blandon and Freeway Rick Ross who created the LA / West Coast cocaine trade. Danilo from war-torn Nicaragua turned expert witness for the CIA, and this drug trade was the Iran / Contra affair that laundered drug money for weapons.

    Being LA based would be around a lot of Hollywood stars

  24. I think Pittsburgh Steelers. Tons of blow and steroids.

    1. For the late Seventies the best fits are the Steelers or Yankees ( it was the Billy Martin / Reggie Jackson era).

  25. Editing. I need editing. I love the reader blinds and they really need the artful touch of an editor. Love reading, love words, and am not paying zero dollars to work this hard through a wall of words. Someone pull out the red pen and repost. Please? And if this was the red pen version, omfg, what are interns for?! And thank you for effort - seriously. I love it. Just need less not very helpful words.


  27. This article says Roberts clients included Mercury Morris and the Pittsburgh Steelers. The drug group near the equator is the Medellin Cartel out of Columbia.

  28. James Caan for the A lister? He has admitted to having a coke problem when he was younger.

  29. Still alive but in trouble for something else...,amp.html...

  30. Summary:

    Celebrity gossip blogger, obsessed with cocaine, posts script pitch based on life of narco operative Jon Roberts. The End.

    We're here for you buddy, the program works if you work it :)

  31. Not a blind, then.

  32. Montana totally wrote it 😂😂

  33. Pachinko is still a star and has star power.

  34. I got to Bianca Jagger and Canonball Run but probably a wrong turn.

  35. I get Rick Ross and Pacino. Beyond that, no idea.

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  37. The expert (who also was a snitch BTW): Cocaine Cowboy Jon Roberts
    Tactical/logistics/smuggling genius (who also was a snitch BTW): Mickey Munday, known as the MacGuyver of Coke Smugglers. Dad was an NFL player, mom and Ohio beauty queen. Last of the Cocaine Cowboys
    Cokehead star: Take yer pick - De Niro, Pacino, James Caan...
    Pros in another field: 70's Pittsburgh Steelers - Steel Curtain
    Lady of the expert: Toni Mooney
    CDAN despised star: Ryan O'Neal
    Rat: Max Mermelstein

  38. I can see why he's not liked on here:



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