Saturday, January 07, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

December 20, 2011

#3 - This a-hole R&B singer is stepping out on his current girlfriend. Hopefully she does not confront him about it.

Chris Brown


  1. everything about him is gross.

  2. Someone needs to cut this one's junk off. And keep him sedated to fight off the violent urges. If he just disappears off the face of the earth, that would be great with me.

  3. ^Paging Lorena Bobbitt

  4. his blinds aren't even blinds, Enty doesn't even try to hide his contempt for him anymore.

  5. I hate when his music comes on at my gym (on their televisions) and I can't turn it off. Why are people still supporting him? Then again, they support Roman Polanski. Yuck. Women bashers and child rapists are welcome in the entertainment industry.

  6. ^^^Totally agree! And don't forget about Woody Allen and David O. Russell! Yuck!!!!

  7. But why does he have to be so damn talented? ass.

  8. I am happy to say I wouldn't know one of his songs if it were to slap me across the face. Thank God for Classic Rock stations.

  9. All he had to do was apologize, take an anger management course and maybe contribute some of his massive funds to domestic violence causes. Who am I kidding? He still makes millions and has no trouble getting women, so he certainly doesn't need my or anyone else forgiveness. Still, it would've done wonders to repair his now irreparable image.

  10. He did apologize and take anger management courses. The problem with this GF is she is unknown and may either be insecure or money hungry where she can be bought and paid for. She has probably already signed a confidentiality agreement. He's stupid but far from dumb..remember Rhianna didn't want to leave him she was MADE to do so

  11. @2bme. He did issue a half assed kinda apology for the 'incident' as he calls it. And acts all upset and hard done by when the 'incident' is brought to his attention. Surely, this reformed man should realise this 'incident' will probably follow him for the rest of his life and exercise some humility in dealing with this. Not a bad exchange considering he still has an ever growing career and fan base.

  12. Hey! I DO NOT lump Woody Allen in with freaking Polanski and Chris "Ik Turner Jr." Brown.

    Have you seen Midnight in Paris lately?
    Chris Brown's crowing acheivement is a few shit pop songs on the top 100 list. Allen imbibes cinematic poetry.

  13. Jasmine, have you read up on Woody Allen? It's definitely a "he said/she said," but there is a lot to suggest he probably did molest Dylan, or at the very least had an extremely inappropriate relationship with her.

  14. No Moosh no!

    Havent heard/read about that. I have thought it was strange that I think NONE of this bio or adopted kids talk to him I believe. That's saying something right there.

    But I just dont put him in the same category as Polanski, who anally rapd and doped up a 13yr old and Chris Brown, who we saw physical proof that he beat up Rihanna.

    What do you think? Is the evidence pretty damning regarding his kid? Or is it like MJ speculation?

  15. Jasmine, I agree, he isn't in the same category as them - his behavior was inappropriate, but probably not criminal. I wish I could find the link to the story someone posted here a few months ago that laid the whole story out. I don't think Woody assaulted her, but he did have a very twisted relationship with her - he worshiped her, in a semi-sexual way, while neglecting their adopted son. The judge in their case said that there was no proof of criminal activity, but he did think the relationship was inappropriate. It probably is comparable to the Michael Jackson allegations - who knows what really happened, but there's some clear evidence that something weird was going on.

  16. Hmm, interesting Moosh. Yeah, Woody is the king of boundary issues, that's for fucking sure. I feel like his most 'normal' relationship was probablly with Diane Keaton out of all the women he's ever been with.

    Just saw Sleepers the other day, they were so cute together.

  17. There's also the whole Soon-Yi "thing" with Woody Allen. "Seducing" your longtime partner's underage daughter and leaving naked pics of the affair in the dresser is royally fucked up. Woody Allen has done plenty of PROVEN sick and disgusting shit for me never to support him, regardless of how much talent one may think he has.

  18. I feel ya, blankp, I really do.


    I guess it's really like MJ in the end. Some people just refuse to listen to him/support his music and some (like me)cant deny the talent and still rock out to him.

    As a feminist especially, I feel Allen's personal life is rife with misogyny at the very least and pedophilia at the very most. And I never watched his shit.
    When I was something like 20 I reluctantly saw Annie Hall for the first time. And that was all she wrote. It's funny, Mel Gibson is fucking banned for life to me, as are many others mentioned above. But I guess Allen's films touch me so deeply, I just block out his shit behavior whilst watching his amazing work. I'm not necessarily proud of this, it is what it is.

  19. I was so disgusted that Polanski's rape victim equivocated on the charges and asked for clemency for him. No offense, but I really dont care about alternate opinions to this. It was a tremendous invalidation towards rape victims everywhere, by saying it really doesn't matter anymore. She may have let go of the scars or is in complete denial about them, but no one is just okay with being raped and having someone take away the power and choices over their own bodies and years of psychological trauma. Im not blaming the victim so if you perceive that her you are definitely misunderstanding me. What Im saying is that her choice disappointed and disgusted me, allowing a sex offender to abdicate his responsibility for a horrifyingly heinous, narcissistic and self indulgent act of entitlement. And I recognize her right to take her power back in the way that best suits her emotionally, I do. But it validates the idea that you dont have to pay for your crime and what is offensive in the eyes of the law may be invalidated by a narcissist's sociopathic denial of his own actions. That disgusts me. The actor who was there disgusts me and the celebrities who wanted his cinematic contributions considered in the contrast to his crime, quite frankly enrages me. Living in a country in which the woman is repeatedly violated by the justice system, and in the case of Sarah Palin's tenure as a mayor in a town in Alaska in which rape victims were forced financially to abandon their civil rights to justice by making them pay $1000 for their own rape kits is such a condemnation on our patriarchical big boys club society (especially in the state with the HIGHEST alleged rape reports, I find that seemingly irrelevant fact resonatez with Polanski being expected to live freely yet another invalidation of a victim, victim willing or not.

  20. MissPoppyPants- I think I'm in love with you.

    Fucking word, to everything you just said.
    I've always felt the same way.

  21. Hope she reads this. Wasn't she pregz?



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