Saturday, July 28, 2018

Blind Item #9 - Private Parts - A Birdie Blind Item

I'll bet the radio host turned author and autobiopic movie star is having a good laugh about the pending downfall of a certain network exec, but this one has nothing to do with that:

Just whose were they? I'm told (by someone who works at a high level on the entertainment side) that in at least one case the ex spouse himself (and of course she wasn't the only woman who saw them back then). Who were they shown to? Again, only one instance, but a now former colleague well known to be someone she wasn't likely to get far with.


  1. Are Birdie and Dancing Boy blinds written by the same person?

    1. @Green Tea ,
      That's a good question. They do have similar writing styles.

      I am fairly certain Dancing Boy has written blinds (as a regular tipster, not under the Dancing Boy name) in the past.
      And he is one person, not a team. He's the one pictured on his Twitter page.

  2. I don’t get the second paragraph but the first is about Howard Stern and Les Moonves

  3. Is this about Kim g showing genial pics

    1. Gavin Newsome for the ex

    2. I think you’re right. I couldn’t understand it but it fits.

    3. Genital def not genial

    4. Scaramucci is an ex Bf! This is hilarious!!

    5. Ex lover. Mooch was married but that doesn’t ever stop Kim G.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm so glad to learn that I'm not the only one who found the second paragraph all but incomprehensible. I was worried. 😉

  6. I am going with Tiger Woods again. After that reveal last Sunday, that’s got to be true - and not a mistake- nothing about Tiger Woods can surprise me.

  7. Apparently Kim G got fired from Fox News because she was showing coworkers genital pics. So she is asking who were the pics of (Gavin Newsome) and who did she show them too (Megan Kelly???)

  8. Howard Stern. Did he have issues with Moonves?

  9. Yeah, they had a beef.


  11. Ist part - Howard Stern

    2nd part - Kimberly G - her ex (GN) shown to Meghan Kelly.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Now we need this type of cogent analysis of Dancing Boy blinds

    2. Where does the human spam bot Famous Quotes fit in here?
      Also, I believe this site hurts Netflix stock more than Tesla's. Although Netlfish will collapse all by itself, Tesla is propped by tax-payers.

  13. I'll take a genial pic over a genital pic any day.

  14. Shepard Smith for her colleague well-known to be someone "she wasn't likely to get far with".

  15. I know that I had a mimosa with lunch but damn, the second paragraph should not have made me feel this confused.

  16. All I know is would someone...anyone...please tell Enty how/when to use punctuation?! Good God, a comma or two would go a long way!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The illusion balloon busted. Is any of it true, or, is anything published in an honorable way? Or, is this all another Hollywood game of deception and lies.

      Your opinion, of course.

    2. @Aimless I always thought CDAN was another branch of TMZ.

  18. its wiggy stern and les moonves. nice wig and beard howard, what do you feed that birdbrain?

  19. If anyone's confused, the intro paragraph has nothing to do with the substance of the blind in the 2nd paragraph. The title Private Parts, while referring to Kim G's dick pics in the blind is also the title of Howard Stern's autobiographical book and film. Birdie is just acknowledging the use of the title with the timing that Howard's archenemy is going down.

  20. @just sayin ', Shepherd Smith,great guess!

  21. @Aimless Spectator, who are the real sock puppets? Maybe the "profile"unavailable gang? You should keep in mind that we Are CDAN now,we are waiting for the end results, and it no longer matters if we were deceived by the blogger called Enty. Why do you persist in trying to out commenters, besides the fact that we are getting close to justice? No,we don't have delusions that we can save Hollywood, but we do believe that silence is what caused the problem in the first place. Funny how you made no mention of @plot,who is supposed to be a once well known Blogger. She claims not to be,but why should we believe her? That she claims not to have heard of her is laughable. Your description of Count Jerkula is completely bizarre. I personally believe he just doesn't want pedo haters to accuse him,had for his porn side business. Also, why do you suppose this insignificant site is worthy of so much analysis and planting sock puppets in the first place?

