Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Blind Item #16

There may be a wedding, but there will certainly never be any type of consummation of said wedding. A fading model has to look out for her best interest and this is the perfect situation for that and for all involved. I think of it as this generation's Barry Diller/Diane Von Furstenberg except our model will get a reality show a lot sooner in life. 


  1. Omg noooooo Karlie, don't do it!!!!!

  2. Aww I'm sure he could throw her a bone for the wedding night, aim might be off though.

  3. Karlie and Josh got engaged on the yacht

  4. sorry, but KK doesn't seem like a fading model. Karlie is in high demand for gigs and has made millions upon millions modelling. I'm not saying the rest of the story about this being a "lavender marriage" is not true but it's probably more about finding a guy who's willing to have an arrangement like this since enty claims that both parties are gay. It sound like a mutual agreement more than a financial one.

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM


  6. didnt enty imply in one blind karlie was talking to authorities/FBI about the kushners?

    hmmm, something something spousal testimony

    also, just convenient all around.

    hows taytay doing? she bless this?

  7. @Kfitz - just came here to post same. My niece is a heroin addict. Lost her first two boys to her ex. Then her next two boys to her next ex. She was just arrested for heroin possession and child endangerment for her 8 month term unborn son (yes-son number 5.) Looks like her sister, who is the most amazing wonderful mother and day care director the world could ever imagine, will be taking the boy and raising him. My niece is going to prison for a long time on outstanding stuff plus this. Hope she gets the help she needs. Nice normal upbringing, but apparently was molested by her aunt's ex husband when she was little along with 2 other cousins. All 3 of them are messed up. on drugs, alcoholics, lost kids, etc... I really hope Demi will recover and find her way again. She is incredibly talented, but with heroin, once it's got you in its grip, it doesn't want to let go.

    1. I'm so sorry about your niece @Ice Angel, it's heartbreaking! I hope someday she find strength to recover and heal. My heart goes out to your family

  8. This is gonna make great material for the next Taylor Swift album

  9. Demi Lovato just overdosed on Heroin. She was rushed to the hospital now :(

  10. Following that G-Eazy Halsey reveal and their recent dating rumors I can't help but hold him responsible for poor Demi's relapse. Hope she recovers okay :(

  11. http://www.tmz.com/2018/07/24/demi-lovato-heroin-overdose/

  12. Also, I on this blind note, I ship Tay and KK forever and refuse to believe this marriage announcement. My heart sank when I saw it on IG earlier.

  13. Anonymous1:27 PM

    @ice...that is so sad. I dont know anyone that has ever been on hard drugs, well one, but I stopped being close with her when I found out she was doing pills. Its so heartbreaking, especially when children are involved. I hope the unborn baby comes out without too many odds against him & im glad he will be raised by a great mother!

  14. Freakin heroin, had a friend OD and die from that shit, it's like russian roulette every time they shoot up.

  15. Thanks @kfitz. Much appreciated.

  16. Anonymous1:48 PM

    @tinydancer, yes but it was ruby rose.

  17. Is DVF gay? Hm I never knew that.

  18. can spomeone explain the part about "getting a reality show a lot sooner in life" Kushner involved in hollywood? google wont tell me :)

    1. DVF had a reality show not too long ago.

    2. House of DVF is an actual reality series/contest. Karlie could do something like Project Runway or America's Top Model or who knows what.

  19. Kk and jk are gays

  20. I love how true gossip lovers rush over to post the latest & greatest (Demi news) on CDaN, you guys are the bestest.

    Yes, my friends all tell me heroin has become incredibly common within their communities. I don't "think" I know anyone who does it which means I probably spoke to six people this week with a habit. Especially in the NY area it's a terrible idea because of all the fentanyl stuff killing people left and right.

    I'm SO GLAD I never tried it.

  21. @tinydancer think that narcan blind was about a model (cara delevigne or bella)


  22. In my town, it's the affluent white kids who are into all the opioids, now especially heroin.

  23. Somewhat off-topic, but many of you will enjoy this long post, with a 4chan anon who claims to have been A+ in Hollywood in the '80s, plus Sarah Silverman, James Gunn, Qanon, and CDAN references.


  24. We're all whores, it's just the prices that vary.

  25. Totally off topic. Demi Lovato Has overdosed on herion. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/ny-ent-demi-lovato-hospitalized-heroin-overdose-20180724-story.html

  26. @Plot It’s the same here, both my niece, nephew and several of the kids my son’s grew up with are either: dying, getting arrested (thief, child neglect, dealing, etc).

    These are kids who have had every opportunity available to them. I don’t understand it...My brother was severely burned @13, he spent years in and out of burn units. He became an addict, I’m sure it started with the heavy pain meds, he needed. He also felt that life “owed him” due to what he went through. He OD’d on Heroin, back in the 90’s, when it was still considered a hardcore drug.

  27. Thank you Kfitz for sharing your story. I hope your nephews will be okay. Would your sister consider having her tubes tied? Wd be a load off your familiy's mind, right? Good luck with this tough situation.

  28. Life is profound, comical. It's horrible, beautiful. What did I read the other day? We're all just walking each other home.

  29. Heroin and opioids have absolutely destroyed my city in the last five years. There are junkies on every corner from all walks of life. I try not to judge people but I don't know how anyone in their right mind ever reaches for the needle just to try it.
    I hope Demi has a speedy recovery.

  30. Karlie dropped out of college, it was all for show

  31. KK is hardly fading!

  32. Hope Demi L gets help!

  33. @notthisagain - technically wives can be required to testify against their husbands in regards to anything that happened before their marriage. It is only in regards to events after their marriage that they can not be forced to testify.

  34. Anonymous6:27 AM

    I really dont think demi OD on heroin. She probably got some coke laced with fentanyl from her new dealer.

  35. Looks like a break up between swift and kloss so she marries the beard for the $$$'s.

  36. Oh damn, when did Karlie and Taylor broke up, any news Enty? Give us a blind... was crushed when I heard the news, poor Tay

  37. @PapayaSF Very interesting link. Has Renegade posted more?

  38. Not testifying might be why Huma has decided to stay married to convict Weiner.

  39. Here's the thing - Barry and Diane really do love each other and I'd be willing to bet that they did have sex back when they were first together back in his days at Paramount. Lots of "gay" men are bi when they fall in love with a woman. Not that they have sex now but their marriage is for reasons other than sex. He loves her children and wants her son as his heir.

    Having said that, I have no idea about Karlie and Josh.

  40. Thanks for the link, Papaya. I seriously lol'd until my tummy hurt reading all of the anon responses to the alleged Sarah Silverman. Egads I love 4chan.

  41. I think everyone here is way off base.

    My money is on Ryan Seacrest and Shayne Taylor !



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