Friday, September 28, 2007

The Real World And Some Reveals

Sometimes the best laid plans and all that. I had a hearing scheduled for 830 which was supposed to last two minutes and would allow me to get back to the office and blog for everyone. What actually happened was there was a four hour wait before the two minute hearing, and thus, no posts.

I will try and post during the afternoon, but I figure, hey, some reveals would be good, so let's do that first. I will also do Four For Friday in a few minutes.

September 26, 2007

#1 When Halo3 was released the other night, this world famous athlete was waiting in line just like everyone else. At midnight he bought copies of the game for himself, for his kids and for the twenty other people who had been standing in line with him.

Answer-David Beckham

September 20, 2007

#2 This former A+ film actor and now a B+er with some issues has been known in the past to lend a helping hand. This time he was returning from the set of his latest film when he saw a couple on the side of the road and their car obviously not going anywhere because of the smoke coming out of it. The shoulder was very narrow and the car was almost on the highway, but no one was stopping. Our actor stopped the car he was driving and he and his passenger got out to see if they could help. After discovering the couple had no cell phone with them, and were on vacation and didn't know anyone to call, our actor let them borrow his phone and call for help. Help was going to be at least 90 minutes, so our actor offered them a lift. The problem was he was driving a two seater, and there were four people total including the actor, his companion, and the couple. Our actor told the companion/assistant to stay behind and watch the car, and then got the couple situated in the passenger seat with the woman sitting on the man's lap. He then drove them to their hotel 30 minutes away, bought them dinner and stayed with them until our actor's companion/assistant showed up at the hotel with tow truck and broken down car which was taken back to the place from which it was rented.

Answer - Ben Affleck


Unknown said...

I always hated Ben Affleck, but i hear nothing but great things about him. im now a fan.

Tracee said...

Wow, Ben Affleck was totally off my radar for that BI. I dunno why I think he's an asshole...maybe because of the whole Bennifer thing?

But I've heard nothing bad about him from fans perspectives. Mr. Nice Guy it is.

Unknown said...

Have you seen the trailer for the movie he directed, Gone, Baby, Gone?

It's hard to tell how good a movie will be just by looking at a trailer, but I was impressed.

Reese said...

Nice to hear something about Ben Affleck other than what a jerk he is. Never been a fan, but he gets props for this.

Kudos to Becks as well; amazing Victoria let him out of her sight that long, especially if she knew he was going shopping.

Unknown said...

I also think its really cool how Becks waited in line, instead of having his "pr" person or whoever does that stuff to do it for him. He sounds very normal.

jax said...

Affleck gets raves from the sex trade workers here in Vancouver.

But he's a shitty everyone thought he was great..its was Jlo we all hated.

vitazza said...

guess maybe he is also the bi about the actor/dierctor who has been rollin around with his attractive assistant/companion??? thoughts

parissucksliterally said...

those are two really wonderful men.

Unknown said...

That was one cool move that Becks did. He gets points for just standing in line like a normal person but to buy the game for everyone else? Wow. Smooth one Becks!

Very cool of Ben A. I've heard stories about his bits of kindness several times already so this one does not take me by surprise.

featherbell said...

#1 Very cool. It almost makes up for his stingy, waitress-stiffing wife.

#2 Amazing. A decent guy and a decent actor. (See: Hollywoodland.)

Nice to hear about celebrities who are not . . . um, jerks.

Unknown said...

david bought halo for the beauty of the characters. after playing it 10 hours straight, you keep seeing them coming. and every character there is better to look at than his wife.

Virgo74 said...

I would not have thought Ben!!! He seems nice though.

I was reading on one of these blogs that Matt Damon was talking about why Ben has not had any success. He was quoted telling a reporter something along the lines of how Ben makes his personal life public and how that can get in the way, along with the roles he has been picking as well. Has anyone else read this article? May EL you can locate it and post it on your blog? Matt very seldom speaks on their relationship. Or anything else for that matter.

Rhianna said...

I'd always heard Golden Balls was a really nice guy married to a fake bitch of epic proportions. Doesn't surprise me with him, but the ages of his kids for HALO 3?!?

I've never liked Ben Affleck but I'll give him a big Kudos for this one!

Anonymous said...

OMG! How can I keep guessing Ben Affleck for every shocking BI that comes along!

Joe said...

Ben Affleck might not be the world's best actor, but I've never heard about callous behavior from him. This would seem typical of him and Damon.
Beckham -- good for him.
Wonder if his wife would have -- ah, forget it....

Unknown said...

hey rhianna

they are brits. probably they will habe some beers and a fag while playing that.

in Europe people are far more laid back on stuff like this.


Rhianna said...

Dschingis, I'm a milspouse. We've lived in the UK (and Germany, and now Italy). I comprehend the Euro-mind but don't always understand it. I'd consider Halo3 well beyond my oldest and she's 9! :)

Kelsey said...


2 - SO glad it wasn't tiny tom. SO SO glad. can go back to hating him now yey.

link88 said...

If these are true, great, and I don't have a hard time picturing these guys doing nice things like that. But Ent, why don't you reveal some of the less flattering BI's -instead of safe ones where you will never get sued because it helps the celebrity's reputation rather than hurts it?

Eireman said...

sf, lol as others have said "the not worth suing over flavor" of "reveals". I think it's fairly obvious by now this is not a lawyer, an insider with info or anything remotely resembling either.


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