Thursday, April 19, 2018

Blind Item #18

Oh, this is so good and so typically small town Hollywood. Guess who, when she was back doing pay for play on that game show hooked up with this now disgraced A list mostly movie director. Yeah, so no big deal about that and apparently she was willing to hook up with him for free. Not for free though, was this partner of the disgraced director who now has a national stage. Yep. There is no way she is telling her future husband about those though right? For sure not the latter. 


  1. I can't even get through this one. I have no idea what it's trying to say. :-/

  2. Meghan Markle on Deal or No Deal
    Brett Rather and??

  3. @undercover_LBD, seriously, this gave me a headache.

  4. No way, national stage huh?


  5. Hollywood scandal reaches business partner of Trump’s Treasury Secretary

  6. Latter could be Russell Simmons

  7. Dammit Sara lol ;)

  8. Omg you guys this is totally Meghan Markle.

  9. I get the Meghan Markle reference, and seeing a disgraced director, but what the hell is the rest of this about ?

  10. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Wow! Am guessing MM is sweating out these last few weeks before the big wedding! May 19 can't arrive too soon.

  11. Guessing is MM but dont understand whats gone on?????

    1. That she hooked up with Rattner and yachted with Mnuchin, doesn't want Harry to know, especially about Steve.

  12. Meghan Markle. Director Bret Ratner- his partner James Packer.

  13. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Ewww, didn't Serena Williams used to date Brett Ratner? Wonder if that's how Meghan and Serena became friends.

  14. So Meghan Markle hooked up with both Brett Ratner and Steve Mnuchin.

  15. This is all an op to delegitimize Saxe-Coburg-whateverthefuck

  16. You'll look back fondly on the day the illegitimate prince married the lady who once had Steven Mnuchin's penis in her mouth.
    Actually, it was several times.

  17. Mariah Carey dated Brett Rather and James Packer too.

  18. I would insist on being paid to hook up with Steve Mnuchin. Ugh.

  19. The confusing wording of this blind reminds me of a funny quote on BLACKLIST the other night when a CIA bigwig said, "Whether Zarak Mosadek was in the employ of the CIA, I am not going to non-deny deny. What I will not deny is that he is no longer in their employ if he ever was, which I will not confirm. Or deny."

    1. This. Love Blacklist!

    2. That sequence was so fun...non-deny deny. Cooper got her back though!

  20. As a Brit, if there is something really nasty to come out about MM i hope its before the wedding. And i sense there is a lot of stuff out there from Hollywood fun times. The RF can survive scandals but the Monarchy is getting shaky as the prospect of not having The Queen around gets closer. The RF can put up with the misdemeanours of its own blood but not of outsiders....Diana, Fergie

  21. I feel like I'm the only one here who understood this blind. The writing is poor, but I understood the gist of it nonetheless. It's saying that Meghan Markle hooked up with Brett Ratner(sp?) and Steve Muchin (whoever those people are) while she was on Deal or No Deal. We already know she was pay for play back when she was on Deal or No Deal, so this isn't exactly surprising. I sincerely doubt that Harry would care, he's in lust and isn't going to snap out of it anytime soon.

  22. If this is well known enough to be a blind item - Harry knows. Hell the whole royal family knows. It's not like the royal family doesn't have deep background checks done on potential spouses. Harry was rather wild & free himself (Vegas naked photos). Obviously he doesn't care!

  23. Yeah, they already know her background in detail. If there was any uncertainty, it was over whether they could keep it under wraps, and whether they're past the point where she can be removed from the picture if they can't.

  24. What I think, is that Harry was being pressured to marry. So in a fit of rebellion, chose somebody completely inappropriate (in the eyes of the Royal Family anyway) as a big F.U.
    They courted as publicly as possible so it would be difficult to get out of. Harry has a reputation of his own
    and they want him to be respectable.

    He knows who she is, and all about her past. As do the rest of the Royal, and they are doing everything possible to cover it up and avoid embarassment. Maybe that's why they had such a short engagement, just to get it over with.

    Harry could not care less.

    1. All royals have short engagements. Wasnt Wiil & Kate’s only like 3 weeks? Charles & Diana also had a short engagement. They would have married a month ago if Kate wasn’t pregnant.

    2. All royals have short engagements. Wasnt Wiil & Kate’s only like 3 weeks? Charles & Diana also had a short engagement. They would have married a month ago if Kate wasn’t pregnant.

    3. All royals have short engagements. Wasnt Wiil & Kate’s only like 3 weeks? Charles & Diana also had a short engagement. They would have married a month ago if Kate wasn’t pregnant.

    4. True and he is just the spare heir. Ain't gonna be king so it really doesn't matter too much anyway. Everyone needs to calm down.

    5. +1. Harry and the rest of the family have all been around the block. Folks may not like the choice but I think everybody there understands the score.

    6. Unknown you have a very odd sense of time. Will and Kate were engaged in November married in April.

  25. They look in love who cares about their past. There's a lot of haters regarding Megan look into our royal history and see just how bad the real totals are? we had a Nazi sympathizer king who abdicated after feeding info to the Germans which possibly led to our troops dying. Princess Margaret was involved in all kinds of debauchery and Andrew is rumoured to be a paedophile. Charles has kept some very ropey company look at his friendship with jimmy savile. Harry is loved and good luck to him and Megan he can't do any worse than the lot before him.

