Thursday, January 05, 2012

S**t White Girls Say To Black Girls

Funniest thing I have seen in a long time. I was crying laughing at my desk.


  1. Not the least bit funny.

  2. I didn't think its was funny either....

  3. And if it were reversed....

  4. Come on white girls surely you can think of funnier stuff to say!

  5. i laughed because she sounds & acts just like my 10 year old. "OMG!" and the hair obsession. (not the repeating of race related topics).

  6. Uh, no. Here's one from real life though. I am black and I look very racially ambiguous. My husband is white. When I met his grandmother she said, "Who did that to your hair?" We ended up being great friends but his mother has problems with me. I don't fit any of her stereotypes and she is pissed that someone of color is better educated and had a better upbringing than her.

  7. OMG I forwarded this to my friends and we were HOLLERRING because this has happened to all of us at least once lol

  8. It was funny. Specially in the beginning, I'm not racist, but... And that Hulla thing that white girls try to imitate. I'm taking this with a grain of salt. No harm, no foul, and well, talk to the hand.

  9. "I was crying laughing at my desk"

    Then you should have posted a video of your desk because that was not very funny.

  10. I think that video is kinda dumb, kinda true (about some people), and kinda something that would get you popped in the face.

  11. I thought it was hilarious *L*

    I especially liked the "...I don't want to sound racist..." bit, because I hear it all the time.
    What can you POSSIBLY say, after starting out with those words, that isn't going to be racist? You already know what you're about to say is going to be vile, so don't say it...*L*


  12. I don't find it funny but I am sure there are people out there that say these sort of things so I am sure it is funny to some.

  13. Yeah, I don't get it. But I am glad some people thought it was funny.

  14. I don't get it either bits...don't feel bad. I feel like I wasted a minute of my life..which is when I stopped wasting my time watching it lol

  15. I think it's hilarious and I'm white. And some of it is true...

  16. I thought it was funny and true about some.

  17. I think if you have never been in these kinds of situations, you can't find it funny. as a black girl who lives in Belgium this is hilarious to me (even though i hear it in french, but it's the same exact remarks). especially the hair part...sorry if my english is not good

  18. ^Imani - your English is perfect, and bienvenue!

  19. Yeah Imani, your English is impeccable..Didn't fnd the video racist or really funny and I was expecting to. What's with the computer issue? Don't get it.

  20. I was prepared to be offended but that shit was funny and true. Lol. Especially the, "I don't want to sound racist. . . "

  21. I don't think this video was funny at all, and I don't have any of these stupid conversations with my black friends. In my opinion, it looks like an angry woman using the video as therapy to make herself feel better.

  22. Sure I get that it is supposed to be funny. But, it's not and if the situations were reversed it would be considered RACIST. Sorry but it is true...racism can be and IS practiced by all ethnicities.

    The world would be a much better place if we all would focus more on what we do have in common with each other as human beings and to treat each other with common courtesy and decency. I don't think this little "joke" promotes that.

  23. Please--I'm not at all wanting a political discussion here.
    But Cheryl, your comment about 'not fulfilling stereotypes', 'better upbringing', 'better educated' is IMO a source of a lot of hate towards our President.
    I live in Indiana, and he just makes people here so furious WELL beyond his politics. They can be quite rabid here.
    And I would not have this conclusion if I hadn't heard so much crap about Blacks needing to 'know their place' my whole life.

    Please please let's not make this about politics---I'm trying to communicate my experience with racists who cannot comprehend that all Black men aren't felons. That's all.

  24. It wasn't as funny as I thought it'd be but I don't see it to be offensive either.

    I'll definitely share this with a dear friend of mine that I'll be seeing tonight. People call us the odd couple b/c she is a very gorgeous, 7 ft tall (no lie) black woman, and I am a corky-looking, little 5'2" 'white girl'.

    I know I've asked her my fair share of 'white girl' questions - and she still loves me!

  25. Ummm, how are you guys going to tell a black person what exactly white people do and do not say to them? How would you know?

  26. .. & Maja - I can just imagine what you'd sound like saying "Hollllleeerrr!"

    I love it when people say 'holler' instead of 'holla'. Million times better.

  27. @Voice O' Reason: Um, what exactly do black people say to white people that could make this video reversed? Honest question because I'm black and I've heard every single one of the things this woman mentioned IRL.

  28. I must of completely missed the 'Hollerrr' in the video b/c I'm just now realizing it was in there.

    Haha, all I could do was laugh when I saw you make that comment, Maja. I thought you were just feeling a little more Almond Joy than Mounds today.

