Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blind Item #11

I have written about this in the past few weeks, but apparently since I wrote it, this A list couple has not been with their kids in person, and it isn't like at least one of them couldn't. I feel like they are props they wish they could give back.


  1. Revelations Deux:


  2. But see, I thought Amal was a man and the twins came from someone else...

  3. George and Amal and the invisible twins. @T.W.,I don't think she's a man, if she were George would be more interested. I'm pretty sure someone else gave birth, she forgot her pillow a few times and forgot to cover her boney ass. Note,autocorrect changed Amal to Anal several times.

    1. @Guesser

      Thank you! I needed that laugh today! 💃

  4. Sad for those kids. Sure they will grow up with money but will be emotionally fucked up.

  5. That could be so many couples.

    George & Amal
    The Cumberbangles
    Brad Pitt and his new squeeze
    The Redmaynes

    My money's on George and Amal, but let's face it- this isn't unusual behavior for celebrity couples with trophy children.

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    This isn't unusual behavior of the upper class! Why nannies were invented

    1. Nannies, governesses, and nurseries!

  7. Och, I went down a very weird Clooney-conspiracy k-hole on Youtube and just re-emerged. It's ugly out there.

  8. Guesser - LOL~ Love it

  9. The Hillary Victory Fund they raised tens of millions for is under investigation/being sued for money laundering. All their charity affiliations under fraud & sex investigations. Their IRC in the UK shut down. Now she’s parading around NYC in five figure outfits with her mother....do these kids even exist? Huma Abedin was with her, too. Maybe her pedophile hubby is watching them in jail? They’re sick people.

  10. I think this refers to that blind a few weeks back where it said the couple lived on opposite ends of the country, and the wife would only visit for photo ops and the kids had their own house.

    I forget who the guesses were, but it wasnt the clooneys, cause in the UK the opposite ends of the country are a few hours drive at most, so it was def a us (or canada) based couple

    1. The Clooney's have been back in Cali for awhile now.

  11. There is genuinely some very sketchy human trafficking and sex trafficking absolutely true buzz around the Clinton Foundation and Haiti and a whole bunch of affiliated organizations. It gets real weird and super sketchy.

    I'm anti-Trump all the way because he's... awful - which is irrelevant to this point.

    The Clinton stuff has nothing to do with Trump (unless he's a client) and stands on its own as super sketchy stuff people try to distract from by shouting CONSPIRACY!!!!!! However in fact when one looks at the actual factual records going back 10+ years there's some real questionable activity there.

    1. Are you serious? He’s the one cracking down on it all. See the executive order he signed on Dec 21. He just signed another one with Backpage victims standing behind him. Why do you think Hollywood hates him so much? He’s stopping the trafficking pipeline. Eric Schmidt stepped down save day as EO. Google facilitates it. Oh...and the Clinton Foundation is under active investigation in Arkansas. He might have slept with a willing porn star but traffic children? He’s their main advocate right now against the “progressives”.

  12. children like pets are NOT 'returnable' like clothing or a pair of shoes, people. both are lifetime commitments and not props or to only be used to boost someones' image for PR stunts...horrible. and yet some people still wonder why I much prefer animals to most so-called humans..'nuff said.

  13. I never understood the Clooney appeal at all, I hope they both go down in flames (they won't), enough of these publicity sham romances FFS!

  14. Kim and Kanye they only time they are with their kid's are for photos, why they had a third baby when they've both avoided being with her so much in her short life. When posting half naked photos of herself is more important than looking after her young baby.

    1. +10000 @Leanne. The whole K Klan except Rob...

  15. I don't know, given his past history, maybe it's better he stays away from the children.

  16. @hunter i AGREE 100% COMPLETELY WITH YOU.

  17. I don't entirely understand, though, if this is supposed to be the Clooneys.
    When have the used the kids as props? Have there been magazine covers and pap shots I've missed? I will say, I don't read Us Weekly, Kneepads, InTouch and all that stff, so maybe they are being used as props.
    But for the Clooney kids to be props, I feel like I would have seen something about them. It just feels like they are being extremely protective of their kids' privacy to me. I hope that's all it is.

    1. They weee supposed to be. They were created in September of 2016. Should’ve waited until after the election. Could’ve called it off. Then again she wasn’t supposed to lose a rigged election

  18. I change my guess to Kim and Kanye. Was just in papers saying she's pissed at him for not "stepping up" as a father.
    This BL is them.

    PS: After I delivered my only child I asked the nurses the next day where the return line was. I changed my mind.

  19. This is so disturbing on so many levels. I know personally a few couples who desperately want children and people like these are just ridiculously throwing away what would otherwise be someone else's miracles.