  22. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Friends don't let friends write drunk; but apparently, your friends do


  23. BestMan said...

    . . . is anything published in an honorable way? Or, is this all another Hollywood game of deception and lies.

    There is never anything honorable about a gossip site. Gossip is fundamentally about depraved gratification from inflicting harm on others.

    If you are looking for factually correct information about Hollywood pedophilia, for instance, that can be found - IF you are willing to look to reliable sources and parties. Here, for instance, is a lead in the direction of reliable information about men who prey upon boys in Hollywood such as The Dancing Boy blinds talk about. It's from a legitimate researcher who clearly knows what The Gold Cup and similar Hollywood references are about:

    It won't be as easily spoon fed to you as on a gossip site, but accurate information is out there.

    CDAN at least has excellent "fictional verite" in many of its posts, even though it indulges in conspiracy theory nonsense at times. Dancing Boy, for instance, is pretty close to reliable if you check it against legimitate sociological research, and may even be written by the author as it claims to be.

    1. That link took me to the University of California

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. At least Im not and tricia is not a sock puppet Spectator. Geeljire is just a troll with brain damage.

  26. Mooch dated Kim G? That's news. Looks like Don-Don found his perfect match.

    David Letterman also used to beat up Les Moonves quite a bit, rightfully so.


    Interesting theories. I tend to take everyone on face value as themselves and don't care about the sock puppetry...unless it's Hmmm when it's so obvious there are not 4 important H'wood players writing any of those and it's just one sad guy.

    1. David letterman is the last person to put Moonves on the spot. I would think you would realize that plot.

    2. Plot is seriously love to show you how real of a man I am

  27. Incomprehensible drivel. No "lawyer" writes this, but even if "he" did, or signed off on this failed ESL final paper, he needs an editor.

  28. Funny how @Aimless Spectator and @plot sound so much alike!. And both derail every point taken. @plot,the exact opposite of what you told me, having stated you don't believe the people here are victims or work for victims, and are fair game. Sad that accusing victims of getting off on the pedo wars is now called called critical thinking. I am actually more offended when you bully others, I at least know my triggers. I just stop. By all means,get the last word.

  29. @Flirty - funny, I thought the same about the DM. Recently, a lot of the stories here come straight from the DM. I assume people google the facts and find the story on the DM, driving traffic there. Also, things have been weird (more inflammatory and crazy) on this site since the DM did a story on CDAN awhile back.

  30. @Guesser, yeah, this new disqualification tactic isn't subtle, is it?

    No Moonves reveals today? I am disappoint.

  31. @plot, yes Guilfoyle was dating the Mooch for a while. Caused the breakup of his marriage during that time.

    And yeah I think she was trying to get her claws into Shepard Smith back in the day

  32. @Aimless and @plot don't sound alike except they both can form grammatical English sentences, which does set them apart here.

  33. @Don't Mind Me Shepard Smith is openly gay, and insiders knew it for years. I'm sure she knew.

  34. @Guesser she thinks very highly of herself

  35. Yes plot right before she started dating junior trump she dated the other jackass--she has a type. Rich narcissists or so she thinks.

  36. Aimless Spectator is a troll. Either he makes ridiculous statements to discredit any criticism as some delirium, or somebody who is genuinely disgusted by the present version of the site, but ultimately use the very same tactics as the ones he denounces.
    Some of the people of the comments may swap between a few different identities. That's a classic tactic of extremist groups, at least in my country. It just takes opening Firefox, Edge, and Chrome at the same time, linked to different accounts, and you give an impression of a crushing majority sharing the same opinion.

    What's more established, however, is that Himmmm is indeed a failed writer and musician originally from Virginia who publishes here tales he was supposedly a part of, but in which he gives details that would identify him as Robert Downey Jr or Paul Thomas Anderson, even if the narrator reacts with a personality that's totally the opposite of them.
    The man behind Himmmm was actually exposed six years ago by other gossip sites. In 2006, the man was actually trying to sell assistance to clients who were facing trials by putting online articles written in different styles under different names, but that would ultimately paint the same picture.

