Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind Item

It is hard to describe what this performer does because he has done a lot of different things.  He is probably most famous for fronting a band in an alternative genre of music that had a lot of different members and later for his own band that bore his name.  He also parlayed his tough guy image into film roles and his alternative image into publishing his own books as well as writing for newspapers and magazines.  He is often interviewed.  His life is an open book but one thing he has never told the truth about is his sexuality.  He is gay but deeply closeted once even paying a Hollywood starlet to play the role of his girlfriend in public.  This is interesting as he has supported many progressive causes including gay marriage.  It might have something to do with his abusive father who as a child made him feel permanently ashamed of being a homosexual.


  1. Henry Rollins of Black Flag, Rollins Band, various bit roles and endless diaries and spoken word tours.

    1. Why are you outing him?

    2. Good point. Seems like he doesn't want it publicised. Cruel.

  2. Damn, that's heartbreaking.

  3. Hope he's happy. I like him.

  4. Henry Rollins, maybe?

  5. Even back in the “hardcore” days, when the scene was small and everyone knew each other (early 80’s) I didn’t know any girls who slept with him. Every other musician had girls that claimed hookups. Kinda wierd with him.

  6. Yep, I think this is Henry Rollins. I have always liked him, too.

  7. The hardcore scene could be surprisingly homophobic back then too. Bad Brains refuses to use the same microphone as the singer for the Dicks, because said singer was openly gay. Even the great Darby Crash was hated by some for his sexuality.

    1. Very much homophobic. Sad really.

  8. Love Rollins. Hope he finds happiness . Life's too short.

  9. Love Rollins too, highly intelligent and funny. If this is him, don't think he'd lose any fans if he came out.

  10. Rollins is an awesome guy. Losing his friend, abusive childhood,... I feel for him. He's def one of the good guys.

  11. Met and spoke with Henry Rollins many times back in the day. Never liked their music, but he was always a very tightly wound gentlemen, and I mean gentleman in its best and most professional sense. It was a strange dichotomy between the man on stage and the man I spoke with. There was talk he was gay but I didn't believe it. This makes sense, though, in hindsight.

  12. Anybody remember FEAR and their crazy homophobic rants? It was all in good fun because everyone knew Lee Ving was gay.

  13. I remember being blown away after listening to Rollins talk about the murder of Joe Cole. I said, "that's beautiful! And it proves a man can talk about another man with warmth and feeling and not be gay." Oh well. His monologue is still beautiful.

  14. Low S.O.

    Not a great fan of his music, like some of his stuff, but like him as a person very much.

    It's Okay Henry, you be you mate :)

  15. I'm gonna guess Glenn Danzig just to be different.

  16. I always thought his sexuality was an open secret.
    I mean, who cares but I thought everyone knew.

    He's not banging little kids or harming folks then he's an anomaly in Hollyweird.

  17. Henry Rollins always stuck me as someone massively talented who should have had "household name" level success

    I could see where trying to keep your private life private could come in the way of that tho.

    Which is a shame because does anyone really give a damn anymore? At least anyone who matters? I think people who carry shame about themselves have an over blown idea of how much other people care about their issue. I hope that in his life he gets beyond worrying and just let's it go.

  18. I would assume Henry doesn't think he is gay, he just likes to have sex with men.

    Public beard- Kari Wuhrer

  19. This also brings a whole new meaning to Black Flag's one hit Liar.

  20. Didn't he date Madge?

  21. I hope henry can get over the abuse his father left in his head, and find happiness. Kids carry a lot of mental and emotional baggage from Dads. Good luck Henry, I wish you the best.

  22. Being gay and out isn't as easy as it seems. Nowadays it's easier, but only very recently. And it's STILL not easy. That's why most gays have issues. We'll, maybe not most..
    Yah, I think most.
    Whatever. Hope he finds love and peace and is able to live free

  23. timbob - Liar was a song by Rollin's Band, not Black Flag.

