Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 13, 2018

She got in, but this foreign born former A- list singer turned B list wannabe singer again was an unknown to the foreign born permanent A list rapper/singer when she introduced herself to him. She assumed he had made sure she was invited and was crushed he didn't know who she was.

Lily Allen/Drake


  1. Good. Hope she cried and cried and cried and cried.

  2. Lmao! Does she really expect Drake to know who she is? She's a nobody to most people.

  3. Meanwhile in India people dying in the streets.

  4. Lily Allen needs to accept that she just isn't that famous in North America. It's not knocking her talent, lots of talented people are unknown there, it's just a fact.

  5. Lily is known in England unknown in former English colonies.

    1. I know im late but this deserves some love, very clever

  6. Ugh, I just realized that all she'd need to do would be to get with one of the Kardashians' guys and then everyone would know her.

    Yup this culture sucks somebody remember to turn off the lights and light the gas on the way out. :(

  7. "Yup this culture sucks somebody remember to turn off the lights and light the gas on the way out. :("

    Truer words rarely spaketh.

  8. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Why didn't she just say she was sister of Alfie Allen, who plays Theon Greyjoy/Reek from Game of Thrones? When in doubt, I sure Drake would have known who she was then, lol.

  9. I'm shocked that Drake isn't a connoisseur of Brit pop of the Aughts. Probably wouldn't know a Sugababe if he tripped over one.

  10. I wish I could say that Geeljire and former CNN anchor Candy Crowley.
    She one of the more voluble of our many, many screeching showbiz liberal media-ocrity.

    Talks and sings (if thats not to inappropriate a description) in an abomnible 'mockney' accent that suggests that she is from the London streets when in fact she's was raised in a family of television & entertainment "royalty" in one of the wealthiest parts of North London's media ghetto (clarification: its *not* a ghetto) and educated in the finest liberally minded schools you can find.

    Awfully vocal about the need for everyone to house Middle Eastern refugees in their own homes without a fully having any in any of her houses. No surprise there.

    No hastag campaign so unworthy that she has to leap into it with all the enthusiasm of Kevin Spacey on a crashed boys school bus.

    #me too, #you too? #him there? #this is about ME not you etc..

    I hear she might be on her uppers at the minute,if past blinds in the last few weeks are to be believed. So she may have to let go some of her domestic staff. Poor thing..

    Her brother is Theon Greyjoy though, so that's a bonus.

  11. +1 Flashy Vic. I can't stand the smug, hypocritical bitch.

  12. What? Drake doesn't read The Dailymail? Lily does have some good songs. "The Fear" is my favorite. Drake is probably famous for his hotline bling meme.

    1. The Fear is just gloriously meta pop.

  13. Did she sing Fuck You for him? Love that song.

  14. Nepotistic scag whore will do for now.

  15. Hahaha I like Drake a little bit more now. She's a prissy little bitch that thinks too highly of herself. Fuck her.

  16. @Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD - Clearly you haven't been to India. It's more like they're shitting in the streets.

  17. Allen laid vocal tracks for a couple of popular rap songs a few years ago. It is conceivable that Drake would know who she is. Frankly a tad surprising that he doesn't. I'm basically ignoring you lot who hate her politics,so don't @ me

  18. couldn't name one drake "song" ... anyway



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