Saturday, January 04, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 15, 2019

As I told you throughout 2019, the disgraced actor will be in front of your eyeballs in 2020 in a project where he gets paid. Yesterday was just another shot of him normalizing it for you.

Kevin Spacey


L B said...

He will never be normal.

MissMatador said...
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Sd Auntie said...

So sick of people like him getting a pass. WTH

A.Claire said...

"Spacey in yo Facey."

SkullChimpyCheese said...

=== So sick of people like him getting a pass. WTH

At least it helps explain the studied dearth of mainstream interest in spates of more ritualistic suicides also sending a message loud and clear about who's truly in charge of our symbolic "Reality" shitshow of politics, bread and circuses ... especially among the PTB's fops caught flying high with a tarbaby chunk of chum like the Ooh la la Lolita-loving Epstein so easily tossed overboard to further muddy the already bloody waters in which "real journalists" and agents of "justice" swim in tightly orchestrated, school-of-fish formation perfectly suited to turning as one at the drop of a dime.

idiotslayer said...

I hear ya, but I think that's too many big words for this lot.

As to Spacey, I don't think he'll ever really get a pass again. Who/what is behind the one project? Could just be "like-minded individuals" giving the green light. In which case, they're outing themselves.

AbbyRock said...

Spacey portrays Frank Underwood so well because he just has to be himself. This guy is evil incarnate.

auntliddy said...

Exactly! So not normal!

kelli grrrl said...

@AbbyRock .... I was just going to say his portrayal of creepy-ass Mel Profitt (from waaaaay back in the day) must not have been acting either, just him being himself. Bummer thing is, I used to really enjoy Spacey as a performer. Can’t even stand to look at his face now.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Punctuation is your friend, dude.

Mischief Girl said...

There was nothing about that video of his that was normal.

This is one weird dude.

Sarton Bander said...

That video made sense to the people he was threatening.

SkullChimpyCheese said...

What was in the bell jar?

Melody the First said...

It will just dredge up the whole matter and remind everyone. PR flacks can't direct audience attention the way they once did. He'll never be an acceptable presence in any production.

Anastasia Beaverhausen said...

Excellent imagery:-)

GentleBreeze said...

skullchimpeycheese, I like your posts. This one threw me, and I wanted to question your first sentence, but realized your entire paragraph was a sentence.
Thought twice about challenging your post cause Unknown thinks we're all idiots.

BRAD PITT said...

see how Arquette is attacking Ricky Gervais in advance of whatever he might say at the golden globes

DWelsh said...

Whatever. If you choose to watch any of his sh!t, that's on you.

AussieBlogger said...

If Spacey was a regular person and 3 of his accusers "Suicided", the feds would've picked him up for questioning.
It's bullshit how protected they are, even if you're hiding in Serbia or wherever the hell he is.
I too used to respect him as an actor, now I give zero effs.

fionafab said...

Got tons of acid emails after I defended him months ago. Said he would never serve a day in jail. Explosions! Who's laughin' now? To know him is to love him. A super guy in person. And I'm a gal.


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