Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Johnny Depp Does A Good Thing

I would probably relate this story even if it was not Johnny Depp, but because it is, then it allows all of you to go awwww, and to make your significant others wish that Johnny Depp were dead, or at least not so damn nice.

I have had a few photos of Johnny Depp from his Wisconsin film set where he has been shooting Public Enemies. Apparently at some point during the filming this 12 year old kid came up to Johnny and asked him for the hat he was wearing in the film. Johnny said yes, but only after filming.

Well after filming, Johnny was gone, but the kid's parents decided to take matters into their own hands so started nagging Johnny's sister who is also his agent and informed her of the promise Johnny made. The kid has four siblings so the parents nagged and nagged until they got something for each of the kids from Johnny's films. The 12 year old who is called Jack Taylor by his parents, but you know he is a JT to his friends got the hat, a signed note from Johnny and a bunch of stuff from Willy Wonka that the studio had laying around.

Look, I am all for celebrities keeping their promises, but if you read this article it sounds to me like these parents were going to chew Johnny a new one if he didn't follow through. They were going to the press and going to say bad things about him. They barely say anything nice about him even though he came through for all of the kids.

The parents seem to me to be the kind that are never satisfied about anything, and always complaining. Dad probably dislikes mom and vice versa. They have so many kids because it allows them a bigger buffer between the pair so they don't actually have to interact on any kind of intimacy level. The mom realizes this and so takes out her frustration on customer service agents and the kid who opens the door for you at Olive Garden. Meanwhile dad spends a lot of time in his garden and with his porn collection which is locked down in the basement with his hunting rifles where he whispers over and over to himself about one day his wife is going to push him too far.


irishstayc2 said...

Sweet Jeebus you crack me up when you rant. and this one was especially entertaining!

Judi said...

I hate it when kids, people, feel entitled to ask for things. "Gimme, gimme." When you're old enough to work, save your $ and buy it yourself. Ick.

jax said...


Dead Angel said...

People rag on how spoiled entertainers are, and some are real jerks. I've lost count of how many times I've seen someone famous out to eat or trying to run an errand and some goober comes up to them yammering on and on while the poor person's food is getting cold and congealed, or they are desperately trying to finish what they were doing. Trying to be polite as someone is repeating lines from a movie or asking for 20 napkins to be signed to 20 different people. Some of them are really nice and just do it. Others, not so much nice. I can't really blame them either.

These people sound very strange and predatory. Ebay will be having a Depp hat sale soon, bid early - bid often, the parents need the money.

jax said...

im getting real tired of looking at this busted cougar to my left.
lethal lady EL? this bitch is messing up your site.

Jokerista said...

Jax, I vote for your cause...

And yes, the story was so awww...he's such a cutie!

Unknown said...

Bravo! An excellent rant about pushy, entitled people AND people who crap out oodles of children!

lutefisk said...

I hope the haul doesn't end up on ebay.
He is seriouly sponge-worthy.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

This is kinda long and random, but my grandmother's best friend's daughter is an erstwhile Hollywood agent. When I was a kid, my grandma's BFF used to constantly tell me that I looked like Julia Roberts, and during one visit, he mentioned that he had asked his daughter to see if Julia would send me something in the mail.

I scoffed at this, but no less than two weeks later, I recieved a package from 20th Century Fox (I remember the logo on the envelope, for whatever reason) that contained this beautiful, wildass headshot (her hair is huge in it! She was a freaking baby in that shot -- like 20 or something) and a friendly little handwritten note on a separate sheet of paper. I mean, this was back in 1993 or so, so she was at the APEX of her popularity, probably. I was just some kid in Maine who took up ten minutes or so of her time one day, but I still think it's kinda cool.

I have absolutely never, ever forgotten that random moment of celebrity generosity. People talk tons of shit about Julia, and maybe a great deal of it is warranted, but I'll always view her as pretty unpretentious because of that.

He's Johnny Depp is just a good egg, famous or not. He seems huge-hearted.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Um, I got a little excited about Johnny's benevolence in that last sentence, I guess.

brendalove@gmail.com said...

Oh Lord, don't make me have to go hunt some bitches down and kick their asses.

Jerry said...

Hey Ent --

I want Dominique Swain. You promised. Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme. Now. If you don't I swear I'll tell Ted C you play for the other team on the side and have kissed Perez Hilton and you're doing Eva Longoria behind Tony Parker's back.


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