Sunday, April 15, 2018

Blind Item #12

This former A+ list rapper turned basically one step away from being a hermited Howard Hughes is mixing his meds again and trying to play with doses and when he does that just becomes a zombie.


  1. I thought he's been a zombie since his last MK-Ultra "reset" and forced hospitalization

    1. @Intergalactic


      Kanye was fine until he hooked up with Kim.

  2. Is Eminem out there?

    1. Yup. This is my guess. Even when he’s out performing he’s hiding his face way under a hat or a hood.

  3. I hate that zombified feeling. It's why I stopped taking Paxil 12-13 years ago. Paxil is the devil's drug (for me, ahyway). I hope whoever it it (Kanye?) finds the right meds/combo. It's not easy.

    1. I struggled with Paxil too..
      In fact i was more anxious on it!

    2. Paxil saved me. Crazy how it works for some. It's bad if I run out for a few days tho!

  4. Definitely Eminem.

  5. Paxil worked great for me for post-partum. But everyone is different. I was taking a drug to prevent migraines that (unbeknownst to me) is also used for people to lose weight, which I didn't need. I felt so tired and like zombie on it- very extreme reaction.

    1. I take topomax for migraines and it made me stop feeling/tasting the bubbles in carbonated drinks for a few weeks. I was terrified beer was ruined forever!

  6. I don’t know about Eminem, Howard Hughes was a bit of a investment and business mogul, wasn’t he?
    I don’t see Eminem fitting, maybe when he was out of the spot light in the last few years but he’s been pretty coherent and ‘normal’ since his U.K. festival gigs last year.

  7. Eminem has been out very publicly trying to bait Trump in recent months, I'd say it's probably not him.

  8. RE: Eminem He's headlining tonight at Coachella. Is that hermit-like?

  9. When I read the headline in the DM where he compared Marie Antoinette to his trashy wife I was wondering if he's planning to cut off her head

    If PMK could make a buck off it, she'd probably give him her blessing

  10. This is Eminem. He’s had substance issues for a long time and was out of sight for years.

  11. @OB: Technically Marie Antoinette was laid on that guillotine by the Plebs of France, tho. Girl did herself in. 👸🏻

    There’s another European royal, however, who WAS legit known for “spousal beheadings” but he was British and I can’t remember his name because they keep naming their royals the same thing over and over again just with added numbers behind their names to tell them apart (they’re not that creative when it comes to naming people).

  12. Just curious but how may of you could have been famous like the rest but didn't because you knew what it involved?

    1. *Raises hand* ✋🏼

      Walked out on productions (at least) twice for #MeToo reasons (but I’m still incredibly blessed considering, in hindsight, I didn’t understand the sexual cues). Also skipped auditions my agent used to send me to if I thought they were problematic (like if they were a commercial for skin-whitening creams, etc).

      My estimate would be, if I had “played the game” and got involved with “what it involved”, I would’ve been around C-list (or B-) by now (only nationally/locally within my country). That’s my realistic estimate, I was never under any illusion I’d ever be anywhere near A-list, and I’m fine with that.

      Now I just do niche theatre.

      I do think Kanye is talented, though. I can’t understand the secondhand hate he gets for being married to a talentless famehoes. Don’t go erasing his accomplishments because you don’t like his wife, guys. Please. He makes good music.

    2. That’s very interesting. Are some of these blinds yours?
      Agree about Kanye. In a lot of ways he’s the Miles Davis of hip-hop.

    3. @Totaji: Thank you. And nope. I don’t know any international celebs and not privy to any info that would Ben worthy of. A BI.

  13. @kristaylor6663,

    Interesting question. When I was in my teens and early-mid twenties, I thought being famous would be amazing. Once I got to my late 20's I understood how messed up so many famous people were, and I really started to value my privacy.

    My daughter wanted to go into acting at a young age. I wanted to support her dreams, but I didn't want her to end up like so many other child actors. I told her she could do as much community theater/lessons as she wanted, but I wasn't going to let her audition for TV/film until she was 18.

    She is almost 13 now and has thankfully lost interest in becoming an actress. She now wants to be a director, which is frankly better suited to her. She still wants the adoration, but at least directors aren't used and abused the way poor young actors are.

  14. @eejms the Howard Hughes comparison has nothing to do with the business he was or this person is in. He was mentally unstable, isolated, didn't trust folks, paranoid, etc. They just mean a wealthy eccentric holed up somewhere and able to do so and be his own (terrible) keeper because of his money and fame.

    1. “wealthy eccentric holed up somewhere and able to do so and be his own (terrible) keeper because of his money and fame” sounds like a wonderful life, tho.

      He’s living the dream... ✨

    2. Gotcha. I wasn’t sure if the business side was relevant - as in a rapper that does more than just rap, like Kanye for example. I am leaning towards Kanye for this because he is loopy.

  15. Lol @OB that gave me a giggle. Here's to hoping

  16. There's only one right meds combo, and that's none at all.

  17. Lol. Think you mean Henry VIII (as the old English poem goes, his wives were: divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived!)

  18. this could be dr. dre. i watched the netflix special about him last night, (which is FANTASTIC, btw) and i thought to myself several times, wow, i think dre might suffer from severe bouts of depression. no judgment, i, too, am a sufferer, so i just recognized it. on the other hand, kanye is back all over twitter, so could be him, too. whoever it is, i only wish them well. depression/anxiety is no joke, and those meds are not to be fucked with.

  19. Omg what’s next?he gonna compare her to Joan of Arc😂😂😂

  20. Eminem might be a recovering pill popper, but "Howard Hughes" makes me think it's Kanye.

  21. Scandi Sanskrit- you're thinking of Henry VIII- he had a couple of his wives beheaded, so he could move on to the next. Watch The Tudors on Netflix, with Jonathan Rhys Meyers, to get the whole story. It's really well done- and Henry Cavill is in it too.

    1. Thank you for the recommendation, MIssBliss. 💛

  22. I'm not going to make any snarky comments about this: I've been on meds of one form or another for 20 years, and none of them made a true difference.

  23. Kanye's the obvious choice, but Howard Hughes makes me think of Puffy = all show, fake life, money dwindling.

  24. Isn't Kanye surrounded by Kardashians most of the time though? I can believe it of Eminem, he's a twitchy suspicious mess. And he cannot have a healthy social circle of peers or someone would tell him how corny his sense of humour is.

  25. Definitely Kanye. I feel so sorry for him. Losing his mother and then hooking up with the Kartrashians. Seems like he would really benefit from some confidential talk therapy, but I bet it's very hard to find someone he feels he can trust.

  26. How can this be Eminem? All signs point to Kanye. The guy has been off his nut ever since he's gotten fake ass pregnant. I never liked him, he's super obnoxious, but I do feel sorry for him for being stuck with that brand for the rest of his life. His own wife doesn't even care about his mental health.

  27. Kanye is just doing what any normal person would do if married to a kardashian in a completely fake marriage. He's got to get through the day somehow.

  28. I'd be popping bottles upon bottles of some tranquilizer if I were Kanye and i had to listen to those voices every day.

  29. I am going with Kanye. Eminem has been out in the open for the past year. Doing shows over the UK and coachella. Also he is legend status in the rap world regardless of if everyone likes his style or not so absolutely not former A+

  30. Anonymous9:30 PM

    +1 @Doug. That includes chemo too. People have forgotten they have the option of saying, "No", or to choose natural remedies

  31. Either Eminem or Kayne. Kayne makes more sense considering his publicized history of mental health issues but Eminem has lost his mind recently as well...



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