  29. merci Rita et Sherry;i love english, i learned it very early and i try not to forget it because i don't use it i read blogs and watch a lot of american tv shows... i love this blog and the readers.

  30. @ Michael..let's see. These aren't even questions that I'm making up. I'm just relaying what I've been asked.
    -I've hung out with black people and have been asked if my relatives have owned slaves, when I may look white, but my heritage is American Indian.
    -I've also been told to stop swinging my long hair around and shaking my butt trying to be like a black girl.
    -I've also been asked "How does it feel to know that you can get fired from a job, and I can't because I'm black. They'll only lay me off."

  31. - more. This one is actually funny. White people are obsessed with black people, because they like to lay out in the sun. The darker they get, the happier they are.

  32. Cool Celia. Now you can make a video (although I've never heard that and those comments definitely sucked).

  33. I meant cool crila. Damn autocorrect.

  34. I can see that the girl is probably a funny actress or just someone who is funny, but the video overall wasn't.I've never said any of that stuff, nor ever heard any white people say those things to a black person which makes it less funny.

    I don't care what the topic is, as long as it's funny.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. No worries Michael. auto correct gets me every time... need. It doesn't anger or bother me enough to feel the need to make a video.

  37. @Rose: I don't think it matters if you've said those things nor if you've heard it. You aren't black so I doubt you'd experience on the level for it to be on your radar. Just as I've never heard anything crila listed but I'm not white in a majority of black people so perhaps that is the reason.

  38. I found it very funny! I have a friend who says ALL THE TIME "You know i"m not racist, but he/she is acting like a n*****, and you know I like black people, but there is a difference" I always found that so incredibly offensive because she only likes people she thinks are beneath her or can do something for her. That's why we aren't friends any longer.

  39. @crila: Um, what makes you think the woman is angry? I didn't get that at all. I'll admit that ime that it is definitely annoying, but not as big of a deal to incite anger.

  40. Geez at the humorless! I loved it - she does it very well and anyone remotely of color has heard some variation of the above. If you can't laugh at this stuff, how are you supposed to deal with the ridiculousness?

  41. @Terri - Yep, I've heard that one before. Makes my blood boil.

    Loved "Holler!" and singing Super bass. :)

    I still like the original videos best.

  42. I wasn't rolling on the floor laughing but it was amusing. I could relate. As someone else posted, more than likely you've never heard this dialogue going on between two people or were just oblivious to it, so you wouldn't be amused at the bluntness, rudeness, hurtfulness etc of it all. Maybe you could ask a minority friend of yours (Black, East Indian, Hispanic etc.) what kind of subtlety racist shit people have said to them, then you could relate. Its cool though. Just a video to a target audience who understands what she's talking about.

  43. Though, the funniest thing for me though is that the person her schtick reminds me of the most is a friend who is Chinese. LOL.

    It's funny because the things the white girl is saying aren't hateful...they are just silly/ignorant and she means well, it's just thoughtless and condescending which is a softer kind of racism that does hurt. A few of the things are just dumb though.

    I am pretty sure you could find a video of a white girl acting black in a way that was calling out black ridiculousness...maybe. Though that's more the domain of a certain type of gay men, isn't it? *duck* I swear it was my white, gay male bestie who put this thought in my head. Because that was pretty much how he spent his adolescence. And it WAS funny.

  44. Anonymous2:06 PM


  45. HAHAHA I thought that was hysterical, I posted it on my FB page. I'm white but I come from NYC where I am a minority so was somewhat subsumed in black culture. I think we need to laugh at ourselves, and I bet blacks hear this all the time from certain types of "white girls".

  46. @ Cheryl- now that IS confused. Stay strong. Hopefully the mother in law learns to understand herself and her reactions better (not an easy process!)

    @msgirl - you get it :) Vid isn't saying every white girl says these things, but they are commonly said!

  47. @ DixieTheNoble; I have been known to say "hollerrr", and also the following: "I've always wanted to say this: FORRR SHIZZEL".

  48. (Dave Chappelle doing Tiger Woods)

  49. As an African American female who attended Iowa State University BELIEVE ME this vid is funny AND TRUE!!! oh eh gee!!!! I had to fend off a white chic last week who wanted to see if my natural curls "felt the way they looked"...and no I didn't know her lmbo!!!!!

