Monday, April 16, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Photographer - Mr. Hedge

This serial pedophile was a Hollywood photographer for decades.  He has not been discussed in any previous blinds.  He hails from a state in the Midwest, so let’s call him M.  M’s father was a locally famous media personality.  His father always defended M’s innocence publicly, and used his connections to help get M out of trouble on a number of occasions.

Almost 4 decades ago, M was charged with soliciting a minor for sex, and got off with a warning.  About 3 decades ago, M was arrested for abusing a young teen boy he photographed, as well as child porn.  Through a plea deal, M only spent a couple months in jail.

Despite M’s conviction and order to stay away from children, he went straight to Hollywood.  M became friends with another serial pedophile who has been discussed here before, NS.  For many years, through NS, and eventually others, M would make frequent trips to Hollywood to both photograph and physically molest young boys.  NS was one of many pedophile managers of child actors who provided introductions on M’s behalf. 

M would then sell photographs on the internet.  He even had his own website, by his own name.  He used the typical style - shirtless / barefoot young boys at a downward angle, over which pedophiles are known to fetishize.  M would sometimes do close-up shots, featuring the bare armpits of pre-pubescent boys, which is another common pedophile fetish. 

M would also sell the child porn he produced through his Hollywood connections.

About a decade ago, M was finally busted for child porn once again.  A raid of his Midwest home turned up many, many images and videos.  As a repeat offender, it looked like M was headed to jail for a long time.

Incredibly, M managed a plea deal, with the help of his prominent father’s local connections. Over 20 child porn charges were dropped, in exchange for a guilty plea to 1 single count.

This plea deal put M in jail for only a couple years.  During this relatively brief jail stint, it was discovered that his web site was still in operation, selling the same barely-legal young boy photographs as always.  A friend stepped in to run the website while M was in jail, and he claimed it was due to demand by fans.

Believe it or not, there was yet another pedophile with the same first and last name, who was convicted of molesting a young boy for years in CA – as his piano teacher. 

M’s Father / job:
M’s friend who ran website while in jail:
Other pedophile with different middle name:


  1. NS: Bob Villard, that's all I got folks

  2. not sure but hey, gabe, just a tip: if you want more traction with your news, stop associating with psychopathic idiots a la Cernovich and Posobiac. As a victim of pedophilia, I admire your work greatly (I say that with no irony), but the fact that you associate with Cernovich who was arrested for rape and pleaded to a lesser charge, as well Posobiac who cheated on his pregnant wife, makes me think you're a fucking fraud.

    1. If he could get any other types of people to pay attention he might not have to. Why us it ge isn't on CNN or MSNBC or other MAN. You have take what u can get when others won't listen or are profiting by not covering.

    2. I get that but that doesn’t mean he has to associate with a rapist, especially when Gabe yells at people for liking Call Me By Your Name but has nothing but good things to say about the man who was arrested to rape and pleaded battery.

    3. @pricksongs
      You're a shill

    4. And you’re a monogoloid who doesn’t know what words mean and makes assumptions when someone points out logical hypocrisy :)

    5. You are lying about Jack Posobiec cheating on his wife. You are a troll.

  3. Hedge has used NS for Marty Weiss, because he wears the amulet from the Neverending Story.

  4. And after a quick google search I am never hiring a piano teacher.

  5. ^That. Good grief.

  6. The first half of this sounded so familiar that I got excited, thinking it was the reveal of a previous blind.

  7. Anonymous10:38 AM

    pricksongs: What does allegedly cheating on your wife have to do with child sex abuse, dumbass? We both know your issue is solely with his politics, nothing more. Your just an intolerant pos.

    1. Cheating on a pregnant wife is emotional abuse at best. And when you associate yourself with people like that, it makes your status as a warrior for justice look phony. I don’t give two shits about politics in this case. He associates with many other right wing types who I don’t have anything bad to say about. Also: Kinda funny that no one has any defense for Cernovich.

    2. And yet you call people "mongoloid"??? Classy! You have discredited yourself and can shove your moral outrage!

  8. Bob Lamb M for Michigan
    dad was a radio dj

    1. Great job! Solved much more quickly that I expected!

  9. you've got it MHB 155! There is a pedophile in CA who was a piano teacher also named bob lamb

  10. the friend who ran the site is someone named Brad Miller

  11. Amazon is still selling his book. Ugh.

    "Full-color, 80pg photobook of very beautiful boys (ages 9-16) by American photographer, Bob Lamb. THE AMERICAN BOY made its stunning debut in 2006 in simultaneous hardcover and softcover first editions. The book, instantly popular, quickly sold through its entire runs in both bindings. Because no subsequent printings were published, Lamb's joyous celebration of boyhood has already become a "classic"--scarce and highly prized. No nudity."