    (Check for any reference to "milspook" in the page for details)

    The million dollar question is whether Himmmm and Enty are the same. They looked to be quite different personalities in the early days, not so much now. Either the original Enty ended up putting the website in the other guy's hands a few years ago or it was a single person from the beginning, and the amount of articles he now writes on a daily base make it more difficult for him to maintain distinctive styles for the two personas.

    Dancing Boy and Birdie Blind may be attempts by the main guy to create new characters, complete with full biographies, the way Sacha Barron Cohen developed Ali G, Borat, Brüno, then the characters from Who Is America? Or maybe they're actually people who reached out to him, and that he simply rewrites, when he has time (which was not the case today. In either case, it was shocking to see how fast Dancing Boy went from sharing a horrific backstory to being basically an attention hog who'd love to namedrop anybody famous who has something in common with him, just to gain celebrity from the association.

    Finally, for something completely different, Kimberly Guilfoyle was regarded as "the other woman" in the Scaramucci divorce. The Mooch and Guilfoyle went to a dinner at the White House together. When his estranged and pregnant wife heard about it, she decided to fill for divorce. She later dropped the divorce case.

    1. Lies! Why is it so hard to believe that I am who I say I am? You need to join us. My girls are all treated very well.

    2. OMG...let that old rumor die, please. Funny how you left out the DENIAL from that nobody 6 years ago. Just as RDJ denied being involved. Leave that poor dude in VA alone.
      Also... the person posting as himmm isnt himmm. In case anyone thought it was legit.

  37. Howard Stern was sued by Les when he left CBS radio for Sirius

  38. What the fuck did I just read? This made no sense.

  39. Man can these be written so us simple folk have a chance of knowing what the heck is being said?

  40. "Based on my studies of the site over the years"
    Poor fucking use of time🤣

    1. #TEAMGEELJIRE is literally Rainbow Six IRL and we still don't have the answer as to why Aimless Spectator continues to post in a place that intensely angers rational, critical thinkers like himself.

      Any clues, CDAN?

    2. I'm team Geeljire, and proud if it. I lurk to see has the most of the "actual true story".(not necessarily re: CDAN posts, but the bigger picture) So far, it's the Geel.


  41. VRWC said...

    That link took me to the University of California

    Yup, because if you want credible and detailed information that is actually accessible to the public you are going to have to consult sociological literature found in college libraries or sometimes available for purchase outside of libraries, including on-line pay sites increasingly. The card catalogue information on the site I provided a link to is how to get started on finding it.

    The picture shown with that link is "The Gold Cup" in Hollywood, where underage sex trafficking occured day-in & day-out at one point. It was ground zero of underage sex transactions in Hollywood for a long time.

    Does underage sex arranged through relationships of power imbalance go on in Hollywood? HELL YES! It isn't even limited to powerful people in the entertainment industry, because it could be bought at The Gold Cup on a daily basis by anyone willing to pay. The underage sex workers, pimps, customers, and other people associated with this activity were/are all members of a VERY insular and tight lipped subculture, though, so it is extremely difficult to get them to talk to anyone in law enforcement or who has a reporting obligation to child protective services. They will talk to sociologists, though, and have provided richly detailed information which has in fact been written up, so anyone willing to take the effort can get their hands on it with the kind of card catalogue information I provided in the link.

    You won't find that quality of information on silly gossip sites like CDAN though. Even though Dancing Boy has a lot of the ring of truth to it, and could be written by an actual insider, he obviously embellishes and adds stuff that simply isn't relevant or credible (and probably omits plenty), but you have to be have insider knowledge of a very insular and tight lipped subculture to discern the verite from the bullshit. Pretty much the only way to get that for people who weren't once members of that subculture is serious sociological literature. Everyone else has a bias or axe to grind that will through you off.

  42. @Geeljire, "Based on my studies of the site over the years"that is the most telling commment.

  43. @MDA

    Letterman gave Moonves shit for being the head of NBC, not any of his sexual habits.


