Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Beyonce - Still "Pregnant"

Despite all the rumors about Beyonce giving birth to a little girl, she and Jay-Z were spotted over the weekend eating out. Apparently Beyonce was very pregnant and also wearing the highest heels ever seen on any pregnant woman. Beyonce was eating fried chicken and oysters. Can you eat oysters while you are pregnant? I can't believe the balance she has. To wear enormous heels while that far along must mean you have tremendous confidence in yourself to not lose your balance. I have known pregnant women who got extremely clumsy in their last months of pregnancy because of balance problems but apparently Beyonce has no such issues. Another reason to go hmmmm.


  1. Not only could I not wear high heels, I had lost my ankles. I was so swollen around my feet and ankles, I looked like Fred Flinstone and the Michelin Man below my knees. I did good to get my house shoes on.

    And I certainly didn't have a smile on my face when I was forced to walk! smh

  2. I don't get the high heels and oysters being consumed. She's so full of anything but a baby. Just admit you're really 40 yrs old and you paid someone to carry your baby...argh.

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  6. Raw oysters could contain potentially harmful bacteria. Cooked oysters are safe to eat while pregnant. I still think the pregnancy is fake.

  7. I still don't care.

    Oh wait, she is the first women to ever get pregnant so maybe I should care. Good Grief.

  8. scooby snacks....touche' "admit you're 40...."

    the Jayonce babe will come Thursday, mark my words. (i kid. I could give 2 sh*ts about this soon to be spoilt rotten little kid. So don't really "mark my word", but don't be surprised).

    WAIT! when this heffer came out saying she was preg, why'd she say it was due in Feb??? I've delivered three times and none came early, all late. Can someone riddle me that?

    Yes, I know...the heffa is not preg, nor bright enough to get her facts straight. I mean, have you heard her speak? Beyonce, it is certain, will never do "books on tapes."

  9. Well she has the 4th of Jan. or the 7th to pop out that pillow if she wants to have a #4 related baby birthday.

    This has become silly. Didn't she say that she was due around Christmas, yet took a flight one week before? A miraculous pregnancy indeed!

  10. Originally they said Feb., but if she were really pregnant she couldn't even get her feet into those heels...no way they're just to dangerous for someone with limited balance and of course the swelling...she's not only an idiot she's not much of an actress...

  11. The oysters more than anything make me think she's not really pregnant. I have a friend who would even heat cold cuts when she was pregnant to kill the bacteria's.

  12. @rita - what is up with the }4 thing? And why does jan 7 qualify?

  13. @Seachica - Her and Jay-Z were born on a 4th. They are crazy about the number 4. Apparently.

    So if you do numerology: 01.07.2012

    0+1+0+7+2+0+1+2=13=1+3=4. But that's just me saying so. Simply based on their obsession with the #4.

  14. ok, let me first say that I don't for a second believe she is pregnant. However, I have seen women wearing extremely high heels while pregnant (yes, even late in term) and I have seen way too many scarfing down seafood. I have even seen some down glasses of wine (swearing the Dr. said it was ok) and recently spotted one I knew smoking.

  15. The phrase "pop out that pillow" has me coughing cereal milk through my nose over here. Ow.

    You'd think she'd hire a "fake pregnancy" consultant. If she DID in fact take something to make her face swell up, as others have suggested, that would be THE most f-ed up thing I've EVER heard.

    The hilarious part of it now is that there's NO way, at this point, that she could fess up. So she's stuck with the ruse till come pillow poppin' day.

    I just adore this story!

  16. ^ apologies. I gave no warning;)

  17. I don't think she gets the title of highest heels on a pregnant woman, what about Victoria Beckham? I've only seen ONE picture of her pregnant with sensible shoes.

