Saturday, July 04, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #32

April 17, 2020

This legendary producer did a couple of things in his life well. He made hit movies and snorted a lot of cocaine. So much so that he was always coming up short on the financing of his projects. So, he got into drug dealing. A lot of it. When he was busted for dealing, he lost his house. It didn't stop him from dealing or using or needing money. Enter our arms dealer who always seems to show up in the most shady of shady times in Hollywood. If there is some type of scandal or underage sex parties from back in the day, he was involved. He would circulate girls and women to the west and people like our producer would send women his way by the dozens, usually under the guise of some type of overseas film production. This was the times of the coke wars and when they would get tired of one, if she knew too much, they would fly her to Miami and kill her to make it look drug related. It was easy. Was our producer ever involved in any of these murders? Hard to prove, except for one, but that wasn't a transient, it was one of his drug dealers.

Robert Evans/Adnan Khashoggi

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