    I'm aware of how sockpuppetry works. For me, it's too painfully pathetic, really awful, like a naked drunk in the gutter. I'd rather pay attention to words and arguments, which are way too easy to use against these fools.

    And with the mention of TG and the business he uses this site to try and grow, no doubt this board will now be closed soon. Thanks for the link! If he is spending so much time here developing personas, then business can't be very good.

  44. @Angela

    Looking up the second iteration of "milspook" from the link you shared, he is definitely our boy -


    12 years later, the site is still there.

    Oh the drama language, the conspiracy involving every agency imaginable, the claims of important influence in Southern VA and beyond...sure sounds familiar.

  45. plot, I may have a gift for you. 2007 has just called back...

    "I am also a published author and screenwriter; and a musician who has recently retired from the field of government/military intelligence."

    WTF? Aren't former agents required to DENY any involvement with intelligence activities?

    I.S.A. may have been one of the many ventures he tried to launch at the time, even if it didn't go very far. But there are a few recurring patterns in this sample from 2006, his confidence that he can write in totally different styles and personas, and his willingness to use these talents for an outside agenda.

    If there are similarities between Dancing Boy and Himmmm, they come from the way they both ultimately use tragedy for self-promotion. Himmmm actually claimed he was a friend of one girl who was killed in the Virginia Tech shooting of 2007 just one week after the shooting, even if he was ten years her senior and his memories could be picked from articles already printed by then. Then, quickly, the generic remembrance turns into self-promotion for the new track he dedicated to the victim and that was used on TV in the local news. The piece actually talks more about how to download the track or how to stream the segment than remembering the victim...
    We're getting into "Mr. Show" territories, the "Teardrop Awards" segment where they mocked Eric Clapton and "Tears in Heaven".

  46. And it's here:

  47. And I totally suck at maths today. Samaha died in 2007 at 18, which puts her DOB in 1988 or 1989.
    Himmmm was born in 1972. There's a 16 or 17 year difference gap between the two of them that he doesn't mention once. Basically all he remembers about her, and he rephrases it in many ways in his essay, is that she was from Lebanon, and that she loved dance and music.

    "I met Reema through a mutual friend, and from the first moment we laughed together – discussing everything from Lebanon to music and dance – I knew she was a special person. A magnetic personality with a mega-watt heart fueled by a love for people, dance, and her heritage.

    "I dedicated a new piece of music (an instrumental) to Reema. Indeed, if you close your eyes while listening – you can almost picture her graceful movements in perfect syncopation with the flowing music. "

    "The desire to help, love, and affect positive change coursed through her veins like fire. As did her passion for her heritage and her love of music and dance. I only hope some day that her dream of portraying Lebanon’s history through dance theater will come to fruition in her honor and memory."

  48. Hard core finish from Plot-TWISTED and strange new dude Angela, working hard on the pedo-defender front.

    Anybody who needs to see what a flat out dishonest liar Angela is, even about things that are stated factually in the public domain from promotional PR material from the content providers themselves, need merely look at his comments about "Sabrina" and Netflix compared to the reality.

    Angela, like Plot-TWISTED, is here in service to evil. They provide lies, misinformation and distracted discourse to help the pedophiles and other criminals of Hollywood. They are good to read because almost always the opposite of what they're saying is true.

  49. @plot (aka: Maryscott O'Connor) wrote "I'd rather pay attention to words and arguments" - but then you immediately "forget" them while finding some cut and paste drivel to reply with that proves bots and names names. Your plagiarized Daily KOS content sucked and got you fired, and My Left Wing failed miserably as well. Have you ever thought about why that is?

    Maybe @plot can answer that with a post like OJ's book "if I did it... this is how it went down" for MSO's many failures in copying and not crediting other people's intellectual property.

  50. Once again, WTF? I was here basically around 2006 and 2007, in the VERY early days. You remember the story about "Timmy", the cross-dresser who was officially a stand in, but actually did most of the acting for an Oscar winner in a major production and who stole her Oscar, as she was too sick to be at the ceremony? I was the one who had first suggested that the actress was Alice Brady.