  18. Well, it's prolly a good thing she's faking the pregnancy; she's practicing for faking being a mother. I know damn well that kid is going to grow up thinking the nannies are her mom.
    Jesus Christ--if you don't want to ruin your body, just fucking say so! If you don't want to be a mom, then why did you marry that asshat? Once all of his legal woes are solved, you're gonna be the breadwinner--grow some balls.
    Sorry that I'm being a bitch and calling this bitch out. I have three children, two of whom were premature, and even though I have stretch marks, I don't consider my body ruined--that's what my body was designed for--to give birth. And while I didn't enjoy being pregnant for the most part, I'm proud that I was able to CARRY MY OWN CHILDREN.
    I need a drink.

  19. I heard on another site that she ate chicken and Jay-Z ate the oysters. Perhaps the post is inaccurate. Not that

  20. ohhhhhhh Figgy, I so want to have a job as a Fake Pregnancy consultant! My new "dream job"

  21. Any Mommy to be with half a brain, knows you do not eat raw oysters, while pregnant. I love raw oysters, but know that they have the potential to make you very ill. Would never risk exposing my bambino to it. I say she is 1) a fake 2) stupid 3) vain. She should have paid her ppl to make her a correct timeline A non collapsible bump, would have been a good idea, too! Cadence

  22. Oups, posted this sentence on wrong thread (starting the new year with brain farts... And speaking of Jessica Simpson):

    BTW, I believe Jessica Simpson is on her way to beating all high-heels-while-pregnant records.

  23. I never got swollen at all with my first pregnancy (ugh, no comment on this one). So, her feet fitting in to heels may be believable. On the other hand, I sprained my ankle while wearing clogs when I was 8.5 months, so I cannot imagine being as "pregnant" as she is and still wearing heels.

    Also, if one of you readers lands the job as a fake pregnancy consultant, could you please mention that a folding stomach, while a neat trick, is somewhat problematic?

  24. Y'all are I'm a roll today! Lol

  25. Good god enough with the Beyonce pregnancy conspiracy, this is so ludicrous, she's really pregnant, stop believing this stupid BIs. Here is an old pic of Jennifer Lopez wearing heels just 2 weeks before giving birth to her twins.


    And Beyonce's BFF was drinking beer and eating sushis when she was pregnant with her son.


  26. This thread is cracking me up.

  27. @KLM - Oh, trust me....they would all come across like whinny, bloated, non-folding tummy, icecream eating, chocolate snarfing, ankle rolling, flat shoe wearing, nachos with too much cheese inhaling, sleep deprived, unconfortable looking, husband bitching maniacs. That is what I have to bring to the table. My family said I am an expert.

  28. I can't walk on heels that high NOT pregnant, much less pregnant. I don't get it!

  29. i believe she is pregnant. Remember, to train for the intensity of their shows DC would run and sing in high heels. So this must be cake or baby walk for her.

  30. I couldn't have done the heels. At seven months I tripped over my own feet, I was KLUTZY. But I know a woman who wore heels the entire time - she wears them constantly, she's very tiny. It's probably just what you're used to.

    I don't want to believe that she'd fake it, but I've seen the folding belly video, and the look she gave the interviewer. And I wouldn't put it past her.

  31. Victoria beckham must be proud:she was in Louboutin until the last time when she was pregnant (i'm pretty sure she sleeps in Louboutin)

    i "remember"(last week) the rumor Beyonce wanted to deliver JAN 1st

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  33. Pomme, I was just about to mention the sky high heels that Posh wore to the Royal Wedding.

    I suppose it's possible, just not very smart considering paps hop out at you unexpectedly all damn day. Plenty of opportunities to lose balance.

  34. people magazine said she was "obviously pregnant" or some variation thereof, 3 times in one article. made me believe it even less.

  35. You absolutely CANNOT eat raw seafood while pregnant. Parasites and bacteria are a huge threat to the baby. That's why Doctors warn expentant mothers about sushi.

    As for High heels while preggers. I would think that was dangerous. With the weight of the baby and being as "pregnant" as she is, I would assume that it would be extremely uncomfortable and difficult on the ankles and feet from carrying that baby around.

