Monday, April 16, 2018

Blind Item #17

How creepy is it to have the pseudo celebrity dad who is married to a permanent A lister always wanting to meet the young male friends of his kids. There he was doing it again this weekend. 


  1. Rande Gerber/Cindy Crawford

  2. i dispute the description if it's rande gerber. he isn't a 'pseudo celebrity.' he's worth $100 million, which i believe he made on his own---with his brothers, and which began before he was with cindy.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Hey George what’s up

    2. I guess the argument could be made here that "pseudo" because we wouldn't know who he was if he wasnt married to cindy. I know I wouldn't.

    3. "Celebrity" and "wealthy" are two different things. Not all uber wealthy people are celebrities simply for being rich!

  3. He’s close with Harry Styles and has been for years. Ugh. I hope he never touched him.

    1. Plus the fact that Kaia and Presley are both models now(what he started as.... so —icky)

  4. This sounds like an utterly creepy morally bankrupt family. Eeewww.

  5. I dunno. Gerber ran into a lot of trouble httong on his female employees so does young men fit?

  6. I misread pseudo, and was wondering is this a pseudophile.

  7. what does having 100 million have to do with being a celebrity

  8. Accused of sex assault, under investigation for pics of Kaia tied to a chair and gagged as a kid (“cops & robbers”), Casamigos sued for one of their employees putting liquid nitrogen into a drink of a guy and his girlfriend at a party, Uncle George’s ties to Frank Giustra & John wonder Kaia is being “groomed”

  9. Gross. BUT let's be real, Kaia is a tranny and so is Cindy.


  10. LOL!!! PoliticallyIncorrect - I mean I'm no fan of Rande or Clooney, but that liquid nitrogen story is a fucking joke.

    Rande is a pig, but he's not into little boys, ask the females that work for him lol.

  11. Maybe he's just being protective of his kids, "Remember boys, whatever you do to them, I'm going to do to you."

  12. the blind makes it sound like the guy is a gold digger, talentless person. rande is accomplished in his own right.

  13. equal opportunity creep maybe? Like Ryan sea crest?? Like jared Leto? Remember Kevin Spacey, who identifies as gay ( unfortunately) was accused of molesting a woman at a dinner table. People who are gross are usually gross across the board.

  14. Lisa Marie Presley and still-husband Michael Lockwood

    "Lisa Marie opposed Lockwood's request for spousal support claiming that she had found hundreds of images and videos of child pornography on his personal computer."

    He was photographed with the kids in the Daily Mail recently

  15. LisaMarie has the worst taste in men. UGH

  16. Lisa Marie Ian t a permanent A lister-her Dad is. And she wasn’t at Coachella with her ex for sure... but the Gerbers Crawford’s were


  17. @gauloise nailed it with Michael Lockwood I think -Lisa Marie has such lineage she’s probably a perm A lister whether we like it or not.

    For everybody guessing Rande Gerber, he may very well be an equal opportunity sexual harasser (and the same might apply to his wife) but it’s hardly shocking to me that a dad to two attractive young women who want to find out what kind of young guys they are hanging out with. That’s very different from the situation with Lockwood and the age of the kids who would be involved there.

  18. It doesnt say they were at Coachella. All the other blinds about Coachella say something about desert, event, etc.

    Lisa Marie is one of those born A listers, and her hubby is def pseudo rock star (he even goes around in blue suede shoes) . Her dad is a A++ list, like MJ.

    1. She and Lockwood aren’t a married couple-if divorce isn’t finalized -it’s “technically still married”... also their twins are 9 years old....even if the blind isn’t referring to Coachella (which I think it is kind is referencing) ,it mak s no sense—/ they aren’t a couple and she’s never been described as perm A here-B+celeb offspring... but dunno? Maybe Enty will reveal it

    2. Valid points-we’ll find out more I suppose if there’s ever a reveal

  19. Also HBO just released that big 2-part documentary on Elvis, so the family is in the news.

    In any case, they are still married til divorce. The fact the kids are 9 is the point, that is the age he likes them, as per the kiddie porn found on his computer

  20. I am just not feeling the pseudo celeb for Gerber, as he was a celeb among elite circles before he ever married Cindy.

    Hope enty reveals this one!

  21. I hear ya ... but I just can’t see him m trying to mingle with them “over the weekend”-was there a party at Chuck E Cheese? Dunno- Herber was a failed (kind of model)bar boy who got lucky with the W hotels and his bars (Whiskey Blue etc). Cindy put him on the map,as did his”BFF” Clooney- and now he just sort of shows up everywhere riding his kids(and still wives and said BFFs coattails).
    Enty won’t reveal it because it would be outing said dad, but either way the dudes a creeeeeeeper:(

  22. This is not M Lockwood, by any long shot.

  23. Most dads get visitation over the weekends.

    The way the blind is written makes me think it relates to younger kids as "creeper" is a word for pedophile. While hitting on 18+ year old young men is gross, it is out of creeper territory.

    Also Gerber opened the Whiskey in 1991 and didnt marry Cindy til 98, he was already successful. The general public didnt know him til Cindy, but the NY social scene did. He recently sold Casamigos for $700 million, there is nothing pseudo about that much money. ; ) The bar and restaurant field is rough and just being married to a celeb doesnt guarantee success, he has to be talented at business in his own right.

    I guess it will be a mystery!

    1. He was indeed successful in the restaurant/Bar and Lounge world but he wasn’t a “celebrity “ by any stretch until he was linked to her.....

  24. Clooney and Gerber reportedly love Italy because the age of consent is 14, and they're into having wild sex parties with VERY young men. I think there was even a police investigation about a near-death of a teen there. Here's an old blind about it:

  25. Lisa is a permanent A list celebrity by virtue of her lineage. Not sure what all the Rande Gerber hate is, I’ve met him several times through a nonprofit organization and he and his family are always low-key, polite and gracious. That matters, especially when others are not.

  26. "Celebrity Dad" means he has a child, not step child.

  27. Rande wasn’t a household name before Cindy, but he was fairly well-known. I knew him and I was just a teen. This may be written to be him, but the description is off.

  28. Re the pics of Kaia tied to a chair and gagged as a kid (“cops & robbers”). It had nothing todo with Randy. It was the nanny who took the pictures 'playing a game with the kids' with a view to run some black mail scam with her boyfriend, the FBI were called in when Cindy found out about them and the nanny was eventually deported.

  29. Why can't it be a same-sex couple?

  30. Pseudo means fake or sham, Gerber is not a fake celebrity, he is a businessman married to a celeb, who gets some of her glow. He is not famous ONLY because of Cindy, he has a lot of accomplishments of his own merit. If he never met or married Cindy, I am sure he would be doing ok. He isnot a fame whore chasing paparazzi, a lot of people dont even know who he is.

    Those guys who marry reality stars, they are pseudo celebs cause that is their only claim to fame and they love it.

    I am not saying it is Lisa Marie, it could be someone else. But Gerber and Cindy dont match any of the clues (creeeper, pseudo celeb) .

  31. This is not evidence of even facts, but always got terrible/negative vibes on Gerber.
    Best friends w Clooney, to boot....

  32. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Club scene became big in the 90s. Rande did well with Whiskey Blue and was known in club circles - but not to the general public. When he and Cindy got together, it made sense. His clubs were white hot and so was Cindy. She put his face on the map and totally boosted his club business.



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