    There have been gay rumours about Henry Rollins going back decades, but I don't buy it. I think some of it was due to things he did for a laugh, just to amuse himself, and friends like Ian MacKaye. People can say what they will, I Don't buy it.

  24. This website as of late is either absurd conspiracy theories, Dancing Boy's atrocious blinds, or outing people. Its no better than TMZ at this point

  25. Maybe he is comfortable in himself and maybe sex isn't a huge need for him. He seems lovely and very respectful of women. Just leave him be. He doesn't have to come out.

  26. Def Rollins. Always loved him. First me him when I was 15 and he had long, flowing hair and was fronting Black Flag at The Channel in Boston. He was such a charismatic rock God. Loved his books, loved spoken word, loved War Time, loved him in SOA... he’s such an amazing, creative person. I completely support him in any way, shape or form and I hope he’s happy and comfortable in his life.

  27. Ugh. Nothing I know about Henry Rollins makes me think he's a good guy. Where are the rest of you getting your information?

  28. It's not right to out people who may just be private. It seemed it was always possible he was gay but didn't have relationships to talk about.

  29. I was sure that he and Jeaneanne Garofalo were a thing at one time?

  30. Henry Rollins. But why wouldn't he just come out? Several of his close friends are gay including Ian McKaye. Henry has advocated strongly for gay marriage and LGBT rights for many, many years. If this was truly a thing I don't think he'd have any qualms about coming out. Not that it's any of our business TBH.

  31. Love Henry Rollins. Been crushing on him since my first Black Flag show. If this is him, shame on you for outing him. His personal life is his business. Gay or straight, I will always be a fan.

  32. I also have a huge crush on Henry Rollins and have for years. His spoken word shows are amazing. He has talked about his about his experiences dating (women, that is) in his live shows and recordings. I also wondered if he was gay, but I think he would have come out by now...but since the rest of his life is such an open book maybe he wants to keep this one little piece private. (Kind of like Joan Jett has never acknowledged that she is gay. Joan is also extremely private.)

    If I had to guess I would say that he and Joe Cole, his friend who was murdered, were probably lovers and soulmates. The murder was the biggest tragedy of his life and he has never gotten over it. (Did they ever find the person who killed him?) Now he may be celibate or asexual.

    Henry if you are reading this...I love you and do what makes you happy.

  33. I thought it was common knowledge that Henry Rollins is gay.

  34. Gutless, fake as fuck Hipocrite. Utter phoney. Zero respect for this posturing soft cock. Get your ass out of the closet you pussy and stop live
    ing a lie! Pretender....

  35. I'm shocked that a guy so into working out might be gay. Rumours in the indie scene since the early 90's if i remember.

  36. Yes, this is an open secret to everyone in So Cal who loves Black Flag, and surfing. Who cares. Let the man live as he wants.

  37. You know what's weird? I always thought Henry Rollins was out.

  38. @timebob I agree re the ‘Liar’ lyrics. @Dusty Fairy, can’t imagine him with long hair. At All ;)
    I saw him in Sydney, intimate venue, 25 years ago, #2 haircut, black t-shirt, black long shorts (it was hot) tatts galore. Angry as all get out. And still my gaydar pinged big time. It's his choice what he says or doesn't say about his life.. you know, privacy. But it is easier when you're out.. no keeping track of lies makes things so much simpler. All power to Mr Rollins.

  39. Already known and a non-issue. But to carry it around for this long, it must be for him and it's for him to figure out, not for any of us to push. Maybe he's as out as he needs to be - I know a lot of people for whom their sexuality is on a need-to-know basis and that's very comfortable.

  40. Had a HUGE crush on Henry Rollins years ago. Collected his books and everything; he's a gifted writer as well as musician. Decent actor too. If you havent seen "He Never Died", please do so.
    Anyhow, here's what's funny: I could've always sworn Rollins was bisexual if not gay. I mean shit, I thought it was open knowledge, no...?



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