  26. The royal family would know all about this. Especially after Diana and Fergie, prospects are run through the wringer. There should be nothing in these blinds about Meghan Markle, that the Royals don't already know about.

    It doesn't really matter who Harry marries, because he's so far from the thrown, with William and three children, that his line will never see the light of day.

  27. So what? MM's record is pretty clean, IMO; she's 36 years old and most people have had sex by the time they are 36. She's normal when you consider the general dysfunction, off-color remarks, inbreeding, alleged pedophilia, entitlement, adultery, and historically treasonous behavior of the RF. Haters wanna hate.

  28. Meghan Markle may have played for pay when she was on that briefcase show, and maybe even later on in her career but I think she's perfect for the role she's embarking upon as half of this royal couple. I would guess her shady past is known to the royal family but she's so gracious, smart and elegant, and she presents so well. With Harry going from bad boy to humanitarian in the style of his mother, Markle goes well with him. She'll never assume the role of queen anyway.

  29. Harry looks happy so leave them be. I know plenty of women who had a “wild” past who are the utmost wives and moms. Worry about your own house, not someone else’s.

  30. megan markle
    deal or no deal
    bret ratner
    steve mnuchin (current treasury secretary)

  31. I give them 5 years tops.

  32. Back this pushing Meghan was some call girl who slept around with men. For what? She's never gotten any movie roles from them and are you saying she did all this while dating/being married to Trevor? And he married her anyways (she was on suits when they married). Yeah sure, she's just sleeping with these guys for free. TOTALLY believable.

    This is all over the place.

    We've seen some big time and small time people posted here. I find it suspect that suddenly Meghan is now with Prince Harry and now everyone has a story about her.

    1. She had a small part in Horrible Bosses, which Ratner produced.

    2. Also, the allegation is that Mnuchin paid her. I'm not sure when the first MM escort rumors surfaced, but I think the general rumor about Deal or No Deal case girls has been around longer than she's been with Harry.

  33. Pay for play that worked out perfectly.
    Good for her. She hit the jackpot

  34. It’s just ...odd he could do so much better

  35. She slept with a munchkin ? :)

  36. Prince Harry has a few hookers in his closet and I doubt he gives a flying F. It's not like he went overseas and bought a mail order bride. He has good taste I must say.

  37. Markle, Ratner and Cohen? Lol ewwwww

  38. In recent times I can think of three Royal women who had very shadey pasts.

    Princess Mabel of the Netherlands (the widow of the present Kings brother) and Crown Princess Mette-Merit of Norway, who will one day be Queen . The have both turned out amazingly well in their roles both at home and abroad and totally lived down their past. Princess Sofia, the sister in-law of the next Queen of Sweden also had a racy past and she seems to also be doing very well in the job, even though their marriage is relatively new. I see no reason Meghan can't follow their path.

  39. Harry must be proud that she's been cocked more often than John Wayne's gun.

    1. Of course. She's probably picked up some talents over the years.

  40. Q send me!

    This mssge is to thank you MR. Tony Stark alias: Robert Downey Jr alias: Enty
    Who is writing on this board?

    RDJr ;)


  41. Legs behind the head perhaps.

  42. So why is the Meghan Markle cruise missiles still poised to strike the target?
    Bannon may not have gotten everything he ever wanted but he certainly got his turning.

  43. Anonymous11:56 AM

    If it is Markle, I cannot judge her choices.
    She was networking.
    Nobody does 'yachting' as a final goal.
    It got her an audition.... A modeling job.... Etc.
    Men do this sort of social climbing every day. No one faults them for it.

  44. Just to add here the rumours in the UK that both William and Harry were given their first sexual experiences by a 'soceity girl' called Tara Part Tomkinson (i think that's her name). She was see as a part time nanny to the general public, but rumours are she was basically used by the princes for sex.
    She was certainly off her head, crashing and burning in public in the 2000's on Coke and drink and TV talk shows. She seemed a very unhappy woman (yet desperate for care and love), very possibly used and abused by the royal family.

  45. The publicists are in here. No discerning poster would assert that Princess Sparkles of Yacht is "elegant."

  46. No way in the world royal family doesn't know every single thing about her. Probably more than she does.
    Harry's self-destructive, if likable.
    He's gonna pay big time for this is several dimensions.

  47. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Let's remember Harry's mom Diana for a moment. Not the fashionista, but her serious side.

    On Jan. 15, 1997, one of the world's most famous women walked through an active minefield in Angola, and detonated a mine in front of the press.

    In August 1997, Diana was preparing to speak in the Netherlands, at a forum to ban land mines. She mysteriously died in a tunnel, just before that speech.

    Diana's popularity catapulted into the stratosphere, with those land mine photos.

    Before that, Diana was a glamour girl. But in Jan 1997, all of that changed.

    Harry is always going to push the envelope. He is always going to take a risk.

    He gets that from his mom.

  48. Hey, emeraldcity, you left out the most important one! The numero uno, the one that started it all, the biggest transition evah, Grace Kelly. Where do you think the tradition of yachts at the Cannes Film Festival came from? Ranier made all the European "royalty" (as well as some newly rich arabs) super jealous with his "catch". To be fair, Kelly was known in Hollywood to be pretty good in the sack.



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