Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 9, 2018

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who tried to get another Oscar a couple years ago is making another push this year. She has a movie that is being released at the end of the year and is sinking $1M of her own money just to advertise herself and is being matched by the production company and distributor. She will do whatever it takes this time to get another Oscar.

Julia Roberts


  1. Julia should be ineligible for any future Oscars just for participating in that Mother's Day movie travesty.

  2. Is it really that serious?

  3. She's too old.

  4. God she's just the worst.

  5. So, basically she's "buying" her Oscar. Are we surprised by this?
    She is not that good of an actress. She's not. Plain and simple.

  6. Eh, people have done much worse things to get an Oscar, Oh gawd no git outta ma head
    "Pretty woman, walkin' down the street
    Pretty woman the kind I like to meet
    Pretty woman I don't believe you, you're not the truth
    No one could look as good as you, mercy"

  7. ....and +1 @FranFran.

  8. Better things to spend $1M on I'd say.

  9. Is this really the way things work? The Oscar goes to.....the best marketing job?

  10. She could swallow an Oscar sideways in that huge gob of hers.

  11. @Neil, there is no more Harvey to entertain so this is the other option.

  12. Saoirse Roanan is look good for Mary Queen of Scots. Would love her to win.

    1. Agreed. She’s a WAY better actress than Julia’s overrated ass. She’s one of the best young actresses out there. Jlaw has an Oscar but Saourse is yet to get one. Smh

  13. @Neil, if by "marketing job" you mean "sending hookers and other treats to the people making the decision," then yes.

    1. She’s completely overrated. Not good at all. The fact that she won an Oscar for Erin Brokavich over Ellen Burstyn(sp?) in Requiem For a Dream is an utter joke

  14. At this point does anyone really care about an OScar? Honestly, nobody I know watches the show anymore nor sees any of the films nominated.

  15. But what if her acting is mediocre/bad?

  16. I've never seen Pretty Woman, on purpose.

  17. Remember a couple of years ago she made that big push to be on the cover of People's "Most Beautiful" issue?

  18. The awards are fairly random and actors campaign all the time for Oscar bait so can't fault her for trying but her strength was in being a movie star and that moment may have passed. You have to work to keep that going (see, e.g., Tom Cruise). Aging well is not enough and she's not a great actor.

  19. Who cares about the Oscars anymore anyway? A lot of people tune out after the pre-show dress parade ends and then just watch comedy highlights on Youtube. Does anyone outside the industry actually care who wins?

  20. She's not "too old." She's boring. Like life on a commune boring. Totally respect her wanting to go off the grid to raise kids but going way off to straw hats and peasant dresses, hard to come back from for the public.

  21. A horse is a horse
    Of course of course
    And no one can talk to a horse,
    Of course
    That is, of course
    Unless the horse
    Is the famous Ms Roberts!

  22. i knew it was her. she sucks.

  23. That shrill, braying laugh of hers... *shudders*

    I’ve posted this before here: a lot of academy members will hand off their Oscar ballots to their spouses, significant others, assistants to fill out, and I’m sure a lot of ballots are Christmas-treed.

  24. Julia doesn't suffer fools gladly

    translation she's a dismissive cunt who bullied her sister to death

  25. If she has sex on her mind to win an Oscar, there are younger actresses willing to put up. Face it Julia, you're an old and tired mare no one wants to ride!

  26. The movie will be called "Hübsche Frau", and it's about a lovable jewish hooker who get sent to a Nazi death camp, and is forced to hook-up with the Nazi camp leader, but they end up falling in love because of her great smile and decide to flee the evil Nazi's together.



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