  50. i thought it was mildly amusing. I have definitely heard all of those things, as well. I didnt think she came off as angry or racist.

    I've heard the "Mexican" versions of those too. I always know something offensive is coming when someone says, "not to sound racist, but..."

  51. I thought it was funny!

  52. Ok, if you guys haven't heard these things said then you maybe do not live in the SOUTH? I'm white, but I have heard a white man in our office ask a co-worker and friend if she would like to attend a "Toast Master" meeting because he went and she probably knows some of them because they are black, educated women. He had NO CLUE what he'd just said. He's pretty clueless and stupid anyway, and where we work she SO could have had his job, but when I went in to ask her why he wasn't bleeding when he left her office she said she is used to those type of comments and just considers the source and the source is ignorant so not worth her anger. My jaw dropped when I heard him say that though. I mean really, they're all black like HER so she must KNOW THEM ALL. It was funny to me because yes, I hear it and have probably been guilty of saying or doing some of the same stupid things. I made the mistake of asking a/b a wig one time and evidently that is a major NO NO you don't ask them a/b a wig or hair piece (even though one day her hair is long and the next short)! And I agree, racism can cross from black to white too, but face it they have dealt with it a lot more than we have IMO as a white girl. HOLLA!

  53. ^LisaP
    I am a white woman in the south and I totally agree!

  54. *and before I'm THEM I mean ONE particular person at my office who wears wigs (and happens to be black yes) not ALL black people who wear wigs. Yes, I cringed when I read my own sentence.

  55. I think the wig thing is one of the best ideas since I got my dyed locks all chopped off last year. You have perfect hair everyday, it's great. Saved me from looking awful with no hair until mine grew back in.

  56. @lisap515
    I live in Canada, and I've been asked all of these things except for the lotion bit (I didn't even get it). But I was offsite with white colleague today -she has a black roommate, and she was dying, because she said she always asks her roommate where her lotion is.

    D-list posted the Shit Black Women Say last week, did it cause this much debate? Or did people think it was funny when it was black on black? (I didn't read the comments)

    Racism is still a problem, but it's the ignorance that really gets us all into trouble.

  57. Okay - I love saying "holler!" like a valley girl and none of you are going to stop me!

  58. Forget this video, instead check out It is my favorite new website. So funny!

  59. I totally agree with the statement..."I'm not racist...but" bla bla bla, at that point what is the use in having a discussion? I've had "discussions" beginning with that statement and "they" as if people of a race are as one and/or clumped into one person. I also have a used to be close friend who would say instead..."I don't mean to be mean but....", oh yes you do imo.

    I thought the young woman was funny.

  60. Ooops....I forgot...Holla!!

  61. @ @TheGWU: I think the lotion thing is that "all" black women supposedly have "ashy" skin, particularly on their knees and elbows, and they need a shit-ton of lotion to even look "presentable."

    I hear this kind of garbage at work--my field is education--all the time, and the real shame is that I hear it when people are talking about kids: "Oh, we would have done soooo much better if not for those kids." They are invariably talking about kids who are black, Hispanic, and/or dealing with disabilities. Even though they are often speaking just thoughtlessly or carelessly rather than maliciously, the ease with which their ignorance flows out of their mouths really makes my skin crawl. I think that is what most people who watch this video and find it humorous can relate to. It's about some "stupid white girls" (itself an offensive stereotype, imho) making blithely ignorant assumptions, never comprehending how offensive, hurtful, hypocritical, and nasty their comments and questions really are.

    Oh, and I can attest to the awesomeness of the blog ( Mooshki mentioned. Forrr shizzle, that site is hilarious. :)

  62. yes, it's sometimes ignorance, not example of ignorance: here, black people are often called africans. of course if someone doesn't know me i don't mind if he says " l'africaine " because i am from Africa. it's just sometimes i think some people believe Africa is a small country, not a big continent with many many cultures. my zumba instructor (very nice lady) plays this song with african drums and starts jumping and she tells the first black person in her class (sometimes i'm the only one :-) )to "show how you danse in Africa". it's very irritating but she doesn't realise it. it's not easy to explain it to someone who is not close to you because it can be a sensitive subject.

  63. Yeah, I'm white and I believe this happens all the time. But also I wouldn't waste my time interacting with some stereotype Valley Girl who is as dumb as toast. I think a good direct put-down will stop that stuff.
    During the height of busing where I grew up, I had a black kid in my school who was a total stranger touch and tug on my hair when we were seated in the auditorium. Guess they wanted to see what it felt like.
    Also got kicked in the ass for no particular reason.
    There are ignorant people in the world of all shapes, colors and sizes. Hopefully the day comes when nobody has to put up with this shit anymore.