    ...but, since she's not really preggers, she can wear the heals and eat the oysters. If she's going to keep up the front, she really should keep it up all the way and watch her diet in public, Especially since she's also taking the predasone or whatever the drug is that makes her bloat up a bit to keep up the front.

  36. @KLM & Big Mama too funny!

  37. I too thought of JBlow with the high heels. The oysters are out! Actually, I had a long list of stuff I couldn't eat while pregnant and a lot of seafood was on it.

  38. This is me not giving two shits about her, her over-rated husband or their surrogate-born baby.

    But I do hope it is born healthy and is cared for properly with plenty of love.

  39. The mistress/surrogate already had the baby, but I'm sure they will wait till tomorrow on the 4th to miraculously have this pillow baby. So disgusting...these people.

  40. This all starts because some silly blogger pointed out that her pregnant belly looked suspicious, there is no proof that she's faking it except some fake BIs and the fact she's still wearing high heels and allegdly eating raw fish. What about this pic is it shopped, is she wearing a fake belly ?


  41. You guys, this post is just a copy from a Page Six article. In the ORIGINAL story, Jay Z ordered the oysters.


  42. I think she's pregnant. Some women can wear high heels through their entire pregnancy. The fake pregnancy stuff was funny to me at first, but now it's getting silly.

  43. I'm still laughing at the will never do books on tape comment.

    It's not just balance problems. Your ligaments get loose or something like that to prepare for the delivery. You are more likely to twist an ankle or displace a kneecap when you are preggers. I'm sure Posh and Bey don't actually have to walk very far in a normal day anyway.

  44. her face looks like it gained 20 lbs....I believe she's pregnant. I know it sounds crazy but her nose is bigger too.

  45. They definitely said she was originally due in Feb, same time as me. To be fair, I haven't swollen up at all either (knock wood), but I quit wearing heels at work early last month...I just feel too unsteady on my feet now. Like the actual heel of the shoe is wobbly or something.

  46. Isn't she like Mariah, only walk with assistance and car never more than 10 steps away.
    I remember her being driven to shops across the street from her hotel.

  47. I never believed Posh was pregnant either. And if she was she must have the most disturbed eating disorder ever.

  48. Wearing hight heels while pregnant? No big deal. All the craziness surrounding what pregnant women eat is also ridiculous - if she had a taste for oysters once or twice while pregnant, have at it. But there was a big PR push a few weeks ago saying that she & Jay were following a vegan or semi vegan diet - guess that was a load of hooey!
    All that said, I don't think she's really carrying that baby.

  49. I think you can wear heels while pregnant given that your feet aren't too swollen and you were already quite fit (so you have strong legs). I also think many doctors have eased up on the lists of stuff you can and cannot eat while pregnant.

    Still don't really think she's pregnant, though...*L*

  50. Kelli...an old wives tale from down South says when your nose spreads or if tour face changes or gets really huge that it is a girl because she takes beauty from her mother. Boys, on the other hand make their mothers more beautiful during pregnancy, and there isn't much change in the face.

    When I was pregnant, I was afraid to wear anything other than flip flops, chucks, flats and boots with less than two or three inches on the heel. And by my 30th week I was waddling like a cowboy, and couldn't really see my feet, LOL.

    I don't kow what to say about Beyonce. I kinda think she is pregnant, but lying about how far along she is. On the other hand, I understand her to be horribly self conscious, so her faking and hiring a surrogate isnt that far fetched.

  51. * your face
    *know what to say

  52. As I wrote in an earlier post, look up The Seventh Sign. Demi Moore was naked with a fake pregnancy belly, and my mum, who had two children, asked if she was pregnant. I said no, it is fake. My mum couldn't believe it. Fake pregnancy belly can be done.

  53. Maja - actually, the list of "don't eats" seems to increase every year. I was SHOCKED at the huge list of stuff I'm "not supposed" to eat, considering women have eaten/drunk that stuff for ages...I mean...soft serve ice cream? deli meat? Thank goodness I don't eat a lot of that stuff anyway being a vegetarian, but the lists are crazy now.

