Monday, January 02, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

December 8, 2011

So, this former B list movie actor from a family of actors has not been getting much work lately at all. Part of the problem? Well he is a raging drunk who has spent a great deal of time getting thrown out of hotels. This one though tops it all. Our actor was in a country made famous by another movie for a film festival. While there he negotiated a deal to be in a movie. Obviously these producers do not read tabloids. He told the producers he needed $30,000 in cash to make the movie. Once he got the money from them he went on a drinking and partying binge. He came back to the hotel where he was staying and in the middle of the lobby got naked and started fighting with the producers. He then told them he was not making their movie, but he kept the money anyway.

Michael Madsen


  1. I always get him confused with Tom Sizemore, and this is precisely why.

  2. This makes me sad. He used to be hot and he has talent. Oh well.

  3. I feel the same he was so hot and could have been A list all the way, what a waste.

  4. Wow, @Stacey guessed that one!

    He used so amazing, now he's getting to Tom Sizemore-ish level. Sad.

  5. Wow, we were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off with the Keifer guess.

  6. I use to love this guy, so sad.

  7. Yeah, but what was the country?!

  8. Vicky - yeah I was wondering the same thing! Reveal the country puhlease... :)

  9. People don't seem to understand that the best actors can act because they have issues. Alcoholism, Drugs, Anorexia, Cutting, etc. They ones that can act have grown up with or have issues.

    This doesn't surprise me in the least. Such a waste!

  10. Lol, thanks @Rita! I am so excited that I got one right for once.

  11. He's strongly rumored to be in the new series of Celebrity Big Brother that starts in the UK next week...could be interesting if this is anything to go by!

  12. @Stacy, sorry for the misspell! Congrats on getting this one right, I think I was on the Sutherland train. Or Charlie Sheen?

  13. So... I'm really waiting for you to reveal the one about the Twilight actress supposedly pregnant... Am I lucky or I will have to wait for some pap pics to actually find out!?

  14. Sarisua... I think the guess was Nikki reed. Hopefully she will show soon!!

  15. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Wow, just watched a B-level biker movie with him in it. No great shakes, but he was pretty good in it. Why is it always the pretty, talented ones that find themselves in the most trouble?

  16. And the comparison to Tom Sizemore is kinda funny, because TS finally got his shit together and has been sober for almost two years and is starting to work again.

  17. Yeah, I totally pegged Kiefer for this one. I need to google him to remember his face...

  18. Never heard of this guy, nor his "family of actors." I'm so bad at these blinds... once they're revealed I'm like, "huh, who?" But I do like the ones I recognize!

  19. his sister is Virgina Madsen who was in the very excellent movie Candyman and was Oscar nominated for her role in Sideways.

    She also has a kid by Antonio Sabato, Jr.

    If it wasn't for Quenten Taratino Michael would not be in a lot of movies.

  20. LiinaH was the first to mention Kazakhstan (but thought maybe John Cusack); Stacy went with that country and guessed correctly, and I posted why Kazakhstan made sense as a guess (country made famous by a movie: before Borat, many people didn't know much about it [after Borat either, but at least then they'd say, Oh--Borat! when they'd hear it mentioned.]) So in a little tiny way, I helped! Right? Maybe. In a small way. (Says someone who rarely guesses and when I do, it's not right.)

  21. Oh, I didn't know Virginia was his sister and I couldn't place him until someone said Tarantino.

  22. I have a crush on him (leftover from the 80s), and this makes me REALLY SAD. Bums me out to see alcoholics go nuts. Sad reveal :(

  23. Ha! As some of us said, Kiefer would never behave this unprofessionally. So glad this got revealed as not him.

  24. Thank you so much Lindsey... that was my guess too, but some people say it can be Kristen. Still waiting to see some pap from both of them, or just Nikki so we can finally find out.

  25. Poor Mr. Blonde :(

    I used to have the biggest crush on him. So talented, yet so troubled. What a waste.

  26. Damn shame. Last thing I remember seeing him in was the Tarantino marathon on IFC as the presenter. I think it was '06, '07?

  27. I think he went bankrupt a while back. As I recall the articles he had made about $800K in the prior year but, when I went to IMDB, I saw he had about 20 movie credits during that period. Somehow $40K a movie doesn't spell A or B list to me. Looks like he will do cameos in anything for the money!

  28. Alcohol has taken a toll on his looks, too. Guy used to be HOT.



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