  64. I did have to LOL when I clicked the link (which I don't find hilarious but diff'rent strokes) and this video was at the top with an endorsement...

    Imani, that's it's just ignorance! When I lived in Italy & France it was always hey marocchina/moracaine (nope, just an American mulatto) or that "Oh! You're not really a BLACK PERSON!" thing. That glorious personal compliment implying, really, that "black person"=loser which, yes, is offensive when're kinda related to and love a bunch of them. :)

    The actress has been linking some great articles on her twitter about this stuff and put a piece up on HuffPo... As a white-bred brown person, I relate.

    @Trashaddict - ohhh yeah, it DEF cuts both ways. My quite white (technically 1/2 cauc, 1/4 aa, 1/4 jewish) daughter gets her hair messed with constantly. The inevitable tangles are annoying but no biggie. I am a diehard integrationist (went to school under busing, loved it) and think the best way forward is confrontation and plowing through it all, preferably laughing. It gets better...I hope?!

    P.S. I totally understand not finding any of the "Shit XX Say(s)" funny, but I think most of them come from a place of love, not hate.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Hello. New to all of this.

    I don't find the Funny or Die videos remotely humorous, but this was DEAD ON and HILARIOUS.

    If you were made uncomfortable by this, it's for a good reason. Recognize. Beeyotches! ;-)

  67. Actually it is funny because some of it is true. In my experience as a black woman who is well traveled, I can say that most of the time the comments and requests to touch hair (like a petting zoo) are out of curiosity.

    What seems more racist to me are those people who complain about the roles being reversed. Have you heard what the white Republican Presidential candidates are saying about black people? I'm sure you don't think about that being offensive, right? But they aren't getting called out, so move on.

    this was parody and humor. Some people will get it, some people will not. Move on.

  68. I did have to LOL when I clicked the link (which I don't find hilarious but diff'rent strokes) and this video was at the top with an endorsement..."

    Racism is not a joke. It is real. Ask anyone who has experienced it firsthand.

    That site isn't funny. That's MY main complaint.

  69. I must be getting OLD the was not funny and I'm black...I was hoping to crack up:-(FAIL

  70. "Fail"? That sounds more like "Shit hipster douchebags say"

  71. I have to agree with you Elvira!

    (& I certainly don't mean laughing at the big stuff...burning cross, institutional/school to prison pipeline sort of issues...)

  72. Anonymous8:40 PM

    This is dead on and the reason why I can't stand girls 12-28 years old. Most of them sound exactly this idiotic. Love it!

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Elvira, I don't think the racist questions are funny, but I do think the racists getting schooled is funny.

  75. could someone please hire that girl to do something, anything, as she is awesome and can act the black pants of nearly everyone, kthxby x

  76. Yes, someone should hire that girl! It was funny, and even funnier to me because it sounds like my Uncle who is 85! I love him but the things he says makes me want to crawl under a rug. I can actually feel my face flush when he says these things. He's old, he has parkinsons, he's old and there is just nothing I can do. He's not going to stop. He acts like he means well but I think otherwise. He insists on calling black folks "coloreds", insists he is not racist, has black friends, it's just really bad. I'll be happy when the day comes that we can all be just people, not defined by our race or color of our skin. And, yes, as someone else mentioned, people are so hateful towards Obama just because of race. I thought I would see this change in my lifetime. Good thing I'm going to live to 140!

  77. So, LTG, what exactly are the Republican candidates (which ones?) supposedly saying that's racist?

  78. I like this reply:

  79. I thought this was hilarious!! I couldn't for the life of me figure out why the original Shit Girls Say was supposed to be so funny (except for "twinsies"), & thought Shit Black Girls Say was only marginally funnier. THIS video, though, cracks me up. So so awesome :)

  80. @ obviously don't get are WHITE.helloooo...95% of Black women DO get it..that's what makes it so funny. Also, the comments YOU say you hear are ignorant and do not make sense. But they are your friends making the comments, and water does seek it's own go figure.

    Ditto to Voice of...Sherry, Sadie, Tempetstuous, Vicki and aren't Black and have never heard these it's an inside joke that OUTSIDERS won't get. No need to be so u know how it feels to be WHITE and excluded. Welcome to the club!!

    LOVED this video.



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