  12. Cheating on your pregnant wife makes you a Douche, not a Chester.
    I have to agree with John The Savage.

  13. there is a picture on the internet of a young Evan Peters, and it says it was photographed by Bob that the same guy?

  14. Found this in a search of Bob Lamb:

    11. Richard Emerich / Brad Miller RWE productions – 2009 - CT/Maine -- photographer-- Law enforcement intervention into a shoot for Tiger Underwear, possible conviction in Hartford County CT in 1999-2000. Emerich was a protégé of Bob Lamb. Brad Miller sold Lamb’s photos while he was in prison. RWE did photo workshops like Lamb.

  15. Has Brian Peck been mentioned here? Friend of Villard? Priors before arriving in Hollywood?

  16. Cernovich loves Cernovich so he needs no defence he mostly talks about how great he is but sometimes there are nuggets . interesting at times but if he cheated I want pics since he has only been married for about 3 months . Tay seems like she keeps him on lock anyway so give me proof

  17. Do we have a Jerrod from Subway comment yet?

    if not, you are welcome!

  18. @pricksongs

    "Also: Kinda funny that no one has any defense for Cernovich."

    Ain't it just.

    Guess some pick and choose their sexual abusers based on other factors.

  19. @pricksongs

    I don't know how well known his wrongdoings are until I saw stuff on the RationalWiki(shitty site, but its still his words)

  20. No mainstream outlet is willing to go after sex abuse because of the skeletons in their own closets. Mutually beneficial silence has become the norm.

    I don't like Cernovich in the same way I don't like Trump. Self serving. But they sometimes speak truth.

    You can reject a speaker for their flaws, but it is a mistake to reject the act of speaking truth (or the truth itself). Regardless of the source.

    So let's get back to the subject and stop with ad hominem attacks against Mr. HEDGE and the Alt Right.


    I live in Michigan. A small county near Detroit.

    Its bad enough that I have Chad Schackley(one of the Bryan Singer people) living on the other side of the thumb, but it turns out Rob Lamb isn't too far away either. As I looked up google maps I also find out THAT THE FUCKER LIVES NEXT TO A ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! WTF?

  22. @schneiderisnext- i get that, but imagine the ruckus if Gabe suddenly had, I dunno, any major star accused of rape in the last year, as one of the sources and twitter accounts he was signal-boosting. Rape is rape and Gabe is a fuckin' phony (the fact that he won't answer my question here only furthers my point).

    1. You haven't asked a question @pricksongs.

      You've accused Mr. HEDGE of being "a phony" because he's "signal-boosted" by people you think have bad character.

      So what. Is the information any less important? Take the good from the bad. Exercise discernment. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

      Maybe if you start by being less rude and accusatory, Mr. HEDGE might respond to you.

  23. I met the California Bob Lamb. He was the piano teacher for a guy who became my friend years later. This guy liked Lamb and stayed friendly with him, and was (said he was, anyway) shocked when the child molestation shit went down. Crazy.

  24. Video of the 15-year-old Evan Peters photo shoot.

    Not for the first time do I say, run Evan, RUN!

  25. @pricksongs, don’t have a dog in this fight, but does someone’s hypocrisy make their argument illogical?

  26. Both Bob Lamb and Even Peters are from Grand Blanc. Here an old story on Bob.

  27. Just swinging by the latest Hedge blind to point out that Netflix shares are up after Netflix surpassed all expectations for the quarter.

    I was expecting a (distracting) pedo blind from Hedge today and I was not disappointed.


    Some of the comments are just creepy

  29. I recognized this name too related to SF Bay area / 1998.
    "Piano teacher jailed in molest case Corte Madera Police announced the arrest of a 59-year-old Corte Madera man on suspicion of molesting a 12-year-old boy when the youngster came to his home for piano lessons."

  30. @Rosenthal

    Why? Why did I click that link and put that book in my search history? You are right, some creepy comments there.

    @Han Niam


    Netflix is doing something right. Everyone has it and loves paying the fee for no commercial content. Netflix provides that service better than anyone.

    1. @plot

      Heh. I kinda thought you’d appreciate that as much as I did.

      Do I think it’s coincidence Hedge posted a blind about a creepy pedo which is almost always guaranteed to unite the community in his favor on the day that was announced? No I do not.

      Netflix may be using some crazy new economics voodoo I don’t fully understand yet, but man, it is that voodoo that you* do so well!

      *Netflix, that is.

  31. Don't know any of the subjects of the blind even following the links after the readers guessed it.

    But is Mr Hedge this Gabe Hoffman guy? Just had a look at his twitter and holy fuck does he have a hard on for Elon Musk. That's a creepy obsession.