    Just check Angela on the page, and you'll find out that the messages then and now come from the same Blogger account started in 2007, while yours was for instance opened in 2014.

    You can also see that, in 2007, I was questioning the authenticity of the blind, as I was taking the stories there with a pinch of salt.

    I'm no outside agent paid by your supposed gay pedo mafia. I'm no sleeper agent planted on this site from the very beginning and who's been just activated.
    I'm just what I say that I am, a disillusioned reader. I was there well before the site started its drift towards conspiracies and the likes, when the tone was more snark than paranoia. This site was then a pleasant reading, like the Defamer blog in the early days (when Mark Lisanti was the writer),

    And, for the record, I've never even set foot in L.A. or Hollywood.

  51. What's the problem showing genial pics? It would make a nice change..

  52. Me? I'm just here to enjoy watching Hollywood burn. May it burn in real life to the ground with those righteous flames closing in!

  53. Angry mobs with torches and pitchforks have always tried to destroy Hollywood.

    There were the scandals of the early 20s, and the feeling of depravation that came from the place. Some of it was an exaggeration of what actually happened. Remember the Fatty Arbuckle case. The woman found dead at the party wasn't raped. She didn't have an abortion. She likely died of natural causes. But yellow journalism put all blame on Hollywood and on the most famous person who was there.

    In the thirties, it was the Catholics who accused the Jews of subverting moral values and who managed to get the Production Code enabled.

    There was the blacklisting during McCarthyism.

    And now there's the 4Chan/CDAN coalition about uncovering child prostitution rings and hidden messages in cartoons.

    Well, each era gets the moral knights they deserve.

    1. While you debate all his bullshit I am going to have a nice wake and bake and a cup of delicious coffee....

    2. *video games
      Hidden messages in video games
      Wrong again

  54. Well, Jews were actually producing depraved material in HW in the thirties and the Hayes Code put a lid on it which was a good thing.Once the Hayes Code was revoked what did we get? The filth that comes out of HW these days.

    Those blacklisted were actual communists, and were rightly blacklisted. Too bad the left took over the institutions and the government in the 70's, because we'd need a huge black list now to boot out all the commies in HW, which is about 99% liberal.

    Just the fact that a paid shill like you, Angela/Plot (you're one and the same person, aren't you) posts here shows that the pedo problem in HW is real. It's not the chans investigating, Angela, it's gone mainstream. You're not only facing acne-ridden incels in their mom's basement, as you like to put it, youre facing savvy adult investigators in youtube, tweeter, in blogs, in some media, you're facing the executive branch and the POTUS himself, you're facing the DOJ,the NYPD, etc. No wonder you're scared.

  55. Angela's a liar
    Will spend eternity in the fire
    While Truth goes soaring higher and higher
    Leaving Plots impaled on Geffen's deflating spire

    1. This was what "Planescape" warned us about

  56. @Nubian Princess.

    I have evidence. Taylor Griffith has a picture gallery on his MySpace account and posted there the Darth Vader mural from the Fox lot in 2007.

    On June 19, the "official" Twitter account for Himmmm posted the EXACT same picture, referencing the Paul Thomas Anderson/Jaime Pressly story published a few months earlier here.

    You can check all of this in less than three minutes.

  57. @Angela(not my friend Angela, who actually owned this name), lots of people have that photo. Including myself!! Just stop. Its cruel to the actual man, and his family. His children's names and photos have been used to keep this BS going. Just stop.

  58. No, they don't.

    When you Google with Google Images "Star Wars mural Fox lot", you end up with nine DIFFERENT pictures of the mural. Different moments of the day, different angles, etc. When you're using "Darth Vader mural Fox lot", you're getting three more views, once again DIFFERENT, including the one featured in Himmmm's Twitter post from June 19, with the door on the left opened and a trailer in the front.

    This is not, by far, the best view of the mural, especially as the sliding door shifts the lower half of Luke's body several yards on the left. That's some undistinguished photograph

    Now comes the fun part.
    Google Images also allows you to search on the exact picture, either its URL or by uploading the file. This precise picture isn't actually used on any other place referenced by Google. Just Himmmm's Twitter account.
    Weird that "lots of people" have that photo, including yourself, but that nobody's posted it anywhere referenced by Google.

