Blind Items Revealed #2
April 13, 2018
It has been quite some time since this foreign born permanent A list model popped up on the gossip screen. She was a staple for the first several years of the site. While out of her own country, and not anywhere on this continent, the model cheated on her long time boyfriend when she chose to do some yachting with a very very wealthy man.
Kate Moss
It has been quite some time since this foreign born permanent A list model popped up on the gossip screen. She was a staple for the first several years of the site. While out of her own country, and not anywhere on this continent, the model cheated on her long time boyfriend when she chose to do some yachting with a very very wealthy man.
Kate Moss
I don't understand why anyone would have paid for Kate during her ET looking youth, let alone now, where she's basically just a washed up, coked up alcoholic. These billionaire Arabs have way more money than sense.
What is yachting?
Regina is VIP prostitution done in yatchs
I think it s not only cause the guys who hire them are FILTHY RICH, but also when you re on the sea you re under LAW OF THE SEA so it s easier to get away with "certain things" ...
It s very well known those girls are REAL SEX TOYS treated most of the times as shxit, cause they will do things MOST REFUSE TO
Involves weird stuff desperate crack hoes would do only if they couldn't find a more normal customer.
@Velvet Voice—
when you re on the sea you re under LAW OF THE SEA so it s easier to get away with "certain things"
I don't know about the "Law of the Sea," but if you're yachting far enough offshore, you're out of the jurisdiction of any given country. That way, if some woman has been assaulted, and calls the French police (for example), they will simply say, it's not our jurisdiction and fail to investigate.
I thought Kate was wealthy enough that she didn't have to yacht.
"What is yachting?"
I suspect it started from the realization that when you see all those attractive models and actresses on yachts in the Mediterranean or the Caribbean, they are often there not as guests, but as a paid "gig".
"Yachting" is essentially prostitution but with two differences. The first is generally the lady is trading on being famous or reasonably well known. The second is that generally the guy in the transaction is filthy rich.
Important to know that it no longer implies a boat. You can do it onshore just as easily in a house or a hotel.
And it sounds so much better. Actresses and models don't prostitute themselves, they just do a little "yachting".
Never saw her appeal, she has utterly dead eyes and seems a bit... unwashed.
Never found her attractive. She was the "coke girl" cliche her entire career.
@Mad Hominem
Thats exactly what I meant .. or the fishes can also take care of any business
You couldn't pay me enough to do her. Yuk.
My buddy used to be her coke dealer. She's fucking nuts when she's high. She used to like to buy coke from him and then hang out and do it at his house.
But it reached a point where he just stopped answering the phone when she called because he just couldn't deal with her hanging around, getting fucked out of her mind on the coke she just bought and then crying for an hour straight about how fat she is.
Yep to all this
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