    1. Much like some commenters seem to have a creepy obsession with Hedge, to the point where they seem to think the exposure of systemic pedophilia should go further ignored, or put off until some other day/availability of a more personally palatable messenger for said commenters, whenever Hedge is the one delivering the exposure.

  32. yes, Mr. Hedge is Gabe Hoffman. He seethes about Musk and Netflix for unknown reasons (theory is he is shorting both on the stock market and they are refusing to crash for him.) He also hates some sexual abusers but loves and protects others.

  33. Thanks @Plot.

    If that's so he's none too bright. Peddling rumour on CDAN ( with respect to you readers) is hardly likely to send the NASDAQ into a panic. Taking a short position on Tesla is one thing and if the stock lender wants it back any time soon Gabe is boned. And taking a short position on Netflix seems mental to me ( dependent on when you went in) Can't see that going anywhere but up for the foreseeable future.
    Having said that it's easy for these guys to gamble with other people's money.

  34. @pricksongs... mongoloid? Either YOU don't know the meanings of words or you're a racist prick

    1. @NuGa racist or ableist. Either way it doesn’t look good for them, does it?

  35. Where are Lamb and Miller living now?

  36. @plot

    Now thats a very broad allegation. Milo has said stuff but it effected him greatly and I don't get an impression that he fully believes in it as much as people think he would. Cernovich's misdeeds aren't as well known too.

  37. @Simply

    You know Milo personally?

    Doesn't matter what is generally known or not. Mr. Hedge, the savior of sexual abuse victims, hangs out with a sexual abuser. Surely HE knows that.

  38. @plot

    Milo didn't molest anyone. He just said some really controversial shit. Gabe also views him as a victim which he was. I don't know him personally but I do remember being there in the #GamerGate stuff. I'm not a fan of him either, and I don't view him as a good role model for LGBT and Child Sexual abuse because of it.

    I don't think the stuff about Cernovich is well known. I know that certain SJWs really poisoned the well when it comes to talking about him because to them EVERYTHING is rape. However, there are stuff on him. The flow of information can unintentionally flood things like this. I've seen it happen with other e-celebs. I don't believe every single right wing figure even knows about it

  39. If anyone is wondering about the Cernovich thing. Its from a post called "When in Doubt, Whip It Out". People are comparing it to Louis CK and his account does not look good.

    It was deleted, and I don't believe it was properly spread enough to be common knowledge.

  40. If you have an account you can report Bob Lambs book. Give them a link to the news about him as well. I reported it to the U.K site last night and it is not on their site this morning while they do an investigation.

  41. M: Mike Cernovich
    M’s Father / job: Mike Cernovich Sr. / sandwich artist
    NS: Marty Weiss
    M’s friend who ran website while in jail: Jack Posebiac
    Other pedophile with different middle name: DJ Mike Cernovich

  42. The book isn't available on Amazon anywhere as far as I can tell. I emailed them and all the sellers I could find on there. No idea if it did my good.

    1. Good job and thank you! I just checked to do the same thing and theyret all pulled down thankfully.

  43. @Simply

    "Gabe also views him as a victim which he was"

    Victim of WHAT? More than anything, Milo was wrongly put on a pedestal by the Mercers and given a voice he never earned or deserved.

    If Milo is the example of homosexuality that the Reich dreams up to excite the young male crowds, we're in deep trouble.

    1. Have you ever heard of statutory rape? Do you believe that because Milo made some crappy jokes about his abuse, and rationalized it as not being abuse, that it makes him retroactively a non-victim when he was raped as a child? Do you believe minors can consent to sex with adults?

  44. From When in Doubt Whip it Out, by charming Mr. Cernovich -

    "Anyone who has dated Indian girls know how annoying they are, and how hard they are to close. I knew this girl wasn’t going to let me fuck her in the back seat of her car, and that she was going to require some secret moves.
    “My dick hurts,” I told her, as I unbuttoned my own jeans, exposing it to her. She looked at it but didn’t move.
    “You aren’t just going to leave me like this, are you?” I pulled her hand towards me, but she pulled it back.
    Indian girls are selfish teases, and she would have no problem leaving me hanging.
    “Fine then. I’ll take care of it myself.”
    I started playing with her tits, spit in my hand, and started masturbating."

    I guess when a sexual Tough Guy shares one's political views, it's all good.

  45. There are still websites selling it. AbeBooks and won't take it down. I messaged a couple of ebayers. One took down the listing and the other put their price up. I have reported the book to ebay.

  46. This is the only ebay listing of it I can find now.

  47. Sure I've heard of statutory rape.

    Milo can be a victim, of course, but that is for him to judge for himself not Gabe. If Milo claims to have consented, that is his business.

    What's Gabe's plan here? To be Milo's therapist? Or does he support Milo because Milo shares his political views, so he will invent any excuse for him?



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