Saturday, January 07, 2012

Huong Hoang Is The IMDb Actress

Who is Huong Hoang, or as she likes to be called Junie Hoang? Junie is the actress who sued IMDb anonymously saying when they revealed her real age they caused her to lose work. I think what caused her to lose work is that she works in movies and television that no one has ever heard of and she lives in Texas. When Junie filed her suit she implied that she was a much more well known actress than she actually turned out to be. It looks like in 2011 she worked more than 2010 and worked the same amount as 2009 so I am wondering how she was hurt by the release of her real age. Maybe that is why she did not want to release her name? To me it looks like she specializes in shows which recreate events and horror flicks. I understand why she filed the suit and I think IMDb is messed up in the way they handle the age thing. There is one actress on IMDb who I went to high school with. We graduated the same year. Somehow she is five years younger than me. I don't know if Junie can prove any damages. It looks like she is working way more than before it happened. To read the new suit, click here. I was way off on my guess who the actress was. Did anyone guess the right person?


  1. Wow, no clue.

    IMO, she should have just dropped the lawsuit. Revealing who she is will likely cause an even bigger reduction in work than she claims IMDB caused. Who wants to work with a no name actress who lays blame on others as to why she isn't getting the roles she feels she deserves?

  2. I think that suing IMDB is the new sex tape! (As in a way for unknowns to try and get known so they can get their own reality show!).

    Maybe she was banking on a role in the new Brangelina-made Ho Chi Mihn biopic! lol. (From CDAN Stuiods in 3-D smellovision!).

  3. I wouldn't be able to pick her out in a police line up.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I disagree a bit.

    She held acting jobs that are mostly reserved for much young actresses than herself, trying to break into the business.

    Everybody lies on Imdb about their age. IMDb opted to post her real age from her credit card information, which is supposed to be at all times kept confidential.

    Also, now that the judge has put her under the obligation to show her face, or drop suit, it would be more interesting for her to keep on trucking, which would put any future employer under a certain obligation to hire her, notwithstanding her age, but her looks as a younger woman, and obviously, her talent for certain characters that she plays often.

    Isn't that comparable to say, a gay actor who is forced to come out, is publicly suing, and thus putting pressure on film makers to hire him no matter his sexual orientation, but more accurately, the talent he brings forth?

    9:34 AM

  6. So Enty, where'd ya go to high school?

  7. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Have to agree with Rita on lying about age.

    I counted over 60 different acting jobs, okay some of them might have been shorts, some might have gone straight to video, but technically she is a working actress.

  8. my first reaction was who is she? who cares? but i agree with your point of view of @Rita

  9. @Rita: Spot on!

    If this was CZJ's birthdate being exposed, then I'd really be interested.

  10. Hey, at least if you're suing IMDB, presumably there isn't a nasty-ass sex tape out there...or am I just being optimistic? (Seriously, is there any other kind of sex tape that gets posted online? Although a good friend did get a big kick out of Colin Farrell's due to his sheer level of enthusiasm while administering certain favors. ;-) Anyway, the only ones I've seen are She Who Must Not Be Named and part of Pam & Tommy's, which was at least funny; I have NO desire whatsoever to see any of the others...OK, maybe Colin's...)

    Getting back to the main topic at hand, yes, her suing only makes it all the more obvious that she's been fudging her age to get roles, but IMDB's pulling her age off her credit card records, for crying out loud, isn't kosher either. Perhaps she'll get a few more roles now? Time will tell.

  11. I don't blame her, it's a tough world out there and if you can sue a company for discreditable behaviour to your advantage why not? If she wins she gets to retire early and she's likely going to win. If she loses well at least people will know who she is now - can't say I recognize her face or her name.

  12. So glad ENTy said something about graduating with a actress who is 5 yrs younger then she use to be. There are lots of actress's that a one time (1970's) older then me that are now younger. There are also some that were in their 40's several yrs ago that are now just 40. Over the holidays watched a movie with a actor in his late 60's playing someone in their 30's and a actress in her 60's doing the same. When she was pregnant in the movie and of course you were to believe in her 30's, I tryed to explain to my granddaughter ageism in Hollywood and how it is OK to be a man and you can get older, but women no. I do think it is always been acceptable to lie about age in Hollywood. Just sometimes, how stupid do they think we are. I know some actors and actress's lie about their age, but when you are able to get SS you can not play a HS student.

  13. ^^
    *gleefully starting to look up Colins' sex tape*

  14. I remember when Sandra Bullock's career started taking off (the "Speed" era) and people she had gone to school with were commenting in national magazines that Sandra was suddenly several years younger than they were. It was rather embarrasing for Sandra, and she said she felt pressured to lie as it was the standard in Hollywood to do so.

  15. I'm getting up there in age, I'm 62. When "The World of Henry Orient" came out, one of the teen actresses, Tippy Walker was said to be two years older than I am.
    A few years later while doing publicity for another movie, she was magically two years younger than I was.
    Her correct age is two years older.

  16. I looked at the list of movies/episodes she's starred in, and I've never seen any of them. All her movies seem to be low-budget, shorts and straight-to-video. If she wants more work, she needs to move to Los Angeles and perhaps get a better agent. She's pretty, so if she has any talent she shouldn't have a problem getting work.

  17. she's a pretty woman. she's done a lot of work, but i've only ever heard of "america's most wanted". don't you have to approve your own bio?

  18. If they don't lie about their age they lie about never having plastic surgery or using botox. I would hate to see some of these celebs in their natural state.

  19. I guessed it would be someone we never heard of.

  20. Me, no you don't. A lot of the info on IMDB is reader-submitted. I think IMDB probably does more fact-checking on the big celebs than on the unknowns.

    I really don't get the grounds for her suit. Dates of birth are public records.

  21. The person that cracks me up the most about lying about her age is Stephanie Seymour. I have a collection of vintage Gourmet magazines and some are from 1981. She is all over Martin and Rossi ads from then. She claims to be 43 now (which is younger than Cindy Crawford)so she'd be 12 in the ads. I know they use young'ns to model stuff but c'mon.

  22. ^^ really? stephanie seymour looks really good. hard to believe shes late 40's. between her and elle mcp, the bar is high as you get old!

  23. Which 60 year old actor was playing a 30 year old? What movie was this?

  24. They all lie about their ages! I remember when Halle Berry (45) was just two years older than me and Vadge was born in 1960. MooMoo Mariah Carey still won't come out with her real age, and it's just a year. Either she's 41 or 42. It took a police report to get Jblow's real age. She was always dropping down a year in her age too.

  25. I had guessed it was Dominique Swain.

  26. Well we all know her name now, right? And let's not forget: Any publicity is good publicity, as long as they spell the name right.

    A year or two from now, I predict somebody will be giving an interview at the Sundance Film Festival about how the director "rescued" this poor gal and gave her an acting job despite her advanced years and then she'll be in a few feature films and forgotten.

  27. I guessed the right person! Of course, it helps that I was her college roommate. When I first heard about the lawsuit, I thought it might be her. Then, when they said the actress was from Texas I definitely thought it was her. I'm not close to her anymore, just facebook friends. She started acting after college, but I had thought, she was a little old to be starting a career, so could imagine if anyone knew her real age it could cause problems...I thought about asking her if she was the one, but I figured it might be a sensitive subject.....

  28. I meant to say staring a career as an actress (because of the ageism) and I saw that she was mostly doing "pretty girl" roles so I was thinking age might definitely be an issue...



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