    Now, here's a place that search engines won't dare to reference anymore, MySpace.

    This is the exact same picture. 600 x 450 pixels, same composition, same colors, etc.

    So, Talley Griffith posted it there at a time MySpace was still relevant, a decade ago (It isn't dated, but the pictures next to it in the gallery show that it's from 2007).

    Then, 11 years later Himmmm decides to upload the very same picture with its crappy definition (there have been progresses in the meantime regarding digital cameras...), even if it comes from Talley Griffith, a man who had apparently been falsely accused of being Himmmm?

    Now, I'll quote you:

    "Its cruel to the actual man, and his family. His children's names and photos have been used to keep this BS going. Just stop."

    Talley Griffith IS Himmmm, as these pictures show.

    Talley Griffith/Himmmm, who's most likely the main figure these days behind the site, is a liar. He claims to be former military intelligence, he claims to know a girl killed in a shooting, just to promote his music, he sold at one time his services to plant stories on various websites that would look like the work of completely different people. And he's been a part of the current wave of blind items.
    If just one of these blinds about child abuse is fake, and attacks falsely an innocent person, your Talley has done a thousand times much worse "to the actual man and the family". Imagine people whispering behind your back that you may be part of such awful stuff, because one man wanted to get more traffic for his website. That's what's happening here.

  59. @Angela

    This I hate -

    "when I was notified by family as to her demise"

    AS TO HER DEMISE????? Really, does that make it seem more emotional to Talley? More cultured? More educated? JFC, just say ABOUT HER DEATH. GOD!

    Yep, the only point of that remembrance of a person he never knew is to tempt the world to listen to his song that "blew away" Grammy winners, lest we forget how great TG is.

    Angela, you are pulling out the stops! I wondered what the connection between milspook and the fall of Saigon was when I clicked the link. Quite the gift you have given there! It sounds like TG is trying to rehab the image of this ambassador uncle, Graham Martin, who royally fucked up in Vietnam, leading to the deaths of nearly 3000 of our Vietnamese support staff at the embassy. Perhaps that kind of thing runs in the family.

    I'm going to have to tease through his Wiki post carefully though a cursory reading shows that this is our hysterical lying TG yet again.

  60. @Nubian

    "Just stop. Its cruel to the actual man, and his family. "

    Do you not think that Hmmm has been extremely cruel to Jamie Presley, Kate Bosworth, Paul Thomas Anderson?

    Maybe Hmmm should consider the damage he does with his pedo accusations, mainly to his own children, if not the children of others.

  61. I wont argue this point with any of your fake accounts. I will clarify, I meant the damage done to the real TG. His children have been used in an attempt to reignite the rumors. Boy, you guys sure do give a lot of credit to a guy who has never done a single thing his entire life.

  62. @plot

    Griffith, as user Vaproman (VA pro man?), made two contributions to Wikipedia, one on the main Fall of Saigon page, which has been largely reverted since, and one to the behind the scenes section of the page (the Talk tab)

    I'll have to check out if there were other names over the years that posted controversial contributions on this page or Martin's.

    Funny that all these Grammy winners (plural) who were "moved beyond words" by the tribute to Reema didn't bother to promote Talley's album (which included the track) when it was released one month later...

    Also, Talley's connections to Andy and D.W. may have been somewhat exaggerated. His family is actually in the lumber business.

    This is some of the stuff I've been able to find within minutes or hours. And that's exactly what the 4Chan creeps try to do on James Gunn or Dan Harmon. Except I find more as a one man army than the collective mind there...
    Most likely because there's much more material.

    It's a pity that all of this may be deleted here later tonight or tomorrow when the Master is back (today's posts are scheduled to be posted with a fifteen minutes gap), but enjoy it while it lasts.

  63. I've never mentioned the children, and when an account used the identity of one of them, I wrote that it was a troll. For me, family is off limits.

