Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #22 - Reader Blind Item

November 21, 2019

This deceased star was famous in his lifetime for acts of daring that often led to broken bones. These acts were often proceeded by massive hype and at one point he had both a movie and a comic book about him.

It was long known that he was physically aggressive with both his wives but a biography coming out next year goes into more detail. He broke his first wife’s nose and trampled on his second wife’s hand when she tried to leave him also locking her in a closet. He was actually arrested twice for domestic abuse but released quickly and charges were never brought in court.

Evel Knievel


B626 said...

Sounds pretty tame by CDAN standards but yeah, crappy celebrity husband,

SlimKeith said...

I have no problem believing it. He seemed like a nasty guy. Back in those days they didn't really do anything if you slapped your wife or drove around drunk. What really sucks is how often the sons of these men go on to batter their own partners and don't understand why and the daughters hook up with men who treat them like shit because they don't know their value.

Gator said...

He always came across as a very angry person in interviews.

Troy Dyer said...

I worked with a gal who claimed to be related...I’ll have to see what she says about this.

momo said...

B laughing... any of you guys ever been married? My x husband once hit me over the head with a VERY OLD TELEPHONE and literally cracked my skull. It's all water under the bridge now. Cocaine is one hell of a drug...

IndieRaga said...

Do leave an update!

Annie said...

I heard once that his family wasn't worried he would die doing a stunt, they worried he'd live through it

Elvis Belushi said...

He was a well known drunken abuser at Shepard's Bar in Clearwater Beach, Florida for YEARS.

Minnie The Moocher said...

Too bad.
I saw a pretty good documentary on Evel recently, and his second
wife? (mom of his kids) featured in interview segments appearing (to me)
terribly troubled, and recounted her horrible years with
a sad smile and nervous giggle.
His final wife is an interesting gal. I wonder what her current story is.

Minnie The Moocher said...

Oh ... I see that he had only two wives. I was assuming there were three.
It was the young woman who ran away with him (which turned out to be the last straw for long-suffering
wife number 1) who became wife number 2.


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