Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis have spent every second together since their first date. Obviously enjoying each other very much. Plus, he has great January Jones stories.
Rihanna shows off her nipple ring at Sean Combs' party.
Not showing off his nipple ring is Ryan Seacrest.
Reese Witherspoon playing with her son in the water.
Just out of the water is Mischa Barton.
And thinking about going into the water are Jason Statham and his food deprived girlfriend Rosie Huntington Whitely.
Scott Caan shows off his classic truck.
Shakira's boyfriend has really big hair.
Joe Jonas and Wilmer Valderrama use this photo with Sofia Vergara to get into the good parties.


  1. I'll be the first to say it. Reese Witherspoon - baby bump!!

  2. Olivia and Jason look like a real couple, not just a "for the paps" couple.

  3. Sofiiiiiia!!! WHY are you posing with Wilmer?????

    Nah, I think Reese is just comfortable in her marriage. That is the tiniest of tummies. Her kids are adorable.

  4. Yup! Definitely a baby bump! For a person who works out as much as Reese it can not be just a big dinner

  5. With all the Courtney Love/Lilo -esqe shit that Mischa Barton has been doing for the past few years this picture made me remember those O.C. show days when she was model pretty and fresh and young. Prolly just the angle though- like Meth is really that forgiving.

    I know this sounds petty but Rosie HUNTINGTON WHITELY with her stupid TWO last names has rubbed me the wrong way since she first landed on the HOllywood scene- simply because of those two names. PICK ONE dum dum, cause you sounds WAYYYYY too snobby and asshole-y with both of em.

    Nice to see Resse with a pretty normal looking healthy body. See Rosie? You dont need to make up for your superfluous names by weighing as much as a healthy 12 year old boy- Reese has WITHERSPOON to work with and she does just fine. (am slightly hung over and this joke probably makes sense just to me and that's okay) haha

  6. okay, this has been driving me nuts,
    I read a comment somewhere that Rihanna said "I like it rough"...are these song lyrics, is she referring to that a-hole who beat her, not shaving her legs? What?!

  7. I love Jason Sudeikis, and they do look very comfortable together. Good for her, I'm jealous! And I seriously need a new boyfriend. : )

  8. Btw- have I mentioned lately how much I LOVEEE that the lame-o Jonas Brothers are outta commission?!

    Love that Enty is prolly right- Joe Jonas at this point might need to flash his Hollywood connections to get into somewhere fancy these days.

  9. Oh, and Joe and Wilmer have been everywhere together this past weekend. New BFF's? As for Sophia,
    I'm thinkin' the wind was blowing the other way and she didn't know it was him.

  10. That's definitely a baby bump Reese is sporting. She's really petite and is constantly exercising. That looks like new.

  11. Oh that Rhianna, she is pure class.

    Mischa looks horrible. She was once on of the prettiest girls out there. Sad to lose your looks by age 25.

  12. Well Reese does have that movie to promote next month, so maybe a baby announcement is coming soon. (Just like her wedding and Kneepads cover a few weeks before the circus opened last year).

    Olivia and Jason make a cute couple!

  13. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Eeek, check out that woman behind Rihanna!!!!

    I was in line at the grocery store yesterday and I picked up In Touch to check out the article of celebrities without makeup. They all look pretty unrecognizable but I was shocked by Sofia Vergara's. I really don't believe it was her. The woman didn't look like anything could help her. And yes, I picked it up to feel better about myself.

  14. Jason Sudeikis cracks me up. His running man during the "What's up with that" sketches on SNL are the highlight of the show for me. I agree with the other posters--he looks like he's in a real relationship and not one of those staged ones.

    Sofia--back away from Wilmer. There isn't enough Lysol in the world to get the stench of his douchebaginess off of you.

    Reese--I agree that it looks like a baby bump. She's notorious for working out (specifically running).

  15. @Del Riser - Rihanna had definitely shared too much not long ago - can't remember which mag - stating that she's into the rough stuff, giving and receiving. That going to get the paddle takes too long, so she uses her hands...

    And honestly, I'd rather stare at Seacrest's nipple ring than hers.

  16. @Rita, thank you. This explains a lot of tweeting too I'll bet.

  17. ms snarky - you beat me to it. I have never bought the pregnancy rumours about her til just now. I agree - the beginnings of a baby!

  18. Anonymous12:43 PM

    There's a whole lot of douchebaggery going on in that last pic.

  19. Very disappointed in Rihanna regarding that blind item. Also that she has been communicating with that dirty bag CB.

  20. i'm totally jumping on the reese is pregnant train!

    sofia looks fantastic...not companions, not so much. ew.

