Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Blind Item #8

She is still technically married. Her "empire" is all but gone now. She thinks she can still bring it back to what it was before. I think everyone has their doubts, but she is going to try. One person she has enlisted is the A++ list family friend she frequently socialized with while with her husband. The A++ lister is married too but has made it clear over the years he would enjoy pursuing a relationship with her. Hey, if she closed her eyes with her husband, she can probably do the same here and so she has. She is using some of his money which is actually from friends doing him a favor and using his influence to get people to buy her product again. He is trying to help, but his leverage is not the same her husband enjoyed so things are definitely more difficult. She is hopeful and he certainly collects each week at least once what she promised in exchange. 


  1. Trump and someone....?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Weinstein's ex, Chapman and ???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Marchesa. I sure hope she doesn't have to get a real job!

    lol, who am I kidding?

  5. Georgina and Bill Clinton?

  6. Trump and Hillary Clinton !!! SHe is trying to comeback in politic with Trump’s help.That explains why he is obsessed by her

  7. Kimora Lee Simmons

  8. She's designing hospital gowns for Hillary now.


  9. Weinstein ex with the help of bill clinton.

  10. George Soros! Michelle Obama! Barbra Streisand! :'(

  11. Ha, I was going to roll my eyes at the political guesses, but damned if that's not it. The obfuscation team should be along soon to laugh at how silly the idea is, to prove it's true.

  12. Georgina and Soros? It has to be someone ugly and rich.

  13. Way to prove you could succeed on your own merits.

    Guess we know where her talents lie, and it's not designing, she may want to consider yachting full time.

  14. Tommy Hilfiger publicly supported her, he's married

  15. Marchesa was never much of a design house nor Georgina much of a designer. It's a niche of fairy princess dresses that look extremely uncomfortable and itchy to wear. I can remember one, and only one, of her gowns I liked.

    Sure she'd hustling! Harv won't have any money left after the trial. He has the first family children to support, too. Expect to see Georgina doing a LOT of Project Runway and other fashion shows. If having an agreement with Bill C is one way of keeping the kids in private (public) prep schools in London, I guess a girl has to do what a girl has to do.

    Won't make her designs any better, though.

  16. O r maybe Georgina and Tony Podesta, ugly, rich, other peoples money. Clinton doesn't doesn't fit with the ugly or not having influence with celebrities wearing her clothes. I also think he is permanent A+++.

  17. @J
    LOL, I saw that picture. Hillary could qualify for "People of Walmart" in that mumu.

  18. Donald Trump and another porn whore. He is so gross.

  19. Wait a sec, was Big Little Lies all about excusing rich white women for ignoring that their husbands were rapists?

  20. @Rafael
    Look at Bill Clinton. His dissolute lifestyle shows. Slick Willie is like The Picture of Dorian Gray come to life.

    1. Rafael isn't a legitimate person here, @AbbyRock. He's just a troll, and a bad one. It's best to just scroll past

  21. The sad thing is, Marchesa Gowns are absolutely gorgeous.
    Fashion is usually and often and usually impossible business.

  22. It's probably Clinton, he can't tell actresses to wear her clothes or I'll destroy your career like Harvey could. Basically he has to go to his friends and say "do me a favor and help a bitch out." If they do they do, if they don't he tried.

  23. Georgina, Harvey, Soros. Implying both men are ugly as fuck.
    What would Hilderbeast have to do for money? Nobody wants to sleep with her!!

  24. Georgina and Clinton or Soros. Trump doesn't date women with 'empires', he likes porn stars and playmates.

  25. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Georgina Chapman and Marchessa.

  26. Aren't presidents (past or present) permanent in Entyworld?

  27. The constant “person I hate politically” propaganda answers are annoying. Both sides.

  28. There are new Federal human trafficking arrests made today that directly connect with Clinton Global Initiative.

    I found this in a 2007 article about these arrestees and Clinton Global Initiative. You can't search on Google (always search Duck Duck Go); its scrubbed. Despite claims to the contrary, these now Federally indicted human traffickers were involved with the Clintons by invitation.

    "Hillary isn’t the only Clinton NXIVM officials are attracted to.
    At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.
    https://nypost.com/2007/10/01/hillarys-30000-fans-are-her-cult-following/ "

    The following article talks about the arrests today.

  29. Georgina and Elon Musk- I mean, whynot? ALl ya'll have rolled out all your other favorite conspiracy theory douchebags.... He's at least in her age group. NO reason Elon shouldn't be a contender, even if not officially ENty approved "A++"....

  30. @Best

    "There are new Federal human trafficking arrests made today that directly connect with Clinton Global Initiative"

    Sure buddy.

    You sound very excited.

  31. If it's Harvey's ex- I doubt it's with Clinton or Trump. Someone more entertainment oriented would make more sense. I'd say Geffen, but... lol

  32. Not Elon - he can't be a contender because he doesn't really have influence in that area and his global worth is apparently on the verge of collapse

  33. "The A++ lister is married too but has made it clear over the years he would enjoy pursuing a relationship with her."

    There is NO WAY Trump wants to sleep with Hillary.

    So this can't be them. Besides which, I'm trying to digest food, and this thought, once formed, cannot be unseen in my mind's eye.

    New names, please!

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  35. +1 Georgina. Not sure who the married man is, but I’m guessing Clinton.

  36. NXIVM HAMMER TIME TODAY! Feds even dropped the hammer on (((Clare Bronfman)))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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