Friday, January 06, 2012

Casey Anthony Has A Boyfriend

It feels like this is turning into Casey Anthony week. Yesterday was her video and today comes news that she found a boyfriend. I want you to stop and think about that for a second. How does someone in Casey's position find a boyfriend? Is she going online and under hobbies and interests listing killing children? Does she say her real name? Does she change her disguise every night? What do you talk about? How long do you have to date a killer before you can ask them about it? If you do ask them, how long much longer do you have to date them? Would you ever fully fall asleep if you spent the night with them? Would you have to take a second job to be able to afford a food taster? Would it be easier to just bring home your own food everyday? Does Casey have photos of her daughter up around the house? What do you say about them if she does? If she says that she wants to take you for a car ride and a walk in the woods do you go? How do you respond when she says that her brother/father kissed her better? Too far? Yeah, she probably would keep that one to herself.


  1. If he has any kids, he better keep them FAR away from "Auntie Casey".

    PETA needs to stay on her ass about her dog.

  2. please just stop posting about her. i refrained from the entire thread yesterday but i really hope this doesn't become a daily thing whenever news comes out about her. she doesn't deserve any more attention. she just needs to fade into obscurity.

  3. If she does have a boyfriend, he's more than likely some kind of thrill seeker or attention seeker (or both) and can't wait for their "relationship" to become public.

  4. Agree with @SusanB. That guy will be writing about it in no time, and seeking the limelight to sell his story.

  5. Gee, and here I thought she wanted to get back to normal and be left alone.

    This person would be MISERABLE if everyone ignored her.
    Not right in the head is an understatement.

    Agree about the boyfriend. Unless he just got off the boat from live under a rock island, he knows what he's dating.

  6. Of course she has a boyfriend, it has always been about the boyfrieds, why do you think she killed Caylee, she didn't want her around so she could go out and party with men!! and the father and brother never touched her, that was part of her bullshit story to get aquitted. she is a pathological liar, narcissist and pyschopath. Any man that would get seriously involved with her would have to have some of these same issues.

  7. Anonymous9:56 AM

    People are stupid, men are stupid, womena are stupid, they're all just stupid. If Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson-types can still get girlfriends, psychos like her can still get boyfriends.

  8. I'm on the wagon with all y'all. Do not post.

  9. Its probably her attorney.

  10. I, too, agree with bnl.

    You're part of the media machine that's made this woman a celebrity. Just stop already.

  11. oh gawd! Please let it be Charlie Manson! - prison boyfriends would be the best for her, or maybe he is also an ex-con as well.

  12. Maybe the guy sought her out. He knows she doesn't want kids.
    I think shunning would be good here. Wherever she goes, if recognized, and she seems to make sure she is...then people should just put their head down and turn their backs to her. As long as you're taller than a kid you should be okay.

  13. That post was pretty damn funny!

  14. Enty....this is tacky. You might as well start writing about SHE WHO WILL NOT BE NAMED again.

  15. skeeball said what I was going to say.

  16. Naw, her boyfriend will be safe. She preys on the weak & small, i.e., children.

    Serial killers always attract men & women. I dunno if it's fame-seeking or if it's the classic "I can change him/her" bit, but notorious criminals never lack romantic attention.

  17. Please no more posts on this killer

  18. I don't believe I have ever said what to post and what not to post but this time I have to say Please Stop. I may be wrong but I just get angry when I see anything about this woman or her smarmy attorney's. My "children" are now 26 and 23 and I still know where they are every single day. It makes me furious that she received no punishment for acknowledging she went 31 days without knowing where her daughter was

  19. She has a boyfriend because the world is filled with crazy, idiotic people.

    I'm ok with never reading another post about her again, too.

  20. She doesn't kill her boyfriends, just children & pets. Because physically she is "attractive", I'm sure there are plenty of men willing to overlook what she was put on trial for. It's no different than the guy in CA - Scott Peterson - who killed his pregnant wife, yet was convicted, in jail & receiving love letters from women who want to be with him. Some people have no moral compass...or brain.

  21. Thank you skeeball! And yes, just stop. Let this be the last post. We should all shun her. The guy is just tired of buying roofies and will stick around long enough to learn how to make chloroform. We are kind, loving people here. Enough from this skank.

  22. FUCK Casey Anthony! Seriously. Go straight to Hell you sick, narcissistic monster.

  23. I don't want to hear about her, I don't want to read about her. She makes me sick. Please Enty, no more posts.

  24. Hey Enty...ever heard of an "inside job"? Maybe the dude is going do that bitch in!!
    Clever write up btw....

  25. I really enjoyed the copy of this post, too!...but I am going to have to agree with the call to shun this chick in the future.

  26. She is cut and I have no kids so yeah I would hit that. So nope not surprised. Only would be if the dude's goal was marriage and not fun and sex.

  27. Please, Enty, no more...she's the kind of person who lives for attention and will wilt without it, so don't give her what she wants. Ban her on this site, and shun her in real life, please...

  28. If you ban Casey Anthony, you have to ban the Kartrashians too. Sorry folks, but as disgusting as she is, Casey Anthony is relevant to American history and news. The Kardashians are not.

  29. Not reading any thing having to do with this thing. Sorry.

  30. There are sick pricks everywhere. Look at David Cash and Jeremy Strohmeyer. David ended up at Berkeley whe I was there and said his story of being outside a Reno casino bathroom while Jeremy raped and murdered a small child--helped him get women. And ever notice that all those psychotic broads who carve babies out of a living woman's uterus are actually married? Life is full of wicked attractions. That said, I think David was lying because I know for a fact he was harassed and tormented on campus and that people chased him and threw eggs on him. Possible perhaps, but she'd have been wiping spit off of him. Or they would have been.
    Maybe boyfriend will 'check in' to a location on facebook while on a date with Casey, thereby accidentally initiating a 'day of the locusts'. He's probably a sociopath too, if not mildly MR.

  31. @ghost - I vehemently disagree, b/c the Kardashians haven't killed anyone.

  32. Two words: Christine Prody.

  33. @Lelaina - no, but they lived off of the OJ bloodmoney for quite some time. They aren't much better than killers, as far as I'm concerned.

  34. The one and only ban I request: Casey Anthony. Please shun her for life Enty. Please.

  35. star fucker. thats the term for people who want to be involed w/ famous people just because they might get a wiff of press themself.

  36. Enty please stop giving this baby killer attention, this is the second post about her this week, she is trash, and will always be trash.
    CA should be shunned.



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