Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blind Item #15

This A list singer/wannabe actress was wasted out of her mind at a recent photo shoot and ended up hooking up with the photographer. I'm not sure how her significant other would feel about that.


Tricia13 said...


sandybrook said...


cheesegrater15 said...

Caca, guuuuuurl.

J said...

If the significant other had any human decency, he'd feel pity for the photographer.

yepthatsme said...

And the significant other got a big cheque and looked the other way (or through the window, whatever suit him)! Case closed!

BestMan said...

Lady gag...shes disgusting

Brayson87 said...

But did he poke her face?

Unknown said...

Terry Richardson for the photographer?

hhstarr said...

She was basically naked during the shoot. Thin white dress, wet.

Ice7177 said...

Who's the photographer?

zerooptions said...

Gots to be stefani germanotta (her real name)
doing that beach shoot in a sheer dress or something...
Double Yuck!

Brayson87 said...

The sea is a harsh mistress.

IanPhlegming said...

Lina Morgana will be avenged. Gag Gag knows the fuse burns low on her bargain.

Unknown said...

Apparently everybody in LA humps like rabbits 24/7... whole city must just be covered in a thick film of precum and clit spritz. Did she blow her UBER driver on the way home? Hand job for the doorman? Get rimmed by UPS driver?

IrishEileen said...

JF yer killing me here! Hahahaha!!!!!

Max Power said...

What can Brown do for you? @JF

BeautyBitch said...

The photog for the beach shoot was female.

Some One said...

You mean she is not anymore?

Chef said...

I would say Ariana Grande but she's technically an actress just not a very good one.

Allie said...

Not trying to get into an argument here, but, the last time I checked GaGa was pretty popular but now, something I missed must have happened as she gets a lot of hate from all over the place.

Can anyone tell me what the deal is? I promise I'm not a troll, just a curious reader...

Tiredallthetime said...


Thonker said...

Enty's "GAGA IS A SLUT YOU GUYS BELIVE MEEEE!!!111!!!1" gene is coming out again.

@Ali B Enty hates gaga and cant just accept that hating on her is so 2011-2014

That ASIB blind was enty's lowpoint

Gylly said...


Thonker said...

The funniest thing is the photographer of that beach photoshoot is a woman lol Gaga may claim she is bi but I'm thinking more bi-curious than actually Bi...

That guy said...

@BeautyBitch, there were multiple photographers on that shoot. Some were male.

notthisagain said...

was it a female photographer...?

I recall florence welch and her in the studio were making out a LOT - enty I think (or BG, sorry enty!!!) had a blind about it, and it ended badly with them not speaking to each other or promoting the duet.

noonespecial said...

I thought she was loaded with STDs?

Mahogany1 said...


Anonymous said...

No way Rhianna, Gaga I can believe she was indeed into Florence Welch.

HWG317 said...

Would Gaga be a "wannabe actress"? Didn't she win a Golden Globe or Emmy or something for AHS?

laganja estranja said...

whos she dating even


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