  54. Rachel Zoe wore SUPER high heels while prego. I thought she was crazy when i was watching her reality show and she had on them heels. Beyonce is not the first nor the last to rock heels while (if) prego.

    i still kinda dont care. i really want to believe she is for real prego, because why lie? but whatevs.

  55. I actually feel bad for the baby. If the baby was already born, JayZ and Beyonce are going to have to lie for the rest of this kid's life about when his/her birthday really is. Oh well...Beyonce's been lying about hers all these years anyway, why not just keep it in the family.

  56. A woman at work wore high heels in labor. I couldn't after about 6 months. I used to think she was pregnant but wearing a foam belly to make it smoother and more attractive. Now Im not even sure shes pregnant.
    Its not like shes the first. There's no way Kelly Preston carried that baby. I'm positive Suri is older than claimed, not sure about NK but probably. I noticed her looking pregnant again and waited for the announcement that never came. Next thing we knew they had used a surrogate. Change of plans mid "pregnancy"?

  57. She's pregnant. these ridiculous stories are way out of control.

  58. Oh snap, Megley! Can't disagree though.

  59. Yeah, it's crazy what pregnant ladies can't eat! My sister had her last kid in 2004 and she was amazed at what was now considered off limits (per my preggo friends) just about 5 years later.

    Maybe she didn't have to walk far from the car to the restaurant? :)

  60. If she can do all that dancing around in crazy heels, I think she can walk 20 feet from a car to a restaurant no matter how pregnant she is. I firmly believe that once you have the power of high heels, you can do anything in them.

    My skills in heels seem to be limited to spraining my ankle, however. So what do I know?

  61. I'm not at the huge stage yet at 24 weeks, but I still wear heels. Not saying I'd walk all day in them, but if I'm just walking from the house to the car, then car to restaurant, I'm good.
    I'm pretty miffed about my limited food choices, especially since I seemed to crave most of these foods during my 24/hr a day sickness, but oh we'll... Only a few more months to go til I can indulge on some yummy Sashimi and Nigiri :-)

  62. tenisha hit the nail! yall who think beyonce is pregnant sorry to burst your bubble your living in a dream and bubble are you on beyonce's pr team? sounds like it!

  63. Year+ lurker here. I have to say that this fascinates me. Beyonce shows practically zero physical signs of pregnancy, but why fake it? I kind of want to hurl myself at her & see if I bounce off or am absorbed into the belly. Not a threatening, hurtful, lawsuit kind of hurl.

  64. Year+ lurker here. I have to say that this fascinates me. Beyonce shows practically zero physical signs of pregnancy, but why fake it? I kind of want to hurl myself at her & see if I bounce off or am absorbed into the belly. Not a threatening, hurtful, lawsuit kind of hurl.

  65. Year+ lurker here. I have to say that this fascinates me. Beyonce shows practically zero physical signs of pregnancy, but why fake it? I kind of want to hurl myself at her & see if I bounce off or am absorbed into the belly. Not a threatening, hurtful, lawsuit kind of hurl.

  66. Hey @RQ - I'm pregnant and vegetarian too! How far along are you? 25 weeks here, and yes there's a lot that you're not supposed to eat, but 98% of it is meat or fish so I couldn't care less. The only things I've had to avoid were Brie and Hollandaise sauce. Oh, and of course booze :(((

    I do have trouble believing she's pregnant. Not because of the heels but because she's such a narcissist I just don't see it happening. The exposed vacation belly almost convinced me (BTW, Ugliest. Bikini. Ever.), but the collapsable bump and all the whispers have me fully...disinterested. In this famewhore and her uterus.

  67. Hi Principessa - I'm 33.5 weeks - congrats to you! What's interesting is that it seems like a lot of women (at least on the baby board I visit) seem to have developed an aversion to meat during their pregnancy - I must admit the smell of cooking meat grosses me out more than usual these days...not that I have to deal with it very often :)

    Yeah, I had to avoid a bit of soft cheese and wash my veggies even more than usual, but other than that, no problemo!



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