    And its indeed adequate to call the real Himmmm "a guy who has never done a single thing his entire life." That could be on his tombstone. It's mostly unfortunate that it looks like he has never done any good his entire life.

  64. Jesus Christ Angela we all know this! If you've done the research you'd know where I borrowed my screen name from! The TG thing blew up in what 2006? Except he DID feel threatened and got the police involved. You might want to stop saying his name.

    TG was an old Himmmm handle that he was a part of, he is no longer. RDJ is not the other Himmmm. There are people that work in the industry that post as Himmmm.

    Get over it!

  65. Sorry, the TG blew up 6 years ago in around 2012 I think.

  66. @Nubian

    "His children have been used in an attempt to reignite the rumors."

    Not on here, they haven't.

    BTW, Angela and I are not the same person though we both, apparently, began visiting CDAN at the very beginning and remember a lot.

  67. @Aris

    "There are people that work in the industry that post as Himmmm."

    No, there really aren't. If there were other people posting as Hmmm, why did they all, collectively, quit posting at once based on the hissy fit of one of them?

    Except for the Hmmm in the comments now, of course. He is totes real.

  68. Aris, you're just forgetting the facts. I'll have to repeat them.

    Last month, the guy who handles the Himmmm account on Twitter shared what's he called "Some old pics of mine: In case anyone recalls a certain story from CDAN about a crazy night spent on FOX movie studio lot? Here's the infamous "Darth Vader mural" mentioned in the story."

    The picture he shared is the very same file that Talley Griffith had posted on his MySpace account in 2007. So, the current Himmmm posts a picture actually taken by Talley Griffith and claims credit for it. While there's at least ten other pictures of the same mural available on the web.

    Why the actual Himmmm would be dumb enough to reuse something connected to somebody who was falsely accused and suffered for this? That would be a huge "no-no" for anybody sensible...

    The only explanation that makes sense is that Himmmm is indeed Talley Griffith, and has always been, despite of his claims. Six years ago, he had a big scare as he had been rightfully identified. He denied all of this, asked for privacy (which is rich coming from him...), and kept a low profile as Himmmm until there was water under the bridge and he could resume his posts under his favorite persona. But he totally forgot about some crap he had posted on MySpace in 2007 (something I can empathize with, actually) and reused a photograph that was also on social media under his real name.

    Everything posted as "Himmmm" is a tale of self-aggrandizing about his past days in Hollywood, meeting legends, and living cool stuff with cool guys who made it, most of the time actually posing as one of them to make the story look more interesting. There may be a kernel of truth in some of the tales, as they may be some urban legends, but the style and the writing are too similar to be something else than the product of the imagination of one single guy.

  69. @plot @maryscott_Oconnor and our new favorate pedorast @angela (maybe all one in the same) - Where's your nog-sock-puppet @krab at?

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. It's spelled "pederast", by the way. And I don't know how being accused of being a pedophile by complete unknowns on an anonymous board would hurt me.

    You know, people who have no prejudice may still read what I write and understand a little better what's going on here. That's the only thing that matters to me. But my reputation as "Angela" ruined for the Pizzagate/911 was an Inside Job/Every Liberal Is a Pedo crowd? Why would I give a shit?

  72. Angela, For the last time - I AM NOT TALLEY GRIFFITH! That man is an actual child molester from what I gather. There are rumors going around that he molested both of his daughters and that they no longer speak to him.
    Maybe I should take you out some night and show you how real I am....

  73. I know you're not him. You joined Blogger last month. But I'm not interested in allegations or unsubstantiated claims, especially about family. I prefer to stick to facts and evidence. And I'm the first to regret when these horrible crimes get instrumentalized as a fake accusation to hurt somebody, even somebody that I don't like, or who uses them as a weapon on his own.

    So far, I have a few missing pieces in his story. I know people mentioned verifiable stuff like brushes with the law due to prescription drugs, but I haven't been able to source them.