  21. Reese definitely looks preggers... she's normally tiny, I was thinking that suit makes her look "matronly", then realized her bottom half is about twice its normal size. I say 4 months on a thin girl.

  22. @anita_,ark, if you ever want to feel great about yourself, Google a pic of Eva Longoria without make-up. She looks atrocious. They must spackle her fact to make her presentable.

  23. I am jealous of Olivia! I love Jason S!

  24. Don't know how someone can think she looks bad - I think WMischa Barton looks fantastic. Her skin looks very good, her legs look toned. She was looking bloated and horrible a while back. Enty has been occasionally posting items about her working hard at coming back, and it seems to be paying off. She was a beautiful girl before, hopefully she can work again.

  25. And I just thought Reese's swimsuit was not flattering, you might be on to something.

  26. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I agree with Moonmaid about Mischa Barton. I was thinking what a cute outfit she's wearing and how nice she looked

  27. Anonymous2:36 PM

    @Beth, I know that picture. I love that picture because I consider Eva gorgeous.

  28. What the hell does this tweet from Rihanna mean?

    "How can you lie to her, while u lay with me???.....If you don't have an answer, you don't have to answer."

    Scott Caan is headed towards having his father's career - a very good, solid actor.

    Del Riser, that was my first thought too - they clearly aren't faking it.

    I agree with the posters who think Mischa looks pretty darned good. I don't know why, but I want her to make it back and have a good career. Oh yeah, I remembered why - I will always be fond of her and Piper Perabo because I loved 'Lost and Delirious' so much.

    If that's not a real baby, it's a food baby, because that is not Reese's normal stomach. Either way, she looks glorious. Her body should be the ideal instead of Rosie's! Speaking of Rosie, was it here that someone posted that they were yelling at each other in public the other day? I hope they're over soon. Statham needs to go back to his true love - Vinnie Jones. ;)

  29. well, figured she'd want a baby with the next husband, and she's mid 30's now so no need to wait.

  30. I am so so jealous of all the celebrity pics of them at the beach or laying out! I am so COLD and I want my beach back (Atlantic) too!!!!!!
    Why can't I be rich so I can fly back and forth to a warm beach? Harumph!
    And agree Reese looks so lovely!

  31. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sophia's way too old for Vilmer. He only likes naive teens.

  32. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Dear Sofia: please step away from the walking cold sore known and Wilmer Valderrama.

    Love Scott's truck.

  33. Jason Sudeikis seems to be having a good time shtupping his way through up and coming Hollywood ladies. His ex-wife got married over the weekend. I've always been curious if their's was an acrimonious divorce.

  34. Re: Reese. I don't think a pregnant woman would be boogieboarding. Seems a little rough for a baby-to-be...

  35. @RenoBlondee - I was about to say the same thing! I'm freezing!!!

    I love Scott's truck!

  36. I boogie boarded at 4 months pregnant in Hawaii. I promptly got sucked and held under and was so traumatized I have not boogie boarded ever since. This has been 15 years btw and she's just fine. Well, terribly ANGSTY, but just fine. :)

  37. I love Jason Sudeikis, he's definitely a celebrity crush of mine - but I can't stand Olivia Wilde for some reason. She just rubs me the wrong way but I can't figure out why. He seems to be the whole package - super funny & he seems down to earth too. Still can't believe he was ever with January Jones.

    And seeing Scott Caan's truck just makes me love him even more. I totally agree with @Mooshki - I think he'll be around for the long haul.

    Sofia - ewww! I'd never stand that close to Wilmer. I'm scared I'd get the herps just from touching him. (Which sucks because I used to like him).

  38. Love the 40's 'buy-thing costuuumes' (said w/ a british accent) on Reese & Mischa. They just need the flowered vinyl swim caps to match :)

    My girlcrush Sofia has had work done..she's looking 10 years younger & am lovin her new golden hair!

  39. Save the nipple ring, I love Rihanna's dress.

    Wilmer has totally edged Jonas out of that pic

  40. Wilmer in Vegas makes me think what is really going on with him and Demi. All his tweets are about partying with his wolfpack. While Demi is all about staystrong and soberissexy.

  41. That's no baby bump that's a post baby bump

  42. That's no baby bump that's a post baby bump

  43. Sofia is gorgeous, as always! Love, love her....I didn't even notice the boys in her pic :)

  44. I'm going to go ahead and say that what looks like a bump is actually the reflection of the surfboard on her wet bathing suit. Not pregnant.

  45. That is Reese's body type. The one before she became an A list movie star and exercised everyday and watched what she ate. I don't know if it's a baby bump or not but when the photo was taken is the time of year when most people put on 5 to 10 pounds. Now it's the time to work our asses off.

  46. That's Matt Kemp behind Rihanna in that picture



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