  20. i think reality star or soeomthing would have been thrown in if this was Kim K and Knaye. I think it's known she's a lazy piece of shit that doesn't do a god damn thing besides look at herself in the mirror and go visit the plastic surgeon.

  21. Anonymous2:36 PM

    how about Kidman and Urban? When was the last time anyone saw them with their children?
    Slaves to their TV shows and botox. Not much room for kids in that equation

  22. @ PoliticallyIncorrect71-- +1000

  23. What are the Qanon people doing here on a gossip website spreading tin foil hat conspiracy theories? Don't they have their own website for the cray?

  24. I've never seen a photo of George and Amal with their kids, so I'm going with Kim and Kanye. You know those kids are raised by nannies.

  25. "The Hillary Victory Fund they raised tens of millions for is under investigation/being sued for money laundering."


    " He’s the one cracking down on it all."

    Right! Trump is the one who set up the human trafficking interagency task force in 2009!


    Oh wait! That ended in 2017, to save money or something, so Cabinet members could have new office furniture.

    "He’s stopping the trafficking pipeline"

    Um, no. Trump has done nothing to stop any giant human trafficking network...at all.

    "the Clinton Foundation is under active investigation in Arkansas"


    1. Hey there @plot. I’m battling insomnia so I thought I’d dig a little.

      First claim is probably this: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/16/fec-hit-with-lawsuit-over-ignoring-civil-complaint-accusing-clinton-dnc-in-election-scheme.html There’s a lot of allegedly and purportedly going on. And it’s the FEC that’s being sued for “ignoring” a civil complaint from a PAC dedicated to the “defense of the president.” Not biased at all. Nope. Never.

      Third claim is likely this: https://www.cnn.com/2018/01/05/politics/clinton-foundation-arkansas-probe/index.html. Which is just a continuation of the OLD allegations. As usual.

      Second claim is probably about FOSTA which purportedly targets sex trafficking online but which ACTUALLY makes life much riskier for sex workers and puts the power back in the hands of the pimps. It’s a mess.

  26. Nice try making this about Kimye, Kim is always posting the kids on Instagram or whatever.

  27. seriously people, if theres no politics involved in the blind JUST FUCKING SHUT UP ABOUT HILARY AND TRUMP ALREADY

    seriously, you're so obsessed, why just go to another site where your fight is f'ing relevant? so pathetic/

    1. × 10000000 @notthisagain!!!!

    2. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Thank you!!
      The election ended 18 months ago! Enough already!

    3. Yes I agree 100%. Stop with the political shit already!!! Fucking up the threads on stuff that has NOTHING to do with politics. Enough!

  28. The Clooneys were in the news last week gushing about their kids' first word.


    Do a search for Clooney children, though, and you won't see a single picture of them with their parents. Not sure if this is them. Feel like Kimye would also been I.D.'d differently than "A list couple." Not sure anybody's successfully figured out this one.

  29. He's never gonna reveal this he doesn't reveal anything good and that has a lot conversation

  30. @mercy, I agree with you. I think this is about Nicole and Keith. George and Amal are never photographed with their babies, thus they aren't "props."

    Nicole and Keith are photographed with their kids in happy situations, but it all seems staged.

    It also could be someone with only adopted kids because of the "give them back" line.

  31. George and Amal are A+. I would think Nicole and Keith are close to that too.

  32. I hate to defend Kim but she is always with her kids. As a family they are so close it is a given. Jayne probably does need to step up and stop going to Idaho or Montana or France to record his music. I have been told that there may be one or two record labels in L.A. and a few more studios.
    That being said....@notthisagan thank you!!! I agree 100% with you!

  33. Oh for Pete's sake...how many investigations is the GOP going to drum up and fail at before the GOP voters get tired of "But Hillary!"?

    FOSTA does nothing to affect international trafficking. It shuts down the independent means for sex workers to safely proceed inside their profession and that is all, from what I'm reading. Stopping online ads for sex doesn't do shit to international trafficking.

    1. @plot Essentially, yeah. Trump made a big noise about it all in January and signed FOSTA later, and now he’s apparently the messiah of the sex trafficking victim.

      As for Hillary, they’re more obsessed with her than any Liberal-leaning voter I know. Still no good answers for how she’s guilty when she’s the most investigated person in the US and has been charged with... pretty much nothing.


  34. Funny how @gauloise was defending Randy and George in other recent blinds.

  35. How is kim always with her kids? She's always on holiday or doing a pap walk in another Kanye crime against fashion. She just uses them as props to push products.

  36. @Laura.....Amal has been hi vis in NY for the past week and George is in Italy scouting locations for a new TV series.



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