  74. Am I the only one who thinks it is bizarre that a man in France has spent hours,maybe days o r weeks trying to discredit the authors of the Himmmm blinds? And that his English never veers toward second language quality? French girl writes English nearly perfect,but will occasionally turn a phrase that shows she is not American. This happens with English speaking commenters from other countries as well. And to think I thought I spent too much time researching blinds! But I suppose if it were my job...

  75. "has spent hours,maybe days o r weeks"

    Why assume it took that long? Because it would take you, and your stellar investigation skills, that long?

    " And that his English never veers toward second language quality?"

    Ya'know, some people are perfectly bilingual. Some people, who inspire my envy btw, are raised speaking more than one language therefore don't stumble over either. Some people, like the Dutch, are raised speaking 3 or 4 languages and BOY should you hear their English! Perfect.

    "I thought I spent too much time researching blinds!"

    If you visit certain boards, this business was hashed out years ago as a crowd sourcing exercise. They got it all collected in under a day. Angela only has to copy/paste the links they uncovered.

  76. There's one guy who connects the Rothschilds, the Clintons, the pedo gays (who are ones and the same) to every other blind.
    There's another guy who's just claimed that 9/11 was coordinated by Canada.
    There's another guy who endorses 4Chan as an unbiased source for investigation.
    But, sure, let's harp on the foreign guy who writes in English without too many mistakes.

    And, yes, plot is right. Most of the digging was done in 2012 by other people. At this time, I didn't care for who Enty or Himmmm were. The site was just one of my many guilty pleasures. Since then, the tone has changed dramatically, the blinds have started to make very serious accusations, later revealed, towards people who just couldn't have done this, because they were, for instance, living on another continent.

    At this point, I started to wonder what the motivations for these blinds could be, so I tried to find more information about the people behind the site, to understand their personality. I found immediately the discussions from 2012, that had laid most of the groundwork, then stopped, because Himmmm took a low profile for a while. I took advantage of that and the new stuff released by Himmmm as part of their current "retirement tour". It confirmed a few theories expressed in 2012 and it also offered a new perspective on older events.

    If the blinds are mere embellishments of stories that circulate in Hollywood, no problem. If the writer tries to add details and to fill the gaps in some story he heard about, no problem. If the guy writes and releases stuff he knows to be fake, even if he knows that it will hurt people and give ammunition to others, now I'm interested.

  77. @plot,I am well aware many people are fully bilingual,usually speaking or writing better than native speakers. They usually don't use certain phrases, however. Angela commented that He studied the site for years,I didn't. I have refrained from using the name people have given you,would you want us to crowd source to see if it is correct? I would want to be doxxed, so I imagine you wouldn't either.

  78. @Guesser

    Is that a threat?

    Go ahead spell it out again, right here, just to be sure that you truly are the piece of shit kind of person who threatens others for...oh hell...who knows.

    "They usually don't use certain phrases, however."

    And how would you know that Angela isn't primarily from an English speaking country and French is his second language?

    See, you assume a lot to fulfill your fantasies, everywhere.

  79. No It is not a threat,quite the opposite. Your comprehensive skills have slackened off. Angela has identified himself as a Paris based person, I am taking it at face value. Just as I do with you. You could be a teenage boy for all I know,but for sake of clarity,I will address you as you choose. I don't support the idea of doxxing, and wouldn't know how anyway. And my stupid autocorrect changed wouldn't to would yet again. You are the one who is trying to reveal IDs, not me.Your last line,projecting again sigh.

  80. Okay, then we are cool but your last post still sounds an awful lot like a threat, with the use of "would" or "wouldn't".

    I assume you are talking about outing TG and how that might hurt him. I'm not sure it does, actually, since he was outed on many boards 6 years ago and still came back for more. Also, he's making up some serious accusations against people who have no ability to defend themselves on a forum like CDAN (with all the whackadoos who post here.) No, I don't feel particularly sorry for TG. He's spread some heinous rumors about people, none of it substantiated, while giving himself the cover of a Valuable Hollywood Insider...or four. That is not right, plain and simple.

  81. Howard Stern, but whose were what? What’s the “thing” pictures, video, journals, used condoms?



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